How to kill the psychological addiction/habit cravings ?!

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  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    bI firmly believe that you are addicted to more than just the nicotine in the cigs. I think I was. Snus doesn't provide the same chemical compounds that inhaling a burning gas from combusted tobacco. It gives the main one, but there's more than just nic in a cig and your body has to learn to live without it. It's very very hard to overcome the physical withdrawal. Obviously, it can be done and some can do it. It's got to be way easier with snus than going cold turkey. It takes a strong mind and perhaps other life influences to your mind sap up some of that energy so I get what the say about timing it. Maybe it just takes some longer than others to train their minds to overcome their physical addiction. Some people can't ever do it. Most can't.

    Na Zidrowie


    • oceter
      • Feb 2014
      • 88

      Thanks for na zdrowie . I found what you said when i tried e-cig... I dont want to think that some people cant live without psycho habit... It must be a metter of time. I know that tobacco in cigarettes contains alkaloids not just nicotine, but snus have it. Maybe some of them are changed after burning procces, or maybe there is something added in manufactury procces to **** me for money ... Maybe i need to survive this one day and look how it will go after few day ? But im tired of being angry and non smokers dont understand my moods, eeeh. Im still waiting for someone who know how to replace the habit . I hope my snus wont dry and loose flavour im frodge. It have to wait. I also found that night that the cigarette i smoked was bad tasting, like inhaling burning house, wood or something just pure toxic gas that we want to avoid
      Last edited by oceter; 13-02-14, 07:30 AM.


      • oceter
        • Feb 2014
        • 88

        Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
        bI firmly believe that you are addicted to more than just the nicotine in the cigs. I think I was. Snus doesn't provide the same chemical compounds that inhaling a burning gas from combusted tobacco. It gives the main one, but there's more than just nic in a cig and your body has to learn to live without it. It's very very hard to overcome the physical withdrawal. Obviously, it can be done and some can do it. It's got to be way easier with snus than going cold turkey. It takes a strong mind and perhaps other life influences to your mind sap up some of that energy so I get what the say about timing it. Maybe it just takes some longer than others to train their minds to overcome their physical addiction. Some people can't ever do it. Most can't.

        Na Zidrowie
        o had experience with it ? Maybe the solution is to snus but have a cigarette or two, body will receive less of the burning chemicala than before and it will be easier.


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          heck yeah. I had them here and there for the last ten years. maybe nine. then i just finally liked snus only. even if I stand outside with the smokers.


          • oceter
            • Feb 2014
            • 88

            Youre preparing me for 10 years hell...


            • dman21
              • Jul 2012
              • 1141

              I think I know part of your problem. I'm saying this having been to Poland. Cigarettes over there are damn good, hence making it harder to quit. If I lived in Poland, it'd be hard for me to quit too! Part of the reason I have an easy time not smoking is that cigarettes here in the US have so many chemicals and taste shittier. As of now, I maybe smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a day, the rest of the time, it's all snus and my e cig. Also, where do you get snus out of curiosity? I've heard snus is difficult to get in the EU.


              • oceter
                • Feb 2014
                • 88

                Originally posted by dman21 View Post
                I think I know part of your problem. I'm saying this having been to Poland. Cigarettes over there are damn good, hence making it harder to quit. If I lived in Poland, it'd be hard for me to quit too! Part of the reason I have an easy time not smoking is that cigarettes here in the US have so many chemicals and taste shittier. As of now, I maybe smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a day, the rest of the time, it's all snus and my e cig. Also, where do you get snus out of curiosity? I've heard snus is difficult to get in the EU.
                we had a polish web shop, registered in sweden. So its like im orderi g it for my own, the polish law only ban selling in Poland not using it or buying. So its weird that shops from other countries have been to send a package to "eu", because instead of that im in poland not just "eu"


                • dman21
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 1141

                  Well at least you lucked out!


                  • oceter
                    • Feb 2014
                    • 88

                    I ve madr some mistakes in writing sorry. I mean that the shop is still working and other countries dont wsnt to send it to Poland, cause of "EU" pfff...


                    • oceter
                      • Feb 2014
                      • 88

                      I am trying again and i feel tired now, so it makes me want o smoke ! Im starting to think that snus isnt my wat to quit, i feel like i need to chain it to not think about cigs, but it will be horrible to go with snus in mouth all day long.


                      • Sato
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 133

                        I suggest you chain snus instead of smoke if you can, it's definitely the lesser of two evils. Maybe put a cigarette in your lips and don't light it, just draw on it while you snus if you need an oral fixation. Or a lollipop as you said - when you start to notice how much better breathing is, it's worth it.


                        • oceter
                          • Feb 2014
                          • 88

                          Ahh... Better not cause i will definetlly light it i have really bad depression and as you may understand most of time im doing, nothing. So giving up cigarettes its too much worl for my brain, i have no good motivatiob or thing to focus in. Btw the first cigarette after day of snusing tasted strange, in the middle i feel as always. And of course i dont stopped to feel tired, its one of
                          My triggers and i just calm down a little cause i tricked my mind that smoking erease all bad feelings. I just listen too much to my body and interprate all bad feelings by not having smoke.


                          • NeonMouse
                            • Apr 2013
                            • 193

                            You could try other smokless products like american chew which a store in germany sells, it may keep your mind of things as you have to spit and ocassionally chew Or perhaps nasel snuff. All of which are still safer then smoking.

                            You could vape whole tobacco alkaloids which would probably still be safer then smoking.

                            Doing physical exersice like press ups and sit up helps when your tired and/or bored.

                            cold showers too will wake you up and are extreamly refreshing.


                            • oceter
                              • Feb 2014
                              • 88

                              Chew is illegal in Poland, and from what i ve heard its really not sade. I love nassal and i was snuffing some as ternager, but now my nose is becoming stufft after every use, especially the left side. And i cant find wta
                              In Poland. So ****** up yeah ? Better start excersising and find skmething
                              Then next trying to switch.


                              • NeonMouse
                                • Apr 2013
                                • 193

                                Ah that sucks.

                                Aparently 2 months of smoking does more damage then a lifetime of smokeless tobacco. Dont know how true it is.

                                Yer try doing loads of cardio, helps a lot. Dont give up hope


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