I just can''t believe it. I've been useing snus for about 2 years now. Everyone I come into contact that smokes I offer a pouch to. They might put it in their mouth but after 10 minutes they spit it out. WTH is wrong with these people. Not a single person has continued to use snus. Doesn't anyone care about their health? Can everybody be so dependant on the almighty cig that they won't even try to stop when given an alternative that takes away ALL craving for cigs in a very few days? Its getting to the point that I'm ready to stop helping people stop their addiction to cigs. I sure feel alot better now health wise. I'm not hacking up a lung every morning and I can breathe. My clothes, houses and cars don't smell of smoke anymore and the paint on my walls isn't yellowing. AND I am saving a ton of $ useing snus. I just don't understand it. :?: :shock: :?:
I could understand their refusal if I were offering them a Blue Worm to suck on. :wink:
I could understand their refusal if I were offering them a Blue Worm to suck on. :wink: