Inspired a new "non smoker"!

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  • Chiliphil1
    • Sep 2013
    • 89

    Inspired a new "non smoker"!

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to share with you guys and gals another example of how great snus can be for people.

    I started with snus a little over a month ago, I had smoked a pack a day for about 15 years and was able to put down the cigarettes within the first week of snusing. I have not had a single cigarette in a month! I've wanted to quit for so long I can't even remember. I figured if I could do it, anyone could so I've tried to inspire as many people as I can to try snus and see if it will work for them.

    I got my wife, mother in law, and my father in law to try it, the ladies weren't crazy about it, but I'm gonna keep working with them. The one that took to it was my father in law, I started him on a general original which he said was ok, but he wasn't crazy about it however this past week he wanted to try again and asked me if he could have another, now since I have gotten my order from Sweden I asked, " what flavor would you like"? We determined he wanted something berry flavored, so I have him a rape no2 and he used it and a bit later he comes to me and says, can I buy that from you? I have him the can and informed him that the local store had general for when that was gone, he used the rape and bought a can of general also, he called to inform me that he has only smoked 7 cigarettes in the last week!

    After that, he asked me to order him some more snus and I just placed the order for his first Swedish shipment! I am glad that I got him to try it, he is a heart patient who was told to quit smoking or his years were numbered, like so many of us he tried the patch, the e cig, etc.. Nothing worked, but snus has finally gotten him off cigarettes!

    One funny thing that happened though was that he went to buy general and got a wintergreen, then he got lost in all the flavors at the gas station and ended up with something else! He called to say that the general was pretty good but the other stuff he got called "grizzly" wasn't very good! We proceeded to explain that he had bought dip and then explained the differences. I'm just happy to see snus helping others and I'm glad that I discovered it, it has made a huge difference in my life and now I get to pass that to others!

    Thought you guys might like to hear another success story.
  • Skell18
    • May 2012
    • 7067

    Woop woop, the power of snus


    • Ansel
      • Feb 2011
      • 3696

      well done mate


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        I do like to hear these stories. They're always great news. It's so easy to stop smoking with snus it's ridiculous.

        I just can't seem to convert anybody.


        • Skell18
          • May 2012
          • 7067

          Originally posted by Frosted View Post
          I do like to hear these stories. They're always great news. It's so easy to stop smoking with snus it's ridiculous.

          I just can't seem to convert anybody.
          I have converted 3 people, its the getting over the whole "oh you will get mouth cancer" bollocks. I tell them its a lie and better and easier to treat than lung cancer and you don't stink.


          • squeezyjohn
            • Jan 2008
            • 2497

            Congratulations Chillphil!

            I too can't convert anyone here in the UK - it seems like the whole idea of putting tobacco in your mouth at all is too alien for most people.

            It would need an advertising push - plus telling people the truth about the respective health risks of smoking and snus. Unfortunately - while we are in the EU - that will never happen ... and if we leave the EU ... it will still probably never happen but we'll lose a lot of great free-trading perks as well.

            And that's a shame.

            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


            • Chiliphil1
              • Sep 2013
              • 89

              I'm still having trouble with my wife, but she's trying. Her first was a general wintergreen that was a bit too strong flavor wise, she tried again today with a roda lackett, but she said it had a "Copenhagen" flavor which she didn't like, back to the drawing board I'm sure I've got something in the fridge that will work for her.


              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                You gave a new starter Wintergreen???? lmao.


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                  I do like to hear these stories. They're always great news. It's so easy to stop smoking with snus it's ridiculous.

                  I just can't seem to convert anybody.
                  They're referring to snus.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                    They're referring to snus.
                    Yes. It's in one of the sentences. Try reading.


                    • choligeetu
                      New Member
                      • Apr 2011
                      • 11

                      Congrats! The story is very impressive and gives us positive energy.


                      • Faylool
                        • Dec 2012
                        • 496

                        I was surprised to like Wintergreen because a lot of people seem to think its awful. Very surprised actually because I tend to Los brands that cost the most. So, ya never know!
                        Many new renter downstairs is wanting to quit smoking. Doing so seems dependent on having enough $. Rolling eyes. I guess people get so habituated to that $5 plus a pack they don't think they are spending. Huh?


                        • Darwin
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 1372

                          Fay I've noticed that phenomenon as well especially if one is on the lower end of the income spectrum. The "thinking" goes, "I need a pack of smokes and it's only going to cost me five bucks today so no biggie but one of them there newfangled electronic cigarette rigs is gonna cost me 30-40-50 bucks and that's way too expensive for my blood." It seems that the only way to break through this self-defeating psychological tendency is if one is very seriously motivated, for whatever reason, to quit smoking. Without that high level of motivation getting someone into vaping is frequently rather a tough sell. Snus is more attractive to the Marlboro man in this regard but not by a whole heck of a lot.


                          • crullers
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 663

                            Originally posted by Chiliphil1 View Post
                            I'm still having trouble with my wife, but she's trying. Her first was a general wintergreen that was a bit too strong flavor wise, she tried again today with a roda lackett, but she said it had a "Copenhagen" flavor which she didn't like, back to the drawing board I'm sure I've got something in the fridge that will work for her.
                            My wife quit smoking with Thunder Frosted minis. They are small and discreet and have enough nicotine to get over the cigarette cravings. If your wife likes spearmint they might be worth a try.


                            • Chiliphil1
                              • Sep 2013
                              • 89

                              Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                              You gave a new starter Wintergreen???? lmao.
                              That's the one she picked! I tried to warn her!


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