Marlboro and Camel snus were developed for two reasons:
1. The cigarette companies do not want their customers to switch to snus completely. Since the levels of nicotine are so low, they want their smokers to use both throughout the day. For example, they want smokers to use the snus while at work/church/school/airplanes, but to light up a cigarette when they are able to.
2. They want people to try the products and associate them with the Camel and Marlboro name. Since there are trace amounts of nicotine in the snus, it will slowly build an addiction to the drug. When these customers are fed up with craving nicotine all the time, the companies want them to switch over to their cigarettes.
That's a fairly insidious motivator on the part of the tobacco companies. As far as nicotine and camel snus, I can't see that being their motivation. I had no problem at all quitting cigs when I tried the camel snus. I made a clean break and survived on camel snus alone for about 2 weeks. Had no problem at all, if anything I was getting more nicotine than ever before LOL....
Since then I find my preference lies somewhere between the camel snus and traditional swedish varieties. I actually really like having a camel snus in along with a swedish variety.........
^^^ It won't be long before folks start mixing their own blends of los from the varieties that are out there... Could we soon see a gray market for blended teabag snus?! :shock:
That would be interesting, pull up at a gas station and so guy taps on your window and whips out a can of un-named portions
" what you want man, what you want? This here is good s*** and its going for the low-low. I gots that red viper flavor and blue whack-a-doo. Best stuff in town. Just 25 cents a pop man what do ya say."
That would be interesting, pull up at a gas station and so guy taps on your window and whips out a can of un-named portions
" what you want man, what you want? This here is good s*** and its going for the low-low. I gots that red viper flavor and blue whack-a-doo. Best stuff in town. Just 25 cents a pop man what do ya say."
Lol, good times.
LMAO, maybe I could score my snus-hit and then he could wipe down my windshield for an extra buck... :shock:
Here's some chemical facts about nicotine.
This article is from, and is a very neutral source that not only talk about the negative...