Go right ahead pcguy, I think many of us would probably agree with you. I mysef love my country, as I'm sure you do. But socially and governmentally things are out of wack just like everywhere else, but in a weirder, more paranoid way in the US. I was born here, I love the fact we're protected by certain laws and I appreciate our constitution, but yeah there's definitely an increased feeling of a big brother, pig-nanny state in the air since 9/11. Seattle is bad because all these people profess to be so socially liberal but there's lots of prudes and everyone's afraid of offending someone, so political correctness has gotten so bad that people often avoid eye contact and conversation all together. You should see how many "open minded" "friends" have wrinkled their noses at my snus use, or criticized me, saying "it's just as bad as smoking, those statistics can be manipulated" blah blah. On the flipside though, I've converted many true friends to snus or smokeless alternatives, and we're all feeling good enough to take on Big Brother.
Anti-snus doctors on blogger meddling in our affairs
snusjus nailed it! It's not that snus is harmful to people, it's harmful to medical/pharmaceutical companies!
Also, I apologize, you're right, some did come to this country to practice even crazier puritanical religions, but the whole point was we wanted to do what we thought was right for us, not what the government told us was ok. That was the point I tried to make...poorly.
Originally posted by cocsp2002snusjus nailed it! It's not that snus is harmful to people, it's harmful to medical/pharmaceutical companies!
Also, I apologize, you're right, some did come to this country to practice even crazier puritanical religions, but the whole point was we wanted to do what we thought was right for us, not what the government told us was ok. That was the point I tried to make...poorly.
I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way.... But being a 22 year old, childless adult, i was under the impression that it wasn't 100% my responsibility to "save the children of America from the tyranny of less harmful tobacco." I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna walk down main street handing cigarettes and snus to small children... but it just downright pisses me off to have to potentially quit using snus because there are some parents who aren't willing to take the time to educate their children. i mean, im glad that underage drinking, Cocaine, marijuana, and Crystal Meth are all banned, because wow.... wouldn't we have a problem if kids could get their hands on that stuff fairly easily... it's tough to say what could hap....oh.... wait.... they already do get their hands on it... well... in that case... lets just blame the movies, celebrities, music, and of course the government for not being strict enough.... and by no means will we blame the kid themselves... lol
my parents smoked when i was growing up, and they spent a hell of a lot of time educating me, but in the end, it's going to be that person's choice.
and pleeeaaaasssseee dont take any of that the wrong way, i was just in the mood for a little sarcasm and satire.
and on a side note, my first encounter with the shady dealings of tobacco and pharmaceuticals was Chantix... most Insurance companies will not pay the $100 for chantix... but they will pay the thousands of dollars to treat all the health problems from smoking..... because if you keep smoking, everybody makes money... but if you quit.... lol
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