Ok, so after 2 months of snusing instead of smoking im starting to want to use less snus... I have mental problems and im going to see doc but i dont why i feel like that... so here is the story. At the beginning of the year i started having reaally big depression, and i stayed in home for 3 months. I started smoking pack a day and feel bad because of it so i wanted to give up. But because of anxiety and depression i had really no energy to survive cravings and i decided to start snusing. My habit addiction was killing me (sometimes more than pack a day i felt that im realy ****ing addicted) and my switch was hard... i could use more than half a can a day. One after another, i enjoyed that. But it was ok until the time... I try to do something for me to feel better, play drums, swim, ride a bike, longboard... usually it gives me energy and better mood. But one day my package of snus hasnt arrived on time and i smoked 3 packs in 3 days. My snus arrived aand From that time i feel all day sleepy and anxious, excercises dont help me i can feel normal only in the morning, during the day i become so much tired... And i dont know is it linked to my chain snusing (i feel like after throwing out pouch i get sleepy after 30 minutes) or to my mental problems. I usually take 8 mg, yesterday i felt normal for some minutes when i putted an 12-16 mg pris. Before that time, i used 8 mgs and i felt more normal. It will dissapear if i make more time intervals beetwen each portion (i try hour-two) for week or shorter maybe ? Maybe its only my new habit ? Help
