Is it addiction ?

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  • oceter
    • Feb 2014
    • 88

    Is it addiction ?

    Ok, so after 2 months of snusing instead of smoking im starting to want to use less snus... I have mental problems and im going to see doc but i dont why i feel like that... so here is the story. At the beginning of the year i started having reaally big depression, and i stayed in home for 3 months. I started smoking pack a day and feel bad because of it so i wanted to give up. But because of anxiety and depression i had really no energy to survive cravings and i decided to start snusing. My habit addiction was killing me (sometimes more than pack a day i felt that im realy ****ing addicted) and my switch was hard... i could use more than half a can a day. One after another, i enjoyed that. But it was ok until the time... I try to do something for me to feel better, play drums, swim, ride a bike, longboard... usually it gives me energy and better mood. But one day my package of snus hasnt arrived on time and i smoked 3 packs in 3 days. My snus arrived aand From that time i feel all day sleepy and anxious, excercises dont help me i can feel normal only in the morning, during the day i become so much tired... And i dont know is it linked to my chain snusing (i feel like after throwing out pouch i get sleepy after 30 minutes) or to my mental problems. I usually take 8 mg, yesterday i felt normal for some minutes when i putted an 12-16 mg pris. Before that time, i used 8 mgs and i felt more normal. It will dissapear if i make more time intervals beetwen each portion (i try hour-two) for week or shorter maybe ? Maybe its only my new habit ? Help
  • TheBlackVomit
    • Nov 2013
    • 83

    Your body definitely needs a little bit of time to adjust to varying levels of nicotine. I have a similar background to you and went through some severe anxiety and depression issues a few months before I switched from cigarettes to snus. That was 3 years ago and I'm doing just fine now. You will adjust and be good too, just stick with it.


    • oceter
      • Feb 2014
      • 88

      Is it addiction ?

      I was used to 8mg but i need to use it really often. I try to make 1-2 hours intervals beetwen each portion. But i have thunder frosted and i make around 0.5 g pris and it works better (when i take bigger around 15 mg of nic im satisfy, but i still have so fast craving). I hope my body will adjust because it makes harder lot of things, for example excercising on drums, cant really focus.
      Last edited by oceter; 09-05-14, 08:21 PM.


      • oceter
        • Feb 2014
        • 88

        Ohh and i started having anxiety with using origibal portions, i think they rekease nic faster than whites, and it makes me rushed/nervous. But maybe its just placebo, cause im focusing on this too much. Thunder have different ph than other snuses so i hope it release it also fast, cause with it it dont makes ne that feeling


        • piks101
          • Sep 2010
          • 691

          Nic isn't a magic bullet. Sounds like you might have some overall health issues possibly hypothyroidism which might help explain the energy and mood swings. Check out the link below for more info.


          • oceter
            • Feb 2014
            • 88

            I just put 16 mg frosted and feel really ok with beer so should i stick to sterks ? In afraid of that, thinking that it wil happen again after some time with strongs


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              I'd say that the 8mg snus wasn't curbing any nicotine cravings you were having. So, on top of your anxiety or depression you were still suffering with withdrawals. The Thunder is much stronger and will probably satisfy your nicotine needs. I'd try it for a week and see how it goes. Good luck!


              • oceter
                • Feb 2014
                • 88

                Is it addiction ?

                Thunder is like 2 8mg


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  Originally posted by oceter View Post
                  Thunder is like 2 8mg
                  it's not "like" two IS :-) Thunder Ultra is even stronger, but you might want to use it with caution.


                  • oceter
                    • Feb 2014
                    • 88

                    Yeah i should... Today i only use thunder. And i noticed. With snus feel good, after about one hour withdrawal/sleepy comes. With cigarettes was easier, but i was smoking one, two every hour, three.


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      stick with it, you'll acclimate soon. My first few weeks to a month were weird, but ever since's been smooth sailing. Good luck!


                      • oceter
                        • Feb 2014
                        • 88

                        Is it addiction ?

                        I hope, because as i said, i started noticing it after three day break from snus (with 3 packa od cigs)... Before i was going good with half a can of 8 a day


                        • oceter
                          • Feb 2014
                          • 88

                          I try satisfy with onyx... I was taking 0.7-1.0 g of frosted but i found good solution for delaying next portion taking... Riding a longboard for 3 hours, so much energy and adrenaline + favourite tracks on mp3 (especially led zeppelin)


                          • oceter
                            • Feb 2014
                            • 88

                            Something is really wrong... i cant stand an hour without snus, its hell i cant live snusing all day every second. Before i was using normal portions and chain some, but i can go without it for 2 hours about. In the morning im extremely pissed, is this because nicotine calms me down and gives me energy (im sleepy when this feeling comes) or i should try to quit fast ? Its really bad situtaion need help, going see psychiatrist and try medications for anxious and depression but it will be ruined if i will get so strong cravings. Anyone have similiar problem ?!


                            • piks101
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 691

                              Then simply chain snus like many of us do and attend to your diet, exercise and any relaxation practices that appeal to you such as prayer, meditation, yoga, tai chi etc.. .


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