Withdrawals can make you agitated, nervous, or scattered. So it might be a contributing factor to what you are going through.
From your recent posts it seems you are working through some sort of a question you have (it may be as simple as should I use tobacco again? or there may be something more to it) I am not by any means trying to pry. It just seems like there is something on your mind.
Sometimes it helps to identify what the question or issue really is (to be able to say to yourself is a simple sentence "I am trying to figure out_______". That way you can weed out all the smaller issues and get to the heart of the problem.
Or I could have completely misread things. Regardless, we are hear to help in any way we can.
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Withdrawals can make you agitated, nervous, or scattered. So it might be a contributing factor to what you are going through.
From your recent posts it seems you are working through some sort of a question you have (it may be as simple as should I use tobacco again? or there may be something more to it) I am not by any means trying to pry. It just seems like there is something on your mind.
Sometimes it helps to identify what the question or issue really is (to be able to say to yourself is a simple sentence "I am trying to figure out_______". That way you can weed out all the smaller issues and get to the heart of the problem.
Or I could have completely misread things. Regardless, we are hear to help in any way we can.
Great advice SD.
But let me just add that many people have money problems today. Dear snusersnuffer if you have money problems I can certainly help you out. Gather any and all money you have and send it to me. I will bear that cross for you. Its the least I can do for a snusbro.
let me add that if you have gone a month without tobacco try and not use it again. The first month is the hardest when quitting tobacco. So it should get easier and easier to resist temptation. A bit of temporary agitation is well worth the benefits of not using tobacco. Hang in there
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I believed it was from a nootropic I was using. Great nootropic. However yeah.. but its so easy, so to speak, to blame the drinkin'... when inside u may have just hidden anger comin out.
(Wasnt drinkin)
Either way i have been smokin a few a day cant get cheap general doin alright threw away the nootropic.
I seem to get OCD from tobacco. I think it stems from a close relative that put a huge guilt trip on me. It was then that I basically stopped smoking and started snusing mainly and after a few months started getting OCD. My father has it and with snus I was staying in the house more so maybe it transferred to me.
I have no idea what I want. Right now I'm using cheap pipe tobacco thrown in my upper lip and I put some baking soda with it.
I don't want to smoke much at all.
I like vaping tho.
it's just with smoking I can like get out of the building and away from annoying "situations".
I have made this thread to take in all the anger of snuson I am making a great sacrifice and taking all the snus kingdoms anger into my thread so that...