Accidentally swallowed portion while sleeping.

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  • kardinal
    New Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 11

    Accidentally swallowed portion while sleeping.

    I've been using snus for years, but I've never swallowed any.

    I had two portions of General Wintergreen in and dozed off this afternoon (around 4 hours ago). I woke up an hour later with the usual horrible taste in my mouth that comes with falling asleep with a portion in. But, the portions were nowhere to be found and there were no brown drool spots on the pillow cases. I don't know if I may have taken them out in a sleepy haze and just don't remember doing it or if I actually swallowed both of them (seems unlikely I'd swallow both and not wake up).

    I was just wondering, how potentially harmful is this? Up until now I feel ok. I fell asleep on a fairly empty stomach so if I did swallow them I would think I'd have started noticing something was wrong. Has anyone else accidentally swallowed snus?
  • piks101
    • Sep 2010
    • 691

    I doubt you swallowed them but no worries if you did. Trust me, your stomach acid will disintegrate those pouches in no time or you will just crap them out like a kernel of corn.


    • trebli
      • Mar 2010
      • 797

      Here is a Snuson thread about swallowing portions. The general consensus is that it causes little or no harm.


      • sandman1911
        • Jun 2009
        • 394

        I'm sorry, but it's fatal swallowing snus portions. Please package up all your snus and send it to me so it doesn't go to waste.

        Just wait until you fall asleep with loose snus in.


        • kardinal
          New Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 11

          Thanks for the replies. I still honestly don't know if I swallowed them or not. I'm so confused about what happened. I've accidentally fallen asleep with a portion or two in a fair number of times over the years and always woken up with it either on the pillow or still in place. I could see accidentally swallowing one, but two? On opposite sides of my mouth? Who knows.


          • kardinal
            New Member
            • Mar 2010
            • 11

            Originally posted by sandman1911 View Post
            I'm sorry, but it's fatal swallowing snus portions. Please package up all your snus and send it to me so it doesn't go to waste.

            Just wait until you fall asleep with loose snus in.
            Hah :P I've only tried loose snus a couple of times, but I didn't like it. It fell apart way too easily for my liking.


            • piks101
              • Sep 2010
              • 691

              Originally posted by kardinal View Post
              Thanks for the replies. I still honestly don't know if I swallowed them or not. I'm so confused about what happened. I've accidentally fallen asleep with a portion or two in a fair number of times over the years and always woken up with it either on the pillow or still in place. I could see accidentally swallowing one, but two? On opposite sides of my mouth? Who knows.
              I think you would feel/recall if you swallowed a snus much less two of them. I often eat with a portion in but not always. There are plenty of times that I didn't recall taking out the snus but when I was done with the meal I noticed I was snusless, so my thought is I either I swallowed the snus or took it out and didn't recall? I have a momentary oh sh*t moment then I think if I didn't feel it and I don't feel any discomfort then oh well time for a fresh one.
              Last edited by piks101; 14-03-14, 04:44 PM.


              • sharesnusinfo!
                • May 2008
                • 477

                ok and now you will die!

                Ha ha...


                • sirloot
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 2607

                  50% chance those portions are in your lungs if you snore anda:


                  • Skell18
                    • May 2012
                    • 7067

                    I swallow portions all the time, I always swallow lös when it breaks up, done me no harm so I wouldn't worry about. Only thing to worry about is the shits you will get from the wintergreen!


                    • snupy
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 575

                      I sleep every night with my myo portions w/coffee filters, but have never swallowed one.


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