norway declares war

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  • smeden
    • Jun 2008
    • 28

    norway declares war

    link to national danish tv/radio

    and a google translation
    Sweden and Norway is in bitter conflict because of snuff.

    Photo: Petter Åttingsberg © DR

    Snus-war between Sweden and Norway
    11. September. 2008 04.28 ordeal Opdat.: 11. September. 2008 06.43
    Nordmænd and Swedes are smoked in totterne at each other because of a small, black lump - so much that the Nordic newspapers now describes the condition as "snuff-war". It writes Metroxpress.

    Snuskrigen began when a study in the medical journal The Lancet, showed that the risk of getting cancer of the oesophagus and bugspytskirtel increased by 80 percent, taking snuff.

    Sweden recommends snuff
    It should be around 300,000 Norwegian snusere now saved from, believe the Norwegian authorities, which will warn against snuff.

    In Sweden, as the only country excluded from the EU's ban on snus, recommends we take snuff, because it gives fewer cases of blackened lungs than smoking.
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Re: norway declares war

    Originally posted by smeden
    Snuskrigen began when a study in the medical journal The Lancet, showed that the risk of getting cancer of the oesophagus and bugspytskirtel increased by 80 percent, taking snuff.
    Only idiots could have begun this 'snuskrig'/snuswar, because every reasonable scientist would realise, that the 80% increased risk to get this extremely rare disease (approx. 40 cases in 100.000 non-tobacco-users) does not compare against the 50% chance to die from smoking.

    BTW, it's also statistically irrelevant. These 80% increased risk could also have to do with the fact, that all snusers in the study were construction workers, drinking cheap, nitrosamine-laden beer and/or handling dangerous chemicals all day, while the non-tobacco-users were taken from the general population. Even without this major flaw, an 80% increase would be statistically irrelevant or at least highly doubtable.

    Like real wars are never about religion, this 'war' certainly is not about health but shrinking cigarette-tax-revenues.

    smeden, I can't find a link to the original article in your post. I'd appreciate it since the google translation is terrible and also I understand Danish quite a bit.

    Found the website by myself:

    Nice article with a somehow positive view on snus, though I don't think, that anyone in Sweden (besides of the few harm-reduction advocates and the snus-producers, of course) really recommends snus.

    I Sverige, der som eneste land er undtaget fra EU's forbud mod snus, anbefaler man derimod snus, fordi det giver færre tilfælde af rygerlunger end rygning.
    It should say "anbefaler mange" (many recommend) instead of "anbefaler man" ((every) one recommends). I've seen too many anti-snus-propaganda coming from Sweden. Nonetheless, I like this kind of subtle 'pro-snus-propaganda' in a sea of anti-snus-misinformation.



    • toekuttr
      • Jul 2008
      • 197

      Statistics=propoganda. Every time I read or hear someone quoting them I know I'm dealing with either a fool or a liar, or both. Unfortunately many people are misled by them and don't realize how easy they are to manipulate.


      • cocsp2002
        • Jul 2008
        • 509

        That's absolutely true. I remember from a statistics class in college a discussion about how professional pollers can ask questions formulated in such a way so that they can make the outcome say whatever it is they're trying to support. Just goes to show you that information is just another product. If Group A is paying for the poll or study, guess whose product is going to come out on top?

        It's not that big a deal as long as you are intelligent enough to interpret the information you're given and can look at the issue from both sides.


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