The Case for Meat

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    The Case for Meat ^

    Have you heard the one about how you can tell someone is a vegan? Answer: Because they'll f****** tell you. Sounds about right. Meanwhile: why should you eat meat? Don't just answer with the obvious and self-evident truth: Because it really tastes great,especially grilled!

    Turns out eating meat may be essential for your mental health. From Women's Health Magazine (just to show there's no limit to Power Line's efforts to bring you all the important news you can use):

    Scary Mental Health Risks of Going Meatless

    By Jill Waldbieser

    More and more women are vegging out...of their minds. New research suggests that along with shedding pounds, slashing cancer risk, and boosting life expectancy, vegetarianism could come with lesser-known side effects: Panic attacks. OCD. Depression. . .

    It's tough to argue with the science and with a movement that's been endorsed by everyone from Gandhi to Beyonce. And it's natural to assume that peak mental health and a perpetually blissed-out attitude are just two more side effects of the glowing vegetarian lifestyle.

    So it was startling last year when Australian researchers revealed that vegetarians reported being less optimistic about the future than meat eaters. What's more, they were 18 percent more likely to report depression and 28 percent more likely to suffer panic attacks and anxiety. A separate German study backs this up, finding that vegetarians were 15 percent more prone to depressive conditions and twice as likely to suffer anxiety disorders.

    This explains a lot in my experience. Meanwhile, glad I'm planning my usual Saturday fare of grilled steak. And heart medicine red wine. You can't be too careful about your mental health.
    If you have any problems with my posts or signature

  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    no matter if you eat meat or can always.....

    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • taffyjock
      • Sep 2015
      • 121

      My argument to vegans is "if were not ment to eat meat why did evolution/god make it so tasty?" also Hitler was a vegan & look how he turned out.


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        It's pretty simple really ... meat always was a treat throughout most of history and pre-history ... only used on feast days and for the very rich and before that only eaten when you could expend enough energy to kill a beast by hunting with your bare hands!

        Our supermarkets are filled with bottom-line cheap low-quality meat now at huge expense to the quality of life the animals experience with modern intensive farming. I'm not surprised that people buy it for meals every day given how we have a built-in craving for tasty proteins ... but I'm also not surprised that it has health consequences.

        Since deciding to only buy top quality meat that has been reared organically on ethical farms from a local butcher the cost for me has gone through the roof meaning that I can only buy meat a couple of times a week ... but it tastes out of this world. I'm also much less wasteful with it since only deciding to buy the expensive stuff. So a large chicken costs £14 instead of £4 ... but it's had a happy life, and I get a roast chicken on Sunday, chicken soup on Monday, chicken pie on Tuesday and if I'm lucky a chicken salad on Wednesday. I can then afford some nice steak or fish on Friday and eat veggie on the other days.

        And then there's bacon ... always the bacon! It's almost proven that it will kill you ... but what is life without a little bit of bacon? Nothing!

        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
          And then there's bacon ... always the bacon! It's almost proven that it will kill you ... but what is life without a little bit of bacon? Nothing!
          Truth Brother Truth!
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • codyg140
            • Jan 2013
            • 705

            I feel bad for people who either have to pay out the wazoo for meat that's organic or buy the cheap stuff. That's why I couldn't live in a city. I like being able to catch fresh fish year round, shoot grouse in the fall and get a moose and have enough fresh/organic meat for the year.

            hell I can have 500 chickens on my property if I wanted.


            • squeezyjohn
              • Jan 2008
              • 2497

              I don't feel bad about it ... the price of food is at an artificially all-time low in the west. Meat should be expensive ... if you hunt and fish it yourself, you know how many hours it takes to get hold of and the skills needed ... how much is your time worth per hour? I certainly don't feel bad about saving up to pay the decent farmers and butchers for their time and skill for a great product!

              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


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