The suicide-inducing ineffective wonder drug :shock: :evil: :?
From BNET (Business Network):
Swedish snuff addicts — an end to your suffering is at hand!
Pfizer is testing its smoking cessation product, Chantix (called Champix in Europe) on snuff users in Sweden. The Swedes are apparently addicted to their “snus” and Pfizer, of course, is looking for an extension of the indications for its help-me-quit pills.
From BNET (Business Network):
Swedish snuff addicts — an end to your suffering is at hand!
Pfizer is testing its smoking cessation product, Chantix (called Champix in Europe) on snuff users in Sweden. The Swedes are apparently addicted to their “snus” and Pfizer, of course, is looking for an extension of the indications for its help-me-quit pills.