Hi, I'm thinking of quitting snus because I've read several studies that confirm that nicotine reduces blood flow and therefore causes ED and impotence. It's frustrating because this is the ONLY reason I would ever want to quit, there's no other side effect that would make me want to quit. It would be much better if I had several reasons, but this is the only thing that made me even think of quitting.
Anyway, what are you guys' take on this? Does anyone know how much of an effect snus has on sexual performance? Most studies are done on cigs, but according to several places snus should have the same affects because it's still nicotine.
Something I have thought about is the fact that if snus has the same affect as cigs do then wouldn't Sweden have an ED epidemic? Over 10% of men use snus and 5-10% of men smoke, this means that we would have a very large amount of impotent men, right?
Is it really worth quitting for this? Whenever I put one in the thought of killing my penis always goes through my head.
Anyway, what are you guys' take on this? Does anyone know how much of an effect snus has on sexual performance? Most studies are done on cigs, but according to several places snus should have the same affects because it's still nicotine.
Something I have thought about is the fact that if snus has the same affect as cigs do then wouldn't Sweden have an ED epidemic? Over 10% of men use snus and 5-10% of men smoke, this means that we would have a very large amount of impotent men, right?
Is it really worth quitting for this? Whenever I put one in the thought of killing my penis always goes through my head.