Gum recession? Anyone else had issues?

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  • ah206
    New Member
    • Feb 2019
    • 1

    Gum recession? Anyone else had issues?

    I've been a very light smoker off and on for 10 years. By that I mean I sometimes go a year or two with no tobacco at all. I might have a few packs and quit again. I've never had any dental issues besides a couple chipped or broken teeth. My oral hygiene habits have been the same since I was a kid. Brush twice a day, floss and mouthwash.

    I recently started using snus. A variety of General portions. Within three weeks of fairy heavy use my gums (top and bottom) have become inflamed and have receded about 3-4mm. I have completely quit tobacco products at this time and visited the dentist. The dentist suggested a cleaning and some other things and he said if there's no improvement then I'll need surgery if I want to repair the gums.

    I'm not necessarily blaming snus but it's the only logical explanation for me. I was fine before snus and now I have a gum problem. Hopefully things will resolve on their own simply by quitting. It's disappointing because I was loving snus while it lasted.
  • Stingfreesnus
    New Member
    • Jul 2016
    • 8

    It's quite common I'm afraid. I'm right now doing a survey (Google Forms) to Swedish dentists. I will present the results when the number of respondents is higher.
    Have you heard of the #StingFreeSnus innovation, also works on #nicotinepouches and is in fact patent approved in Sweden and patent pending in US and Europe.

    Here's a recent major article in English.

    Best regards/Bengt Wiberg snus health inventor, Sweden


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