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Sweden and Norway is in bitter conflict because of snuff.
Photo: Petter Åttingsberg © DR
Snus-war between Sweden and Norway
11. September. 2008 04.28 ordeal Opdat.: 11. September. 2008 06.43
Nordmænd and Swedes are smoked in totterne at each other because of a small, black lump - so much that the Nordic newspapers now describes the condition as "snuff-war". It writes Metroxpress.
Snuskrigen began when a study in the medical journal The Lancet, showed that the risk of getting cancer of the oesophagus and bugspytskirtel increased by 80 percent, taking snuff.
Sweden recommends snuff
It should be around 300,000 Norwegian snusere now saved from, believe the Norwegian authorities, which will warn against snuff.
In Sweden, as the only country excluded from the EU's ban on snus, recommends we take snuff, because it gives fewer cases of blackened lungs than smoking.
and a google translation
Sweden and Norway is in bitter conflict because of snuff.
Photo: Petter Åttingsberg © DR
Snus-war between Sweden and Norway
11. September. 2008 04.28 ordeal Opdat.: 11. September. 2008 06.43
Nordmænd and Swedes are smoked in totterne at each other because of a small, black lump - so much that the Nordic newspapers now describes the condition as "snuff-war". It writes Metroxpress.
Snuskrigen began when a study in the medical journal The Lancet, showed that the risk of getting cancer of the oesophagus and bugspytskirtel increased by 80 percent, taking snuff.
Sweden recommends snuff
It should be around 300,000 Norwegian snusere now saved from, believe the Norwegian authorities, which will warn against snuff.
In Sweden, as the only country excluded from the EU's ban on snus, recommends we take snuff, because it gives fewer cases of blackened lungs than smoking.