Snus and mouth cancer

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  • ravekidd69
    • Aug 2015
    • 79

    Snus and mouth cancer

    Hello everyone, I have been an on an off snus user for about three years now. I recently quit smoking and dipping so now I've decided to strictly use snus. My interest for snus was sparked because I read articles and studies that said that snus had lower carcinogen levels than dip and that it didn't cause mouth cancer, but that it was linked to some pancreatic cancers but it was rare. So obviously snus was a safer choice than cigs or dip, which is packed full of bad stuff. I quit dipping and smoking because I didn't want cancer basically, and since snus doesn't cause cancer apparently, i decided it was the best option. However i started researching snus like the history of it all because I was curious and I stumbled upon more recent studies and some of them are saying that snus can cause mouth cancer just like any other tobacco product, even tho it has lower cancer causing agents. Also to top it off most if not all of the studies that said snus didn't cause mouth cancer was funded by Swedish match, well according to one study I just read that is. I'm just wondering yalls thought on the matter? Has anyone else read into the health risks? Does it cause the big C or what? I need to know!!! [emoji33] lol
  • Polluted
    • Dec 2014
    • 120

    Another person who won't let their addiction flaw their logic....I like you. General consensus is that yes snus is safer, but it isn't without its risk. You are placing a carcinogenic weed against your gums for extended periods of time. There is SOME risk involved, I don't care how many people here who claim it's as harmless as water.

    Swedish Match did fund much of the studies and ignore Dr Rodu claiming how great smokeless tobbacco is. His research as well was funded by the tobacco companies for heavens sake. Swedish snus has been liked to some cases of cancer, I remember reading a study of a 70 yr old man who developed cancer right at his snus location.

    But here's the good news. There are studies from non tobacco interests that have showed snus to be safER.....not 100% safe however. Even the American Cancer Society admits TSNA's are what help lead to cancer (and as we know snus has much lower amounts, however many dips and chews do as well these days). WebMD also has a great article on snus that admits it's connection to oral cancer is quite low!

    But be aware that yes, there is risk involved. I enjoy snus at this point in my life and don't abuse it, my oral hygiene has never been better in my life because snus has caused me to actually give a crap about minimizing damage to my health. While cancer may not be the biggest demon in the snus world (but yes still a possibility) snus is addictive and over use can lead to things like leukoplakia, gum recession, and some members on this forum claim snus helped them developed very bad periodontal disease.

    My advice to you if you keep down the snus path? Buy a water pik, floss, brush twice a day, visit your dentist ever 6 months of an update on your oral health and a cleaning at the very least (cleanings can be pretty cheap suprisingly and most dentists check your whole mouth for other issues like cancer and what not.

    In the world of tobacco snus is Definitly a lesser evil, and at least it's not heavily loaded with sugar like dip or chew which most certainly mess up your mouth if you don't watch your brushing. But be aware there is risk and don't let the addicts who wish to turn a blind eye mislead you.....I don't care if snus cancer risk is a slight risk or a great risk, there's a risk involved. Stick to portions as well if you wanna minimize damage and be sure to rotate the snus on both sides
    Last edited by Polluted; 06-10-15, 08:24 AM.


    • mattzq8sonoma
      • Sep 2014
      • 104

      Originally posted by Polluted View Post
      Another person who won't let their addiction flaw their logic....I like you. General consensus is that yes snus is safer, but it isn't without its risk. You are placing a carcinogenic weed against your gums for extended periods of time. There is SOME risk involved, I don't care how many people here who claim it's as harmless as water.

      Swedish Match did fund much of the studies and ignore Dr Rodu claiming how great smokeless tobbacco is. His research as well was funded by the tobacco companies for heavens sake. Swedish snus has been liked to some cases of cancer, I remember reading a study of a 70 yr old man who developed cancer right at his snus location.

      But here's the good news. There are studies from non tobacco interests that have showed snus to be safER.....not 100% safe however. Even the American Cancer Society admits TSNA's are what help lead to cancer (and as we know snus has much lower amounts, however many dips and chews do as well these days). WebMD also has a great article on snus that admits it's connection to oral cancer is quite low!

      But be aware that yes, there is risk involved. I enjoy snus at this point in my life and don't abuse it, my oral hygiene has never been better in my life because snus has caused me to actually give a crap about minimizing damage to my health. While cancer may not be the biggest demon in the snus world (but yes still a possibility) snus is addictive and over use can lead to things like leukoplakia, gum recession, and some members on this forum claim snus helped them developed very bad periodontal disease.

      My advice to you if you keep down the snus path? Buy a water pik, floss, brush twice a day, visit your dentist ever 6 months of an update on your oral health and a cleaning at the very least (cleanings can be pretty cheap suprisingly and most dentists check your whole mouth for other issues like cancer and what not.

      In the world of tobacco snus is Definitly a lesser evil, and at least it's not heavily loaded with sugar like dip or chew which most certainly mess up your mouth if you don't watch your brushing. But be aware there is risk and don't let the addicts who wish to turn a blind eye mislead you.....I don't care if snus cancer risk is a slight risk or a great risk, there's a risk involved. Stick to portions as well if you wanna minimize damage and be sure to rotate the snus on both sides
      I agree with Polluted 99.9%...the 0.1% is "and at least it's not heavily loaded with sugar like dip or chew which most certainly mess up your mouth if you don't watch your brushing." Dip doesn't have sugar in it at all. Very low sugar tobacco is used at the beginning, plus it's fermented so that the low amount of sugar that is present is used up by the microbials doing the fermentation, and then none is added at the end. The sweetness comes from artificial sweeteners...sodium saccharin, sucralose and/or acesulfame potassium. Chew has a ton of 20-30% so you're definitely right there.

      As for constituents in tobacco/tobacco products that can potentially cause cancer, Here's the FDA draft list for HPHC's (Hazardous and Potentially Hazardous Constituents) for tobacco products. A very large percentage of those on the list are related to SMOKEABLE TOBACCO ONLY because they are products of combustion. Others, like Aflatoxin B1 which is a mycotoxin, is from fungi. PAH's (anything that starts with "Benzo(" or Dibenzo( and a couple others on that list) are products of combustion as well, but also are present in fire-cured tobacco. Most snus (100% of SM brands) isn't made with fire-cured tobacco anymore purely because of these constituents. Some chew and all dip has fire-cured tobacco in it, so there is a level there of LESS risk for snus because it isn't used. There are heavy metals and radioactive isotopes on the list (Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic, Chromium, Nickel, Cobalt, Beryllium, Lead, Polonium, Uranium, etc) that the tobacco plants naturally uptake from the soil. So nobody uses tobacco from around Chernobyl or Japan, for obvious reasons. US grown tobacco is usually higher in heavy metals. As for TSNA's, all are created during curing or later in the process. Some are created also as a product of combustion of normally present TSNA's. Snus is lower in these because of the selection of tobacco types and tobacco curing styles, and because of the way it is processed later moving towards the finished product. Ethyl Carbamate can be formed in the can, by combining ethyl alcohol (additive) and uric acid/urea (normal tobacco constituent). Dip has a pretty high amount of Ethyl Alcohol added, snus has much less and in about 90% of SM brands there is NONE, simply for this reason.

      This is my personal opinion...but based on the above, snus is SAFER (albeit not 100% safe, just like anything) I'd even go as far as saying (FDA and TPSAC people wouldn't say it but I will) it poses "substantially less risk" than other tobacco because of the selection of tobacco and the way it's processed and the absence of certain additives that are present in other tobacco products. Nothing is 100% safe...sitting in your office cubicle isn't 100% safe because of multiple things, like the presence of aldehydes and other VOC's in the air (acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, benzene, acetone...all of which are on that list) that come from the processing or materials used in laminate flooring, carpet, paint, plastics, paper, etc. So honestly, your snus is probably safer than sitting inside your house, if we were able to look at those things 1:1. Of course there are a lot of other things that we do and ingest that contribute to cancer in combination with other things. Alcohol use, where we live (the air we breathe and water we drink and food we eat...think Erin Brokavich), processed foods we eat, chemicals we put on our skin, tobacco we use, etc IN COMBINATION with eachother...that's where your risk comes from. It's RARELY ever just 1 thing.


      • michellepena
        New Member
        • Dec 2016
        • 13

        Snus is one kind of tobacco and it has less harmful than others but we cannot say it does not have side effects and the most dangerous one is causing cancer especially mouth and nasopharynx cancer. Why we are likely to choose snus to replace tobacoo the most because they think it is much safer and still satisfy themselves with smoking desires. And there still have arguments between its pros and cons. There is some debate among public health researchers over the use of "safer" tobacco or nicotine delivery systems, generally dividing along two lines of thought. Some (primarily in the European Union and Canada) believe in "tobacco harm reduction", with the general belief that while it should remain a goal to reduce addiction to nicotine in the population as a whole, the reduction of harm to the health of those who choose to use nicotine is more pragmatic than the desire to reduce overall nicotine addiction. In other words, people using more harmful forms of tobacco (e.g., cigarettes) should be encouraged to switch to less harmful products (e.g., snus). The other school of thought is that no tobacco product should be promoted, and that attention should be placed instead on getting users to switch to nicotine replacement therapy or quit altogether.

        They’ve reduced their chances of cancer, they’re not risk-free, but they’ve drastically reduced their risk by switching to snus. Without snus, the argument goes, those people might still be smoking.
        Though if you overdose this guy, it can cause cancer as you and I mentioned before. However, to get rid of cancer or take chances to prevent it is possible for smokers who find it very hard to give up any kind of tobacco is using guava. This one is considered as the best treatment for cancer and diabetics. it the biggest storage of fiber, folic acid, vitamin A and C, potassium, copper, and manganese. Studies show that, a single guava fruit contains about four times the amount of vitamin C as an orange. Guava leaves are used for traditional medicine its leaves contain a number of beneficial substances, including antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids such as quercetin. Due to high quantities of the antioxidant lycopene, guava leaves can help fight cancer, especially breast, prostate, and oral cancers. Research reveals that guava extract helps inhibit the production of androgen, the male hormone that is responsible for promoting the growth of prostate cancer cells.
        In further information, Lycopene in guava, is also potential material resources nutrition than fiber. Lycopene is Karatenoid (major pigment in plants) found in the blood (0.5 moles per liter of blood) and also has anti-oxidant activity, 2706 cases of cancer of the oral cavity, acut ulcer, esophagus, stomach, colon and rectum, or the increased consumption of lycopene, guavas, especially red meat, and tasted nice to negligible impact on the body provides protection against certain types of cancers.
        So if you want to have treatment for this cancer, you should use guava even if its leaves. With leaves, you can boil it and drink instead of water. If you find it to give up smoking in short time, you can have this guy to support you, I mean snus and guava, they can reduce the risk and addiction of smoking


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Life causes cancer.

          Every day you live increases your risk of death
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • psychicferret
            • Jan 2015
            • 418

            Im not to bothered, my life is much improved from snus compared to the highly asthmatic smoker i used to be, inhailer in one hand a cig in the other, sure its not perfect but what is


            • michellepena
              New Member
              • Dec 2016
              • 13

              thank you, it is so useful

