In regards to the questions about cancer and water bottles.
There are two chemicals that are in plastic that make it durable (flexible) that have been strongly linked to carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. Those chemicals go by the names BPA (bisphenol A), and Phthalates.
Mind you I am no cancer expert, but I am always looking for information that seems to hold enough truth to make positive changes in the health of my family.
About two years ago Sheryl Crow made a public statement about her personal belief that plastic water bottles contributed to her breast cancer. At the time I took note, but I have never really cared what Sheryl Crow thought. More recently spent an hour listening to an interview on NPR with a cancer researcher, and he strongly recomeded avoiding the above mentioned chemicals. Just two moths ago a close friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. This came as a surprise because she was young, very healthy, ate extremely healthfully, and had no family history of breast cancer. She did however reuse water bottles for dozens of uses each. Her doctor cited the bottles as the most significant factor in causing her cancer.
For me that was enough. There are alternatives out there, (glass, from Fuzze and other companies) and Camelbak just released a bottle that is specifically free from these chemicals. This bottle is what we mostly use in my family and I like it.
Odd side note. I love the Camelbak concept, but no mater what I did the backpacks would always eventually cause intestinal distress. I cleaned, bleached, froze, but if anything, the problem got worse. I had heard that the military was also complaining about similar problems. Since I have switched to the new bottles, no problems. MAYBE my body was reacting to some of the chemicals?
I'm Ron Burgundy?
There are two chemicals that are in plastic that make it durable (flexible) that have been strongly linked to carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. Those chemicals go by the names BPA (bisphenol A), and Phthalates.
Mind you I am no cancer expert, but I am always looking for information that seems to hold enough truth to make positive changes in the health of my family.
About two years ago Sheryl Crow made a public statement about her personal belief that plastic water bottles contributed to her breast cancer. At the time I took note, but I have never really cared what Sheryl Crow thought. More recently spent an hour listening to an interview on NPR with a cancer researcher, and he strongly recomeded avoiding the above mentioned chemicals. Just two moths ago a close friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. This came as a surprise because she was young, very healthy, ate extremely healthfully, and had no family history of breast cancer. She did however reuse water bottles for dozens of uses each. Her doctor cited the bottles as the most significant factor in causing her cancer.
For me that was enough. There are alternatives out there, (glass, from Fuzze and other companies) and Camelbak just released a bottle that is specifically free from these chemicals. This bottle is what we mostly use in my family and I like it.
Odd side note. I love the Camelbak concept, but no mater what I did the backpacks would always eventually cause intestinal distress. I cleaned, bleached, froze, but if anything, the problem got worse. I had heard that the military was also complaining about similar problems. Since I have switched to the new bottles, no problems. MAYBE my body was reacting to some of the chemicals?
I'm Ron Burgundy?