I have been snusing on and off for the past 3 years (with no snusing for periods of up to 5-6 months). I just want to see how many users here with 2+years of snusing experience. Any health problems because of snus?
How long have you been snusing?
7 years and 6 months here ... it does increase your nicotine intake - especially with starks ... but it is more healthy than smoking period.
If you need to keep an eye on anything - it's blood pressure - especially if you're on the stronger snus. If you know your body you will know when you're pushing the nic too hard.Squeezyjohn
Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
Coming up on I think 4 years now. Even coming from dip its an improvement. No dried out skin I have to peel off my bottom gums every morning, usable at work. I have started using an ecig recently but really just to eliminate my weird snus rituals like putting in a snus for 5 minutes to drive to work then throwing it out when I arrive before I put in a fresh one at my desk.