My health since switching to snus

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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    My health since switching to snus

    I have not smoked a cigarette in over a month and have used Swedish snus to aid in smoking cessation. Recently, my breathing has become a lot easier, especially during the night, when I used to wake up almost suffocating. Now, I no longer have to wake up at night to sit up and get wonderful oxygen into my lungs! As well, the charred soreness in my lungs has basically vanished! Back when I smoked, my lungs felt horrible during all hours of the day. My physical stamina has increased dramatically; I used to struggle on my three mile runs, now it's almost effortless. Last night, I was hanging out with my friends and I decided to hit the their hookah pipe a few times to see what smoking was like after being without it for so long. The second I inhaled the hookah, I coughed like mad! When I used to smoke cigarettes on a daily basis, I would take large hits of hookah and not be fulfilled. I think I coughed because the cilia in my lungs is beginning to regrow, so when I inhaled the hookah smoke and coughed, my body was telling me "get this poison out of me!". Anyways, I can only contribute my increased level of overall health to snus. Does anyone else have similar stories? I would like to hear from everyone!
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    For me, like every other time I quit, my sense of smell and taste dramatically improved.

    I haven't totally quit as of yet. One or two a day. Usually while driving as I can't bake, talk on my cell, play with the radio, have road rage, and drive at the same time.


    • madmartigan
      New Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 5


      This is my first post. I'm in a different boat here than a lot of people since I was originally a cigar smoker. Although its better for you than cigs since you don't inhale, I developed a cough that would not go away. Looking back it might have been due to allergies or something. Anyway, I found out about snus and switched about 2 months ago and my cough has completely gone away. Plus, if you get the right snus it tastes as good or better than cigar smoke. I can't imagine what a difference there must be coming off of years of smoking.


      • snusjus
        • Jun 2008
        • 2674

        Originally posted by bakerbarber
        For me, like every other time I quit, my sense of smell and taste dramatically improved.

        I haven't totally quit as of yet. One or two a day. Usually while driving as I can't bake, talk on my cell, play with the radio, have road rage, and drive at the same time.
        You seem like you're on the right track for complete cigarette cessation. I would recommend using strong portions while you drive in the car instead of smoking.


        • Grim
          • Jun 2008
          • 850

          I remember i made the decsion to quit smoking in August of 07.

          I did it by using American Snuff and it worked well.

          I remember i got drunk one night at a party at my friends house.

          They went out to smoke a cig and i asked if i could bum one.

          I inhaled and wow was it ruff. I coughed and it tasted like ass!!!! It was just nasty. That was the only time i slipped up.

          I still smoke something else from time to time but im done with tobacco. My lungs are extremely happy


          • bakerbarber
            • Jun 2008
            • 1947

            Yeah every pack is my "last" you know.

            I guess I always find a reason to buy just one more.

            When not using loose I use strong portions 90% of the time. I'm ready to ramp down.

            I know my smoking is just a habitual addiction at this point. It's almost a rebellious F.U. to every person that has ever told me to quit in the past. Like a dirty little secret that's mine alone. Since really when I am smoking I only do it when by myself.


            • cocsp2002
              • Jul 2008
              • 509

              I've only been snusing for about 8 weeks, but I had a cigarette or two in there, so I guess I really haven't quit. I hadn't had a cig in about 2 weeks and my wife brought home those Camel Crush cigarettes, so I smoked one just to try it. It tasted horrible, and then when you crush the filter, it tastes like menthorrible. No big, I guess, just keep snusing.

              Oh, and on the upside, my wife was a little tipsy the other night and wanted to have a cigarette, but the bugs were really bad that night (if you live in GA or maybe LA, you know what I mean) so she didn't want to go outside. Since we have a 1 year old, she knows she can't smoke indoors, so she asked me for a Jakobssen's IceFruit, and she loved it! She asked me to order her some Vertigo and Catch on my next order...hopefully I made a convert...


              • holnrew
                • Jul 2008
                • 613

                I quit (again) last saturday, making it stick this time though. I don't get the urge to do it unless I think about it, but then after thinking about it and remembering how bad it made my lungs feel and I really didn't enjoy the taste the urge goes away.


                • RobsanX
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 2030

                  Originally posted by holnrew
                  I quit (again) last saturday, making it stick this time though. I don't get the urge to do it unless I think about it, but then after thinking about it and remembering how bad it made my lungs feel and I really didn't enjoy the taste the urge goes away.
                  Exactly! When I think I'm craving a cig, I just imagine going through the motions, and my urge just disappears!


                  • airwoodstock
                    Banned Users
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 340

                    I quit almost 6 weeks ago with snus. I got aggrevated at work and got a smoke from one of my guys last week (to his suprise). I lit that thing up, took a big drag, coughed for, what seemed like, 5 minutes, threw the thing down and said "what the hell am I doing?".

                    I went from being pissed off at a situation to being pissed off at myself for letting a situation potentially unravel all the work I put into stopping. I went back in and almost fell from the nic rush. (forgot to take the fresh N&J portion out before the smoke :roll: )

                    I think that was payback from the Snus gods.


                    • ponysoprano
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 562

                      I started using Camel sawdustsnus to quit. For those guys that are trying, stay with it. I've been 100% smoke-free since the night of July 4th 2008. I think the key for me was small, frequent buysnus orders. It gave me a diversion and something new to try, something to look forward to when checking the mail instead of bills. I've mentioned my weird [for a 30 y/o] pulmonary problems, blood clots, pneumonia etc. So I may have had more impetus to quit than many. I'm a big/tall dude and I've lost weight actually from the increase in activity. I think I'm more nicotine dependent that I was as a pack a day smoker, because I use snus more in a day than I used to smoke, but I think that will change as I continue to weed out snus I don't like and settle on rolls of faves like Roda Lacket. And it came up in a recent post; the best thing about snus is not having to bum cigarettes to strangers and broke friends.


                      • anweis
                        • Aug 2006
                        • 70

                        no more acid reflux,
                        no more stomach pain,
                        better breathing,
                        better smell and taste, i actually find deer in the woods by tracking their smell, like when i was a kid,
                        and...have not had a cold or flu since i quit smoking, two and half years ago.


                        • TetraHydroCannabinol
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 15

                          Originally posted by ponysoprano
                          ... And it came up in a recent post; the best thing about snus is not having to bum cigarettes to strangers and broke friends.
                          Hell yeah!


                          • pingsc
                            New Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 6

                            so i quit smoking and then discovered snus later...since, i've definately felt better physically but not really 100%. that being said i recently ran out of snus and don't have access/can't afford to buy more immediately, and bought a pack of cigs to quiet the nic fits. i remember why i quit smoking to begin with. way, way rougher (felt a little nauseous) and did not particularly like the buzz from it, much harsher than the snus buzz. anyways moral of the story is don't go to a foreign country without first securing a line of supply unless you want to revert back to a much less pleasuable means of satisfying your substance addiction.


                            • pcguy
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 139

                              I have one problem child @ work who is now trying to bum the snus off me since he is apparantly too broke or stupid to handle ordering on the net. It's great for a laugh when he throws one in his lip and finds himself turning green and queazey.


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