Any ideas?

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  • alopezg1
    • Jul 2013
    • 722

    Any ideas?

    Hello everyone

    Just wanted some feedback on something. I have been exclusively on snus
    - as opposed to e-cig- for a about three days now. Initially i felt a bit nauseaous
    and hiccupy. That seemed to fade away and i started getting into the swing of things
    yesterday however i popped my third portion around 3 in the afternoon. I started noticing
    discomfort in my stomach shortly after; not nausea this time , but quite intense discomfort.
    Anyway this built and built and by the evening i had pretty bad stomach cramps and felt pretty crap.
    I tok this as a sign that maybe snus is not for me . I decided today i would give nicotine gum another go
    my stomach still felt a little sore . I took some gum and , and the symptoms returned ; intenese cramps
    and gas . I also now have a terrible headache. Maybe i am overdoing the nicotine? i was only a light smoker
    5-8 a day- but my snus use so far has been light ; the most i've taken of a day is 3. I don't get any stomach pain
    when i use the e-cig; but i really don't want to use it .... i just have a thing about not wanting to inhale anything
    anymore . I did just start on a new snus i got yesterday- offroad coola - but i don't think it was anything to do with
    the new snus , i started to feel these symptms on day 1, they just seem to have intensified.
    Anway , any thoughts would be most welcome , Thanks ,Alex
  • whalen
    • May 2009
    • 6593

    I think that when most people start using snus they do not place the snus far enough up and back to prevent excessive drip. Swallowing the drip is rough on the stomach. I suggest spitting any excess saliva drip at first until you get the hang of it. I hear this complaint often, and I think the novelty of snus causes too much saliva due to poking and positioning at first. I would never start with a strong snus, a white at 8mg would be best.
    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Originally posted by whalen
      I think that when most people start using snus they do not place the snus far enough up and back to prevent excessive drip. Swallowing the drip is rough on the stomach. I suggest spitting any excess saliva drip at first until you get the hang of it. I hear this complaint often, and I think the novelty of snus causes too much saliva due to poking and positioning at first. I would never start with a strong snus, a white at 8mg would be best.
      To add to what whalen might try mini whites as

      While you are at it you might do search for where to put a portion.......both here and on yuo tube........the closer to the front of the mouth (on the top row) the less drip.....above the top front teeth.....or just off to the side is best.......minis will help with this as you get use to it......also minis tend to have less nicotine......and are more discrete

      Anyway.....hope this helps
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • alopezg1
        • Jul 2013
        • 722

        Thanks guys , i will give that a go

        It says the offroad coola is normal strength- is this 8-9mg?
        it also says 8 nicotine per gram


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Remember for minis its 4mg per's only have 1/2g snus

          Unless you get a stark mini and they are 6-8mg per portion (equal to a regular portion but with mini convenience)
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • alopezg1
            • Jul 2013
            • 722


            tried again this morning : popped a offroad coola in right above my front teeth
            made sure to spit out all the juice. I had it in 20 minutes when is started to feel the cramps
            lots of painful gas followed and pain around my diaphragm. I was thinking it maybe
            something to do with the offroad brand? i hope so because i really want to switch over to snus
            but it looks like they may not agree with me . I have quite a sensitive stomach , maybe it's just not meant to be


            • Faylool
              • Dec 2012
              • 496

              Try snuff some day


              • Snusdog
                • Jun 2008
                • 6752

                Snuff is a really good idea and may work well for you.....check out the beginner's guide to will take a bit of getting used to but it may be exactly what you are looking for.........i know a lot of smokers have used it to is inexpensive........and really really good

                Good call fay

                In the thing to consider is that offroad and thunder are norwegian brands......which meansthey are made by a different process than Swedish brands........try a Swedish match regular strength brand.....Tre Anchors or Ettan......the Tre comes in minis
                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                • Skell18
                  • May 2012
                  • 7067

                  Originally posted by Snusdog
                  Snuff is a really good idea and may work well for you.....check out the beginner's guide to will take a bit of getting used to but it may be exactly what you are looking for.........i know a lot of smokers have used it to is inexpensive........and really really good

                  Good call fay

                  In the thing to consider is that offroad and thunder are norwegian brands......which meansthey are made by a different process than Swedish brands........try a Swedish match regular strength brand.....Tre Anchors or Ettan......the Tre comes in minis
                  V2 is Danish not Norwegian

                  I had the same issue with offroad coola and thunder coola, I think its something thats in the flavouring that doesn't agree with me, the old oden's extreme 59 had the same effect, it triggered my IBS which is never a good thing! Also indigestion is not uncommon when you first start out with snus.

                  Try a different brand or flavour and see if it still happens. Also just ride it out until you get used to it, I got over it quite quickly.


                  • Snusdog
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 6752

                    Originally posted by Skell18
                    V2 is Danish not Norwegian
                    Damn are exactly right.........I wont try to blame my error on the fact that I was reading a Norwegian philosopher (Herman Cappelen) right before posting.........let's just chalk it up to America's propensity for geography........and bourbon

                    But in my defense.......neither Demark or Norway are in South in the end........... it's all the same
                    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                    • phantom
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 523

                      Try not to use it on an empty stomach until you get used it also that may help.


                      • Paco
                        • Dec 2012
                        • 396

                        You have gotten REALLY good advice from the posts above but I'll try to add to it from my experiences. First DO NOT go back on nicotine gum or lozenges. I was on lozenges for 3 1/2 years and did a ton of damage to my stomach and also screwed up a few of my molars pretty good. The dentist said the teeth problems were 100% due to the lozenges and although I never saw a doctor about the horrible stomach pains they completely disappeared when I switched to snus. I started with minis at 4mg and also noticed hiccups and some stomach discomfort but was completely different then what I had with the lozenges. Offroad coola was also one of my first flavors (I bought a few full size portion flavors with my minis) and to be frank its straight garbage. It gave me gas as well and made my stomach feel "strange". Each flavor and brand has different characteristics and I wouldn't rule out snus simply because one made you sick. Go with general mini mint or mint, I have never had problems with that also stick to whites and not to far back as most have said but for me not to far in front either as that made my portions juice a lot to just because of the way I had to hold it in my mouth. In conclusion ditch the offroad coola and pick up some white flavors that are somewhat mellow also I would stay away from general original for a while as the smoke flavor upsets a lot of people stomachs. Hard to recommend exactly what portion as everyone's tastes are different.


                        • alopezg1
                          • Jul 2013
                          • 722


                          thanks everyone for the advice. Skell , it's good to know that others
                          have experienced similar difficulties. I thought i had ibs for a while , was pretty sure of it
                          but i was put on some medication for an unrelated problem and it cleared up pretty quick
                          which was pleasent suprise. I do definitley have a sensitive stomach though . I have ordered some minis
                          -northerner liqourice and lemon and another northerner one - they are 3mg and 6 mg respectively.
                          Have got rid of the offroad coola; an old order of odens cinnamon i think and old ving fudge arrives today
                          so i will try those out. The offroad wintergreen i have seems to be easier on my gut for some reason
                          it doesn't normally start to panick until the third portion . Thanks again everyone


                          • Paco
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 396

                            Just one more thing you're ordering some snus that most of us wouldn't use unless it was given to us for free and in some cases not even then. I'm not including Oden's or Olde Ving in that but any of the offroads and the Tillce (northerner brand) to most of us is disgusting. I'm not telling you what to buy just trying to give friendly advice as to what most of us consider good snus. You can't go wrong with most GN (Odens, Olde Ving) products and Swedish Match (General, Nick and Johnny, etc etc etc) but with V2 there is a pretty big difference in quality between Offroad and Thunder and to me the Northerner brands don't even taste like snus. Hope this helps.


                            • alopezg1
                              • Jul 2013
                              • 722

                              thanks Paco

                              i suppose it would of made sense to do some investigation first of all
                              in the forum as to what was a good snus. Ho hum, you live and learn
                              thanks for all the help


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