The mountain becomes a mole hill

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    The mountain becomes a mole hill

    Couldn't decide whicj topic to put this under, so I decided S&H would fit.

    For a LOOOOONG time now, I have been using Los exclusively. Not only have I just been using los, I have been using LOTS of it. I have been noted for calling my pris a "mountain" on numerous occasions.

    Well, over the last few days, it is like my body decided to tell me that it has had enough of the snus mountains. I wake up and pack in my usual massive wad of los and almost instantaneously, I get extremely tired and get what seems like a nicotine overdose headache. Unfortunately, it seems that I have lost all the body-normalizing effects from the nicotine.

    I started loading MUCH smaller "mole hills" so to speak, and the headaches went away.

    I just don't understand why the nicotine content that my body is accustomed to and craves became such an issue in what seems to be an overnight timeframe.

    A few days ago, I was using 2/3-3/4 of a can of los per day. Today, I have used three small (tiny compared to my usual) pris.

    The only change I have made is that I have been eating LOTS of sunflower seeds (shell on type) which are LOADED with salt. I have been eating these as a means to reduce my daily snus intake. Is it plausable to say that the heavily increased sodium intake has affected my blood pressure so greatly that it only takes a small bit of nicotine to drive me to headaches rather than enjoyment?
  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    Dam Mr. X. That sucks. It sounds like you have contacted the dreaded allergic reaction to snus. Its sad cuz the only cure is to stop useing snus altogether or your nuts will fall off.

    watches X grab his nuts in fear.

    Seriously, it sounds like nic overdose because of the headaches. The tiredness I'm not sure of. I don't understand why this has happened so quickly. Maybe there is someone here that knows. Good luck

    or maybe its natures way of telling you to cut back some.

    anyway I hope you can get this regulated again. we all know how you love your snus so.

    huh? what?
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      Nicotine is such a multifaceted drug. Many things can contribute to the changed experience for you.
      When nicotine makes me sleepy, it's mostly (not hard to guess due to a lack of sleep. I always eat 'tons' of salt, I love salt, but I never experienced any difference in the nicotine-impact. But everyone is different.

      Just wait a few days, if it normalizes again - and if not - just continue to use smaller pinches - and hell, I'm always saying this to the (few) people who think about quitting, if it turns out someday that don't need nicotine anymore, then it's not the end of the world. We nicotine-users are and always were in the minority anyways.

      BTW, I use big prillas of lössnus as a special treat, not more than 2 or three pinches per day, the rest is portions. I just don't think I could handle that much nicotine over a longer period of time.

      Overall, certainly no need to worry, I guess.



      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        I guess so. If nothing else, I stop going through so many cans


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          I get tired if I overdo strong snus. There's a fine line for me between getting the kick and going over to drowsy.

          I've had headaches too. Mostly from Gotesborg Prima Fint. I figured something in the flavors doesn't agree with me.

          The salt hypothesis may be true. Try no seeds for a couple days. I know if I'm without snus though I crave a salty snack.

          I have noticed that since barely smoking at all my nicotine dependence has tapered off substantially. I got some nasal snuff yesterday. I think I'm armed and ready to give up smokes for good now.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            Excess nicotine intake in the morning can cause either a headache or a buzz because your body has been going through nicotine withdrawal the whole entire time you were sleeping.


            • ponysoprano
              • Jul 2008
              • 562

              I thought I was unflappable when it came to nicotine until the other day I had a similar reaction. I felt compelled in the afternoon on a day off to bake a gigantic Probe pris, that didn't seem sufficient so I threw in 3 citrus Oliver Twists on the other side, still not satisfied, I snuffed a pretty decent amounth of Toque menthol up both nostrils; as I'd been doing ALL day. I had to spit out the pris from a nauseous feeling, shortly after that I ditched the OT's too. I figured lying down would help. Well, I woke up 3 hours later and it was totally dark outside! I think sometimes we're prone to overdoing it, especially if we've been desensitized to nicotine[or anything else] from years of use.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Offroad Liquorice really rocks me. I wrote about that yesterday. I had a tired feeling, and I bet if I threw in a half a pris more I'd have puked. I think the V2 tobaccos tend to have more nicotine than some of the other brands. My buddy at work has been ODd a couple of times on V2.

                As to why it was all of the sudden... Your body can go through changes, and I imagine sometimes those changes stick. I've found myself more sensitive to alcohol and nicotine on various days, but I'm back to normal fairly quickly. I could see a permanent change in tolerance though. That's great if it is. You'll save lots of money on snus :^)


                • RobsanX
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 2030

                  Originally posted by ponysoprano
                  I thought I was unflappable when it came to nicotine until the other day I had a similar reaction. I felt compelled in the afternoon on a day off to bake a gigantic Probe pris, that didn't seem sufficient so I threw in 3 citrus Oliver Twists on the other side, still not satisfied, I snuffed a pretty decent amounth of Toque menthol up both nostrils; as I'd been doing ALL day. I had to spit out the pris from a nauseous feeling, shortly after that I ditched the OT's too. I figured lying down would help. Well, I woke up 3 hours later and it was totally dark outside! I think sometimes we're prone to overdoing it, especially if we've been desensitized to nicotine[or anything else] from years of use.
                  When I get that feeling I usually spit everything out and look for another reason for the craving... 9 times out of 10 it's because I'm hungry (or maybe low blood sugar), or I'm tired and need a nap...


                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542

                    Yeah. I dunno what or why it has been happening the past few days.

                    I hardly used any snus today. Had a few small loads from my 5ml Icetool at work. Nothing at all after lunch. When I got home ny Northerner package was here, so I had one energy snus and was fine.

                    Ate some dinner and didnt have any more snus for a few more hours, and now I have one of my typical snus mountains in with no ill effects.




                    • RobME
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 387

                      just some friendly advice... you're not Superman. I used to think I was, but life woke me up a few years ago, to the fact that I wasn't. If you haven't discovered this yet... you're beginning to or, you will eventually.

                      In your pre-snus days, but after you became addicted to nicotine, and when you were only smoking; Did you chain smoke? Probably not. You (like most of us), probably only smoked when the nicotine called you.

                      But these days... at least from your posts here... you do chain-snus.

                      Every system will start to break down when it's overloaded.

                      Welcome to your new-found mortality!

                      Suggest you only snus when the nicotine calls you.

                      Most everything is OK in moderation.

                      This is all common sense, so enough shit from me... sorry to come-off so preachy.

                      Forest Gump said it best, SIASD... Get smart.



                      • Faethwur
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 34

                        Just a note, salt is EVERYWHERE, and you can get so much Sodium in a day so easily it's ridiculous. I just had a burrito from the convenience store and it had 80% of my daily requirement of Sodium. Not just that but anything you don't make yourself is sure to have lots of it and it can have very detrimental effects on health. My dad eats sunflower seeds like the cookie monster eats.... well you know =).

                        My recommendation is to cut down on them seeds, and salt in general and try something like a fruit or something, as bad as that sounds =P. Or just keep snussing lots! =) We only tell you these things because we care Xobe.


                        • cocsp2002
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 509

                          Have you considered that between large amounts of (admittedly salty) snus and (also salty) sunflower seeds that your headache and drowsiness are results of dehydration?

                          Dehydrating even 2% of your body weight (for you, I'm guessing 3-4 lbs.) can be literally devastating on your body's ability to function normally. If I remember right, you have a fairly physical job, and especially if you're working outdoors (in Georgia's well-noted sun), you're dehydrating at a phenomenal rate. I'm sure you've heard it before, but if you wait until you're thirsty to start drinking, you're already behind the power curve.

                          For someone your age, water should make up 55 to 60% of your body weight. If you lose even 1% of your weight in water before you start drinking, it's very hard to catch up to the water loss, much less get ahead.

                          I may be off base here, but I find that after a couple pris in the morning and a 20-32 oz cup of coffee, I have to pound water for a couple hours just to get back to normal. Of course my "job" forces me to run 10 or so miles a week and to do calisthenics 3 times a week, so I'm constantly being reminded to hydrate. I'd try some good, old fashioned H20 and see if you don't feel better. Just my 2c, though, take it or leave it.


                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            RobME: Yes, I smoked on average 1.5-2 packs a day from the age of 15 to 28. I started smoking at about 10 and was using roughly 1/2 pack/day by age 12 and it grew from there.

                            Other than that, I have had many long runs with other substances (of which I haven't used in quite some time). Some of those runs required active treatment to break :shock: .

                            Anyways. I am leaning towards the dehydration thing. I NEVER drink water, and with all the added salt intake I think that could very well have been the issue.

                            I actually drank a few glasses of water throughout the day yesterday (for no other reason than I was too lazy to go buy more soda) and the issue at hand stopped.

                            I started my day today with a Northerner energy portion along with a sniff of the snuff I made out of gotlands yellow. Now have a nice wad of Phantom Blue and have no trace of a headache.

                            Anyways, I appreciate all the thoughts/comments. It was definately my body screaming at me for something. What that something was, I am not certain... But I am definately back to normal.


                            • cocsp2002
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 509

                              Alright, I'm not saying I was right, but that show House was based on my true life story...

                              Or maybe I posted at the right time and you just got better. I'm sticking with the House version.


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