WTH, I Try And Try But People Are Stupid

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  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    WTH, I Try And Try But People Are Stupid

    I just can''t believe it. I've been useing snus for about 2 years now. Everyone I come into contact that smokes I offer a pouch to. They might put it in their mouth but after 10 minutes they spit it out. WTH is wrong with these people. Not a single person has continued to use snus. Doesn't anyone care about their health? Can everybody be so dependant on the almighty cig that they won't even try to stop when given an alternative that takes away ALL craving for cigs in a very few days? Its getting to the point that I'm ready to stop helping people stop their addiction to cigs. I sure feel alot better now health wise. I'm not hacking up a lung every morning and I can breathe. My clothes, houses and cars don't smell of smoke anymore and the paint on my walls isn't yellowing. AND I am saving a ton of $ useing snus. I just don't understand it. :?: :shock: :?:

    I could understand their refusal if I were offering them a Blue Worm to suck on. :wink:
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.

  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I think it's just too foreign for many people to accept. It seems like many of us are tobacco aficionados anyway, and most would try any kind of tobacco for the sake of having a new experience. I don't think most of America is like that. They get their 1 brand of cigarette that their comfortable with, and will only begrudgingly buy a cheaper brand of smoke to save some money.

    There's a guy at work who bought a cigarette rolling set, and wanted to know which brand of RYO tobacco tasted most like Camel Lights :^O

    That's like going into a pub that has 200 beers on tap and asking the bartender which Belgian ale tastes most like Coors Lite :^/

    These people just don't want to venture out of their comfort zone, and it would take some famous jackass on TV to get them to try something else :^D


    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030

      I started my vitamin N addiction with chewing tobacco, so for me it wasn't a big deal to go from cigs to snus...


      • ponysoprano
        • Jul 2008
        • 562

        I've only managed to convert 1 buddy to snus, and his preferred "snus" is Camel...
        He says that PM 1847 is disgusting, along with almost everything else I had him try, the only one he thinks is acceptable is Elixyr Pepparmint of all things. He says he "doesn't like the taste of tobacco". My response was to ask him why the hell he smoked Marlboro and Camel for 18+ years, and why he bothers using nicotine at all, as much of it "tastes like tobacco".


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          All the people I offer snus to that actually enjoy it are dippers or chewers. Not once have I witnessed a cigarette smoker enjoy snus; 99.9% won't even try it, fearing they will die from it! I try to explain to them that they're more likely to get mouth cancer from cigarettes, but they just completely deny the facts. If someone wants to smoke cigarettes, that's their choice, and I'm not going to bother them about it; the same goes for people that dip or chew.


          • Grim
            • Jun 2008
            • 850

            Well, I have 2 friends that have bought a can or 2 of snus from me because they really want to quit smoking.

            They understand, as I did, that its tuff and want a safer tobacco products because we all enjoy tobacco, just want a safer way to enjoy.

            It took my 3 years of off and on trying to finally say enoguh is enough and that day i decided to quit i did.

            Right now a buddy of mine is snusing and using some of my menthol nasal snuff i got and he has cut back drastically and the other who was smoke free for 3 months still uses snus but is back to his pack to 2 pack habit already.

            But most people here in the states who hear me talk about snus just think of it as dip and have no interest and even tell me im stupid for not spitting.

            But its like i have said about drugs

            I smoke pot because i like to, i have no desire to do coke or other hard drugs because its not my thing. I have never used them or sampled them but i have no desire.

            Same with people and snus, if they want to try it and judge for themselves they will, however if they have no desire there irs no point in trying to convince them.


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              I think I figured out what the problem is. Most people here are useing snus to walk away from the health affects of smoking. We all wanted an alternative and found one that works. All ya gotta do is hang in there a few days. When we offer someone a pouch they have no desire to quit at the moment. So between that and the idea of putting tobacco in your mouth and mouth cancer and spitting and such, they just aren't motivated at the time.

              You have to educate people about snus. Most people have never heard of it. Part of my problem is I have enuff to do in my life and if I take my time out to explain the concept and minimal health effects I would expect them to give that pouch more than 10-15 min. of their time. geez

              From now on I will ask them if they WANT to stop smoking, THEN, if they say they want to, I'll offer them a pouch.

              As much as I want to help people, I'm just getting tired of beating a dead worm.............. :wink:
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • pcguy
                • Sep 2008
                • 139

                not to mention the quit or die mantra we are force fed in this US. I am beginning to believe the medical community is addicted to the $ they get for failing to cure someone of cancer. If a large % switched to snus it might hurt their bottom line in a bad way. Seems like they need people to keep dieing from cancer.


                • airwoodstock
                  Banned Users
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 340

                  I don't know how it is in other states but, the folks I've offered snus to all have the same reaction! "I'm not a hillbilly! Why would I want to Dip!" Like PP said, you have to educate them on the difference between the two.

                  I got sick of spending 45 minutes explaining and sounding like a preacher to everyone so, I created a blog on Blogger and tell them to go there, read what I've posted and, then try a portion. Surprisingly enough, 4 people this week have read my blogs and are placing thier first orders!


                  • jamesstew
                    • May 2008
                    • 1440

                    Methinks the 'hillbilly' association many people have when thinking of dip hinders things a lot. Maybe that's why it would be good if some more snus was introduced here with cigarette labels like Lucky Strike and Pall Mall. I know a lot of smokers that have tried Camel Snus but it didn't work for them.


                    • ---Nicotinic Acid---
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 134

                      If you actually enjoy smokeless you don't really have to put forth much effort into quitting. The thing is that snus is so damn good, many smokers will end up preferring it and the smoke count will drop. But for those poor souls who don't like the taste of actual tobacco..........I suppose I don't even have to say it, and the sentiment against such limpristedness is universal here at snuson.


                      • Ainkor
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1144

                        Well, I was searching for an alternative to quiting smoking. I found the perfect match for me in snus!

                        I went about it in a very methodical way. I first read about snus last year but quickly forgot about it since I couldn't get it easily. After three nights of going to bed and litterly feeling my heart pound against my chest I knew it was time to do something.

                        I found snus again and read and read and read. I educated myself on the risks and the benefits and the only logical conclusion that I could come to was:

                        1. Quit cold turkey. I've done it before but I have an extremely stressful job, a wife and 3 teenagers. I would have probably gone nuts or killed someone by now if I had tried that, or at best made it one day before I was back to smoking two packs a day and spending over $3,000 a year on smokes.

                        2. Use the patch/gum or a medicine specifically made for smoking cessasion. I read the studies and success with most of those is still only about 5% long term. My thought was spend an ass load of cash on something that most likely wouldn't work anyway.

                        3. Find an alternative source of vitamin N.

                        After researching it snus looked like the perfect thing. I have no issue with using oral tobacco in fact I kind of like a dip here and there. The only barrier to this was my wife who did not want me to have a mouth full of gunk! I tried pouches but they tore up my gums and cheeks.

                        Snus just works. I started off making my own small pouches till I could get some snus. I used skoal peach and tea bags and that worked well enough upper lipping them. That got me my first two days smoke free.

                        I drove across the state to get some camel junk and that got me 2 more days!

                        I got my first shipment in of Wise portions and that got me an extra day. I had to learn to use them as a safety net (high nic hit, bad taste to me).

                        I found that I could get Triumph snus near one of my restaurants and I got that on Saturday and I have been golden from then on. I get my first sampler pack tomorrow so I should be ready to keep it going!

                        I have talked a TON to those around me since everyone knew I was the poster child for smoking! I explained it as a "Swedish alternative nicotine product" :P

                        One of my employee's mom is trying it out and likes it but I came looking for snus when I was ready.

                        It is hard to get folks to try something they are not looking for and don't want. I am not my brothers keeper, but I will sure share with them how I quit and what their choices are!



                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9759

                          good post 8)
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • ponysoprano
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 562

                            Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                            good post 8)
                            Agreed re: Ainkor's knowledge-drop.
                            Funny too, my buddy I mentioned above who wants his nicotine but "doesn't like the taste of tobacco" is totally sold on Toque snuff. He said that since I tapped some various nasal snuffs into his spent Camel "snus" containers, that he's hardly snussed at all. His preference seems to be Toque menthol. He's the type of guy that I fear would go back to smoking if he didn't have an alternative, and when we go shoot or hike, I'd have to smell his smoke. I did him a favor and ordered him the big 25g. Toque menthol tin as a gift. Just goes to show that I can still be surprised I guess.


                            • cocsp2002
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 509

                              As a US Sailor, lots of people I work with are dippers. It's not uncommon at all to walk through my sub and see a dozen or more people with spitters in their pockets, or on tables or desks next to them. Despite all that, people are really hesitant to try snus! One guy I know (hardcore Cope dipper...like a can and a half a day!) told me that "that Swedish shit" has even more chemicals and fiberglass in it than Skoal!" and "Not to mention that swallowing the juice keeps more of the bad stuff in your body." It's sad that people put down what they don't understand.

                              *Sidenote...the same guy asks if I have any of my "Swedish worm dirt" he can pinch if no one else is around. He lower lips it, too...crazy.

                              Oh, and P.S., tons of people at work want to try my Toque! I find it insane that they won't try a different kind of oral tobacco, but they'll suck tobacco dust up their nose at the drop of a hat!


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