Pondering Restarting My Snus Habit after 2.5 Years of Quitting

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  • riofenix
    New Member
    • Oct 2018
    • 1

    Pondering Restarting My Snus Habit after 2.5 Years of Quitting

    Hey, everyone. First post here. I poked around for a thread like this but couldn't find one, so I thought it'd be okay to start my own, even though this is my first post here.

    I was a smoker from age 16 to 27 when I switched to General portion. For six years, snus was great, but I finally quit in April of 2016 at the age of 33. Ever since, my health has taken something of a nose dive. I've heard of people quitting nicotine/smoking/whatever and then getting really sick afterward. I'm wondering if I'm one of those people that needs nicotine to live. Of course, this could all be a coincidence.

    I know there are a lot of health benefits to nicotine though. It protects the brain against things like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's for example.

    I ultimately walked away from snus in 2016 because I felt it was exacerbating my anxiety. I also thought it would improve my health if I quit. Unfortunately, the latter hasn't been the case although my anxiety has been mostly under control since I stopped. My sleep schedule also quickly improved after quitting, so that was a nice benefit too.

    Recently, I emailed a leading scientist in the study of nicotine and tobacco, and he told me there were no studies that supported me going back to snus. He thinks this is a bad idea and that my health won't see the improvement I'm hoping for. I'm inclined to believe him since this scientist is a big supporter of Swedish snus as a great alternative to smoking.

    Anyway, I guess this is a long winded way of asking you guys if you've ever quit nicotine for an extended period of time (like 2+ years), had your health problems increase after quitting, and then eventually going back to nicotine, at which point, you saw some improvements to your health.

    Thanks for reading. :tears_of_joy:
  • psychicferret
    • Jan 2015
    • 418

    personally i think its probably a bad idea to go back into an addiction if youve been clean for the length you have. i mean the benifits arent probably that great imo. but if you do decide to i guess you cant go wrong with snus or perhaps get some low nicorrette lozenges. may just be the monkey on your back rationalizing having nicotine again.

    Look at other factors first, diet, exercise(if possible, not always possible for everyone i know), cut out drinking has to be done if have nxiety or other mh problems. if not that then perhaps good ol big pharma can give you some pills to swollow to calm you down... or just take an extract of passionflower(best antianxiety herb i had found, peer studied have found its effective as some benzodiazapines.).


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