4-6 Portions per day

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  • Polluted
    • Dec 2014
    • 120

    4-6 Portions per day

    After 3 months of snusing I've learned a little bit about my snusing personality.

    - I hate sweet snus.
    - if I continue the habit I will probably switch to slim portions to keep it off the gum line
    - I hate loose snus. It gets in between your gums is much harder on the gums and looks scary and nasty as you try to convince people it's a lesser evil in the tobacco world
    - White portions are my favorite, drip isn't harsh, appealing look, and enjoyable all around
    -4-6 Portions a day is the sweet spot. Any less and I may as well drop the habit, any more and it loses its magic. Buzz lessens (if not dissappears), gums get irritated, etc etc.

    It's been an interesting journey. I've got one more roll in my fridge and after that I'm kickin the habit while I volunteer in Guatemala. Snus is interesting, it has its place, but still not sure if I want it apart of my life. I worry about gum recession, fiance isn't thrilled about it, and it's an added expense that costs around $1-2 a day.

    Still it's not without benifits. It makes my morning cup of tea magical! I can't wait to get out of bed and throw in a portion while I relax and start my day. I work in a kitchen which can be very high stress and when a snus is leeching vitamin N into my system it definitely mellows you out. Meanwhile my Co workers are biting each other's head off waiting for their smoke break. And finally it's a constant. I have my keys, my wallet, my busted phone and a pack of snus. Like a trusted friend sitting in my pocket when I'm bored, stressed, or simply looking to pass the time giving me 30-45 min of "relief" while I go about my day.

    I guess I have to ask myself like I would any drug or medicine. Do the risks outweigh the benifits? Only time will tell
  • Belatorius
    • May 2014
    • 42

    I know how you feel. I try and limit the los snus to 30 minutes to be easy on my gums and less chance some one at work comments about it. But I would highly recommend trying los more. Maybe only at home treat. But about the benefits, are you an ex smoker? Dipper? Cause either way, snus is with out a doubt safer


    • nicotine

      I'm trying to cut down to around 8 portions a day. I have a bad habit of putting another snus one right after the other. I'm sure it's not healthy...


      • Burnsey
        • Jan 2013
        • 2572

        I'm keeping an eye on my portion count too......a day when I'm busy is probably 8 and day of just sitting around hits 12........I don't have any flavors that go bitter at the end, so some times I just forget to reload........


        • CoderGuy
          • Jul 2009
          • 2679

          I chain also, about 8-10 per day.


          • chuwey
            New Member
            • May 2015
            • 5

            Originally posted by Polluted View Post
            - I hate loose snus. It gets in between your gums is much harder on the gums and looks scary and nasty as you try to convince people it's a lesser evil in the tobacco world
            Sorry for the newbie question, but what is "loose snus"? Different than dip and chaw?

            Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
            I chain also, about 8-10 per day.
            Also, two have posted about the tendency to chain Snus. I have the same problem, I always have to have one in my mouth even if I really am not looking for any more nic. What's worked really well for me is buying a bunch of Onico white portion. It has no nicotine or tobacco in it, but does a really good job (IMO) of replicating the flavor of General Suns. So I mix in Onico portions throughout the day and have kept my real Snus to where I want it (3-5 portions/day for me).


            • codyg140
              • Jan 2013
              • 705

              Loose snus is snus that isn't in a portion. Get far more bang for your buck but it can be a bit messier when your starting out with it. I personally find it more comfortable then portions, but portions are just easier when your on the go or trying to be discreet. I should order some loose for on weekends, haven't used any in around a year


              • Snusdog
                • Jun 2008
                • 6752

                Originally posted by chuwey View Post
                Also, two have posted about the tendency to chain Snus. I have the same problem, I always have to have one in my mouth even if I really am not looking for any more nic. What's worked really well for me is buying a bunch of Onico white portion. It has no nicotine or tobacco in it, but does a really good job (IMO) of replicating the flavor of General Suns. So I mix in Onico portions throughout the day and have kept my real Snus to where I want it (3-5 portions/day for me).
                That is a good suggestion and might be a good way to regulate intake.

                as to your other question

                Los snus is this
                Click image for larger version

Name:	losdownload.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	6.6 KB
ID:	597690

                Chew is this

                Click image for larger version

Name:	chew download.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	4.7 KB
ID:	597691

                and Dip is this

                Click image for larger version

Name:	dip images.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	8.8 KB
ID:	597692

                Dip and snus are similar in appearance and uses. They differ in the way they are processed. Snus pasteurizes thus reducing TSNA while dip uses a flame curing method. Chew is longer leaf tobacco and is usually very sweet
                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                • chuwey
                  New Member
                  • May 2015
                  • 5

                  Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                  as to your other question

                  Los snus is this

                  Chew is this


                  and Dip is this


                  Dip and snus are similar in appearance and uses. They differ in the way they are processed. Snus pasteurizes thus reducing TSNA while dip uses a flame curing method. Chew is longer leaf tobacco and is usually very sweet
                  Haha, just realized a simple wikipedia search could have answered my question. I guess I just haven't encountered non-portion snus yet, though the loose type doesn't look appealing to me. Thanks Snusdog.


                  • CoderGuy
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2679

                    Originally posted by chuwey View Post
                    Sorry for the newbie question, but what is "loose snus"? Different than dip and chaw?

                    Also, two have posted about the tendency to chain Snus. I have the same problem, I always have to have one in my mouth even if I really am not looking for any more nic. What's worked really well for me is buying a bunch of Onico white portion. It has no nicotine or tobacco in it, but does a really good job (IMO) of replicating the flavor of General Suns. So I mix in Onico portions throughout the day and have kept my real Snus to where I want it (3-5 portions/day for me).
                    Agreed, that is a good suggestion. Where do you get Onico white portion from?


                    • chuwey
                      New Member
                      • May 2015
                      • 5

                      Originally posted by CoderGuy View Post
                      Agreed, that is a good suggestion. Where do you get Onico white portion from?
                      Am I allowed to post it? I certainly don't work for them or anything. Anyhow, if you google onico snus, you'll see a few options. I go with the one that lists prices in dollars, and I buy at least 10 cans at a time (you get a discount for that amount, and I usually buy multiple 10-can orders at once, because if I'm going to pay international shipping, I may as well stock up). I keep them in the fridge.


                      • codyg140
                        • Jan 2013
                        • 705

                        You can get a few different type of the tobacco/nicotine free snuses from northerner, including onico


                        • CoderGuy
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 2679

                          Originally posted by chuwey View Post
                          Am I allowed to post it? I certainly don't work for them or anything. Anyhow, if you google onico snus, you'll see a few options. I go with the one that lists prices in dollars, and I buy at least 10 cans at a time (you get a discount for that amount, and I usually buy multiple 10-can orders at once, because if I'm going to pay international shipping, I may as well stock up). I keep them in the fridge.
                          Will check it out.

                          Originally posted by codyg140 View Post
                          You can get a few different type of the tobacco/nicotine free snuses from northerner, including onico
                          No I can't, they don't ship here.


                          • codyg140
                            • Jan 2013
                            • 705

                            Awah? What kinda nazi state do you live in that you can't order tobacco/nicotine free snus?


                            • Andy105
                              • Nov 2013
                              • 1393

                              Originally posted by codyg140 View Post
                              Awah? What kinda nazi state do you live in that you can't order tobacco/nicotine free snus?
                              They probably can't get candy cigarettes or toy guns, either, in that state.
                              The only toy cars are Prius's. Poor kids.


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