Vitamin D prevents lung cancer.

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Vitamin D prevents lung cancer.

    The results in the link below are quite astonishing. will not paste. Google vitamin D council lung cancer

    People who took 800 IU of vitD had a 63% decreased risk of getting lung cancer. Figures like that are shocking. That is a very small dosage of vit D

    At this time of year, every year I feel totally crap in every way. Putting two and two together I thought it must be to do with vitamin D deficiency. Ive done a lot of research recently and it seems that pretty much everybody in the Northern hemisphere is most certainly suffering from a vitamin d deficiency. Lack of vit d is associated with many health issues. If you eat well like I do youll get everything that you need through food.....except sunlight. Our milk in the UK is not fortified.

    Ive tried vit d with calcium, vit d2 in gel capsules and vit d3 in gel capsules but they all gave me the runs.
    Recently Ive been taking large doses of D3 in dry capsule form and have been feeling pretty darned good in quick order.

    The rda in the UK is about 500 IU I think. Im starting on 4,400 IU

    What do you think? Im interested.
    Last edited by Frosted; 01-02-14, 11:08 PM.
  • Snus6930
    • Dec 2012
    • 45

    Sounds interesting...

    I wouldnt mind taking vitamin D capsules to see how I feel. Because to be honest, especially in the winter, I feel sluggish and groggy a lot of the time.

    Though you speak of IU, I did a search and this is an old form of stating the dosage of vitamins. Are they written on the bottles in IU or MG? Did you get your vitamin D through places like holland and barret?

    Id really like to try this out frosted, keep us posted on how you're getting on!


    • crullers
      • Oct 2011
      • 663

      I've read and heard that vitamin D is pretty much the only vitamin that can be put into pills or capsules and deliver the goods - multivitamins are for the most part a rip-off. D is recommended for those that live in the far north to combat the depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as the "winter blues". So not only could it have physical benefits it has mental benefits as well.


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        Thanks for your input.

        Have a look on the internet at the seems you can really whack up the dose initially.

        I think 400 IU = 10 mcg.
        Gel capsules give me the runs so I'd advise Solgar vegetable capsules on amazon at 2,200 IU and see how you get on.

        For people that are deficient, doctors give 50,000 IU once a week for 6 months. I'm aiming to ramp it up to this initially.


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          If you eat properly don't bother with the added calcium or magnesium. We get all of those things from a normal diet except D.


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Originally posted by crullers View Post
            I've read and heard that vitamin D is pretty much the only vitamin that can be put into pills or capsules and deliver the goods - multivitamins are for the most part a rip-off. D is recommended for those that live in the far north to combat the depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as the "winter blues". So not only could it have physical benefits it has mental benefits as well.
            It has had a remarkable affect on my mood so far in that I'm feeling much more relaxed and at ease in my body and therefore mentally. I'll keep it up for a while to ensure it's not the placebo effect.


            • Snus6930
              • Dec 2012
              • 45

              I eat healthy and try to be healthy in general now im off the smokes and back on snus thanks to Snusline.

              Just ordered the Solgar Vitamin D3 capsules on amazon now, cheers for the post Frosted!


              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                Good luck. Let us know how you feel.


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  Originally posted by crullers View Post
                  I've read and heard that vitamin D is pretty much the only vitamin that can be put into pills or capsules and deliver the goods - multivitamins are for the most part a rip-off. D is recommended for those that live in the far north to combat the depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as the "winter blues". So not only could it have physical benefits it has mental benefits as well.
                  Vit D is actually a steroid seems to interact positively with all of our body, including the brain.
                  You know how good you feel after a day in the sun....that's how I feel right now. But....I'm staying cautious.


                  • Skell18
                    • May 2012
                    • 7067

                    Ever wondered why those who live in the med who smoke like chimneys live longer? Also don't take more than the RDA you just piss it out so it makes no difference.


                    • Skell18
                      • May 2012
                      • 7067

                      Best source of vit D is sunlight, so get outside and you will feel much better!!


                      • trebli
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 797

                        Be aware of melanoma. It's deadly unless treated promptly.


                        • Skell18
                          • May 2012
                          • 7067

                          Originally posted by trebli View Post
                          Be aware of melanoma. It's deadly unless treated promptly.
                          True, get the sun cream on, the vit D is synthesised regardless of what factor you have on, it's the UV rays that do the damage.


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            So its good to go outside and get some sun while you are having a smoke?


                            • Frosted
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 5798

                              Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
                              True, get the sun cream on, the vit D is synthesised regardless of what factor you have on, it's the UV rays that do the damage.
                              It isn't. Sunscreen completely blocks the UVB required to make D. The sun in winter is too weak to make vitamin D.


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