Pictures showing effects of snus (tooth lost)

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  • Belatorius
    • May 2014
    • 42

    Pictures showing effects of snus (tooth lost)

    We all know snus is better than smoking or American dip, but my question is, to the pictures saying you'll lose your teeth if you snus. They never say how much that person snus. When is too much and you see those effects? I feel like they either didnt take care of their teeth and or was an extreme user..
  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Here's a picture of snus related tooth loss I have compiled into a gallery for your viewing pleasure:


    • Belatorius
      • May 2014
      • 42

      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
      Here's a picture of snus related tooth loss I have compiled into a gallery for your viewing pleasure:
      oh wow


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Yes, as you can see the gallery is a bit empty at the moment.


        • squeezyjohn
          • Jan 2008
          • 2497

          Snus in conjunction with good oral hygiene is very unlikely to get to the stage where you are going to lose a tooth without you noticing a long time before ... The constant pressure of snus near the tooth-line can give a little gum recession - but in the 7 years I've been snusing I have none ... And I use a lot!

          The warnings on US labels are simply because the surgeon general lumps all smokeless oral tobacco together ... And some dip and chew DID cause tooth loss if used without good oral hygiene because it was loaded with sugar ... Stick with traditional Swedish snus and brush after every meal and you will have no more likelihood of tooth loss than if you are just eating regular food! In fact, the high pH of Swedish snus will reduce the chances of mouth bacteria multiplying and attacking the teeth as they thrive in a more acidic environment.

          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


          • piks101
            • Sep 2010
            • 691

            Originally posted by Belatorius View Post
            We all know snus is better than smoking or American dip, but my question is, to the pictures saying you'll lose your teeth if you snus. They never say how much that person snus. When is too much and you see those effects? I feel like they either didnt take care of their teeth and or was an extreme user..
            Propaganda son...just brush and floss at least twice a day and no worries imo.


            • alopezg1
              • Jul 2013
              • 722

              i did meet a swedish chap in New Zealand who had a little snus pocket in his gum, a little indentauion that the snus fitted snugly inside of . He was about my age - late twenties- and had been using snus since he was 13 or so. I am not worried about snus pockets . Emphysema , that's a worry


              • piks101
                • Sep 2010
                • 691

                Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
                Snus in conjunction with good oral hygiene is very unlikely to get to the stage where you are going to lose a tooth without you noticing a long time before ... The constant pressure of snus near the tooth-line can give a little gum recession - but in the 7 years I've been snusing I have none ... And I use a lot!

                The warnings on US labels are simply because the surgeon general lumps all smokeless oral tobacco together ... And some dip and chew DID cause tooth loss if used without good oral hygiene because it was loaded with sugar ... Stick with traditional Swedish snus and brush after every meal and you will have no more likelihood of tooth loss than if you are just eating regular food! In fact, the high pH of Swedish snus will reduce the chances of mouth bacteria multiplying and attacking the teeth as they thrive in a more acidic environment.
                True... many flavors also contain xylitol as well...

                Xylitol not only rids the mouth of sticky harmful bacteria, it actually promotes the growth of tooth-protective, non-acidic bacteria. Plaque bacteria use sucrose and carbohydrates from our diet to grow and multiply. They create sticky threads that allow them to attach to the tooth surface and each other to form thick layers and acids that damage teeth.

                When plaque bacteria absorb xylitol, they cannot multiply, produce acids, or stick to teeth. Using a snus that contains xylitol means less plaque will form on teeth, and eventually plaque bacteria may be undetectable in the mouth. Xylitol also raises mouth pH and encourages mineral-rich saliva to flow into the mouth. This can protect and remineralize teeth by repairing the deep layers of enamel.


                • alopezg1
                  • Jul 2013
                  • 722

                  i suppose its a bad idea to fall asleep with a big pris in , or to snus before you brush your teeth. It's a shame i do enjoy those psychedelic snus dreams!


                  • piks101
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 691

                    Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
                    i suppose its a bad idea to fall asleep with a big pris in , or to snus before you brush your teeth. It's a shame i do enjoy those psychedelic snus dreams!
                    TillCe's my man...those are my sleeping snus of choice....

                    My bedtime routine.. pull out current snus, brush teeth, rinse, insert TillCe purified portion, proceed to bed.
                    Last edited by piks101; 11-06-14, 06:08 AM.


                    • resnor
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 619

                      Sgregor is banned now? He just came back...what did I miss??


                      • piks101
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 691

                        Originally posted by resnor View Post
                        Sgregor is banned now? He just came back...what did I miss??
                        Apparently the pic above was thought to be the reason. I never got a chance to view ...bummer, now I am curious about that pic. Can someone PM it to me?


                        • squeezyjohn
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2497

                          He posted a pic which I think must have violated the new revised terms and conditions of the site ... or something else happened here that I didn't see.

                          If it was the former, I think a ban is very harsh punishment since he left us when such rude pictures were being posted all the time by quite a few people (dare I say it some mods too!). He wasn't here when all the rule changes happened ... and so had no idea that we didn't do that anymore. He had just come back here to say hi having apparently turned his life around from a bad place he was in when he left us. He had been in trouble for breaking the house rules before ... directed at me actually among others ... but even I think that given the circumstances a warning would have been entirely sufficient to sort the problem out.

                          He's been here twice today re-registered as sgreger2 and sgreger3 ... and he was simply asking why he was banned, had the rules changed?, and apologising. But both times his new accounts got banned and his threads deleted.

                          Given what I've seen - I'm pretty disappointed in the outcome.

                          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                          • Andy105
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 1393

                            I'd vote for a warning, under the circumstances, if rules were enforced differently before. ( I thought the pic was thought provoking)


                            • alopezg1
                              • Jul 2013
                              • 722

                              this is not cool man, not cool.


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