Thinking of quitting tobacco

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  • SnuserSnuffer
    • Jul 2012
    • 211

    Thinking of quitting tobacco

    Ive had a 10 year career with tobacco.
    Smoking most of those years and snusing almost exclusively the past year.

    I guess im just getting to the point I dont want the habit anymore.

    Its going to be tough. Smoking/snus calms me down..

    Part of me says its no different than caffeine, and man up and just deal with it.

    But I think there is a time in every tobacco user where a break is needed.

    I have a half pack of cigs and almost 3 cans of general snus, then im taking a break.

    Ill probably just run alot.

    Here goes nothing. Im just thinking snus is stressing me out for some reason and its tough to go back to smoking because i get sick of smoking.

    I know snus is a stimulant, and yes I like it, but itd be nice to not "need" it anymore.

    I think its tougher with snus because it seems so harmless.

    I would like to try just snusing more like caffeine, like having a few a day, but for some reason I snus constantly.
    To snus or not to snus. That is not the question
  • Faylool
    • Dec 2012
    • 496

    I've been mostly tobacco free most my life. I'm 60. But id return to it. Then chewed Nicorette for 10 years. To quit Nicorette I started vaping and snus and snuf. You know the T cell thing? Something about if you have just one it triggers the memory of the T cell. Maybe it's a wife's tale but it's sure true it triggers the addiction. It's interesting how each person has a level of addiction too. Some people never go more than a pack a day of digs and others are two packers or even three! I cannot imagine three packs a day. I cannot imagine snus in my mouth all day every day either. I was good a quitting but staying quit was my problem. For me reducing by one nic event each day until zero was the easiest. I would actually keep track....not usual for me that tracking of things but I really wanted to succeed. I also spend money! Talk! Eat! Fume! Loose focus terribly the first two days. Don't drive! Ha ha anyway. At least if you're a off the stuff you won't have to worry about running out! Good luck


    • Ansel
      • Feb 2011
      • 3696

      brother, i think this forum may help you:


      • OregonNative
        • Aug 2009
        • 647

        I took a break for about a year (while living abroad), and I don't regret the break one bit. It was a nice change to be tobacco/nicotine free for a year, even though I ultimately decided to come back to snus.


        • Ainkor
          • Sep 2008
          • 1144

          I see how it is. Just go ahead and quit then. Think about all the little kids that will go hungry and won't have health care because YOU stopped paying your proper tax. You should be ashamed of yourself.

          -Brought to you by the Affordable Health Care Act Funding Team

          Just to make sure there isn't any confusion, that was a joke lol. Good for ya!


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            Originally posted by Ansel
            brother, i think this forum may help you:



            • squeezyjohn
              • Jan 2008
              • 2497

              My personal take on the SnusserSnuffer's OP is that I completely agree with all the sentiments wholeheartedly.

              Well done on making a difficult decision - I am sure you will be happier for having made it!

              We non-swedish snusers have (apart from a few exceptions) all come from a background of far more damaging methods of taking nicotine as a drug ... and frankly nicotine is a very boring drug habit to service on a day to day basis and the sentiment to want to be free of that is very commendable and noble.

              Luckily the rest of us snusers walk the tightrope between serious tobacco pleasure and the almost risk-free pharmaceutical nicotine ... we've ramped down the dangers of long term ill-health to the lowest risk factor we can achieve before we lose touch with the plant that makes the chemical altogether.

              I wish you all the best in your endeavour to rid yourself of a tiresome habit ... I'm sure that is you succeed that it will change your health for the better and also your mental health and confidence will get a boost from not being dependent on an external product for daily satisfaction.

              But please stay here if you can and let us know how you are getting on from time to time. A post from a non-tobacco or nicotine user here could be invaluable for the balance of the forum.



              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


              • NatashaKellway
                New Member
                • Jul 2013
                • 5

                I'm thinking to leave smoking but i'm just addicted to this, i have weak lungs because of asthma now a days i'm living in aged home because i need some medical services all the time. I wanted to know is there any product which helps me to quitting tobacco? I think it is the best time for me to leave all these things.

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                Phone : +61 1300 765 051


                Providing community aged care supported living housing in Toowoomba, the Glenvale Villas are the perfect option for your loved ones, if they need a little extra help with daily living.


                • Burnsey
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 2572

                  As mentioned in Natasha's thread, moving from cigs to snus is not that hard. Giving up nicotine completely sounds impossible to me, but others may have more willpower. I wonder how simple reduction over a long period of time might work. My long (very) term strategy to become N free is to roll my own, making smaller and smaller portions so less N is delivered, but the oral effect of the habit can be continuous for a while.


                  • SnuserSnuffer
                    • Jul 2012
                    • 211


                    Thx for the posts guys.

                    I still havent quit. Im stuck with snus.

                    I belong in the uncommon forum.


                    Anyways, whatever thanks to the people who replied that cared. I just couldnt do it..
                    To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                    • SnuserSnuffer
                      • Jul 2012
                      • 211

                      I was raised by a psychologist. Ive learned to be open about my problems even though that was weird growing up that way. I think most people dont do that.
                      To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                      • bpc720
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 188

                        I too thought giving up nicotine would be impossible. This week is my one month mark of being completely snus and tobacco free. I just got tired of always thinking about nicotine and trying to eat around portions and making sure I had enought and all that b.s. that goes along with addiction. If you really want to quit it will be easy. I snused for 3 years and smoked for 6 years before that. Quitting snus was easier than quitting smoking IMO. Best of luck to anyone who decides to quit.


                        • SnuserSnuffer
                          • Jul 2012
                          • 211


                          Thats great. Yeah ive cut back but there will probably be a time soon ill have to severly cut back.

                          Im kinda looking forward to it.

                          I see both sides. The addiction and also the pleasure.
                          To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                          • SnuserSnuffer
                            • Jul 2012
                            • 211

                            Well its going to happen. I have a few cigs and 40 snus pouches and Im not buying any more.
                            To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                            • GoVegan
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 5603

                              Good luck - we have all quit using nicotine a few hundred times before so we are with you.


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