Hello everyone
Just wanted some feedback on something. I have been exclusively on snus
- as opposed to e-cig- for a about three days now. Initially i felt a bit nauseaous
and hiccupy. That seemed to fade away and i started getting into the swing of things
yesterday however i popped my third portion around 3 in the afternoon. I started noticing
discomfort in my stomach shortly after; not nausea this time , but quite intense discomfort.
Anyway this built and built and by the evening i had pretty bad stomach cramps and felt pretty crap.
I tok this as a sign that maybe snus is not for me . I decided today i would give nicotine gum another go
my stomach still felt a little sore . I took some gum and , and the symptoms returned ; intenese cramps
and gas . I also now have a terrible headache. Maybe i am overdoing the nicotine? i was only a light smoker
5-8 a day- but my snus use so far has been light ; the most i've taken of a day is 3. I don't get any stomach pain
when i use the e-cig; but i really don't want to use it .... i just have a thing about not wanting to inhale anything
anymore . I did just start on a new snus i got yesterday- offroad coola - but i don't think it was anything to do with
the new snus , i started to feel these symptms on day 1, they just seem to have intensified.
Anway , any thoughts would be most welcome , Thanks ,Alex
Just wanted some feedback on something. I have been exclusively on snus
- as opposed to e-cig- for a about three days now. Initially i felt a bit nauseaous
and hiccupy. That seemed to fade away and i started getting into the swing of things
yesterday however i popped my third portion around 3 in the afternoon. I started noticing
discomfort in my stomach shortly after; not nausea this time , but quite intense discomfort.
Anyway this built and built and by the evening i had pretty bad stomach cramps and felt pretty crap.
I tok this as a sign that maybe snus is not for me . I decided today i would give nicotine gum another go
my stomach still felt a little sore . I took some gum and , and the symptoms returned ; intenese cramps
and gas . I also now have a terrible headache. Maybe i am overdoing the nicotine? i was only a light smoker
5-8 a day- but my snus use so far has been light ; the most i've taken of a day is 3. I don't get any stomach pain
when i use the e-cig; but i really don't want to use it .... i just have a thing about not wanting to inhale anything
anymore . I did just start on a new snus i got yesterday- offroad coola - but i don't think it was anything to do with
the new snus , i started to feel these symptms on day 1, they just seem to have intensified.
Anway , any thoughts would be most welcome , Thanks ,Alex