Some questions now that Im back on snus..

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  • SnuserSnuffer
    • Jul 2012
    • 211

    Some questions now that Im back on snus..

    First off, Ive been smoking for 2.5 months. Used snus for three years before that and before I started smoking again was into the vaping.


    Smoking had its benefits. But there is no worse feeling in the world than quitting smoking. Its not too bad if you have another form of nicotine, but the chest gets real tight and sucks.

    Smoking I believe gave me anxiety.

    Anyways not hear to bitch. I like snus. Its just, I I have this weird thing with snus where it makes me feel like I need to walk.

    Im trying to use a bit of weed now maybe thatll relax it but why the heck does snus do this to me.

    I tried quitting tobacco and actually succeeded after 4 days but was using a ton of an anti anxiety drug.

    Im sorta just being an open book with all yall so please dont be an asshole.
    To snus or not to snus. That is not the question
  • codyg140
    • Jan 2013
    • 705

    Maybe too much of the vitamin N.

    nicotine is a stimulant so maybe having too much can cause it with you.

    With me if I chain snus extremes or ultras I get the physical feelings of a panic attack, so I stay the hell away from them


    • SnuserSnuffer
      • Jul 2012
      • 211

      I realized what it is.... finally.

      When I smoke I go outside to smoke. So I get up and walk outside and be in the air and look at the sky and all that... multiple times a day.

      When I snus I snus inside... then I get these urges to walk because idk.. for some reason thats the only way I "be outside"..

      Sucks but I just cant smoke right now. I may limit the caffeine maybe that is what is causing this reaction also.
      To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Make it a point to take a stroll...........that really might help

        A lot of anxiety is brought on by increasing our stress while decreasing the bodies natural outlet for that stress (exertion)..........meditation is flows and moves..........death is motionless and still/

        You might just be having a craving we seldom consider as a craving
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • codyg140
          • Jan 2013
          • 705

          Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
          Make it a point to take a stroll...........that really might help

          A lot of anxiety is brought on by increasing our stress while decreasing the bodies natural outlet for that stress (exertion)..........meditation is flows and moves..........death is motionless and still/

          You might just be having a craving we seldom consider as a craving
          yo dawg that's deep braw.... Like that's deep like where giant squids live


          • Burnsey
            • Jan 2013
            • 2572

            Originally posted by codyg140 View Post
            yo dawg that's deep braw.... Like that's deep like where giant squids live
            Ok, but it is sort of Pavlovian....for my part I take a bit of pleasure in watching those who have to go outside to enjoy their nic, and deep pleasure when it's those who think snus is gross and will say so as they hot-box a cig.....

            SnuserSnuffer - the Camel won't be enough to satisfy you but real snus will, good luck.......


            • psychicferret
              • Jan 2015
              • 418

              I always join smokers where ever i go, just to get away from those darn square non smokers/nicotine users...


              • SnuserSnuffer
                • Jul 2012
                • 211

                Im doin alright. Walkin is good newayz. Gonna try layin off caffeine stuff. Maybe some ganja. Hehe. Does ganja go good with snus I used to smoke cigs and a little ganja and those were good.
                To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                • SnuserSnuffer
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 211

                  Im back to doing both. I snus in morning and rlly enjoy it with a drink. Then I do walk, but this time thr i the snus out in beginning of walk because if I keep it in something in the snus makes me not able to control things ;/ Yeah I used 2.5 pouches but that was the nic hit I wanted. But Im smoking durin day then snusin at night. Whatever. Is ALL good.
                  To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                  • SnuserSnuffer
                    • Jul 2012
                    • 211

                    Oops spellcheck, meant to say I throw the snus out... in beginning of walk
                    To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


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