Pfizer pushing Chantix on Snusers in Sweden

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  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    Pfizer pushing Chantix on Snusers in Sweden

    The suicide-inducing ineffective wonder drug :shock: :evil: :?

    From BNET (Business Network):

    Swedish snuff addicts — an end to your suffering is at hand!
    Pfizer is testing its smoking cessation product, Chantix (called Champix in Europe) on snuff users in Sweden. The Swedes are apparently addicted to their “snus” and Pfizer, of course, is looking for an extension of the indications for its help-me-quit pills.
  • mwood72

    Re: Pfizer pushing Chantix on Snusers in Sweden

    Originally posted by darkwing
    The suicide-inducing ineffective wonder drug :shock: :evil: :?

    From BNET (Business Network):

    Swedish snuff addicts — an end to your suffering is at hand!
    Pfizer is testing its smoking cessation product, Chantix (called Champix in Europe) on snuff users in Sweden. The Swedes are apparently addicted to their “snus” and Pfizer, of course, is looking for an extension of the indications for its help-me-quit pills.
    I tried this to give up my Snus habit a while back and it just made me feel agitated like NRT does and I felt no desire to stop Snusing


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      It almost stopped me from smoking. At least until the depression adn nightmares started. I am closer to quitting using snus than Chantix ever got..


      • mercvrivs
        • Sep 2008
        • 484

        That stuff helped me quit smoking for a while and it worked very well. Snus works better for me though.


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          Don't we all love how Big Pharma tries to push their dangerous products onto everybody?! I have known a few people that tried Chantix, and it make them vomit and gave them insomnia. I think I'm sticking with my snus, thank you very much.


          • airwoodstock
            Banned Users
            • Aug 2008
            • 340

            I've tried to stop smoking with Chantix and, I can tell you first hand that the thoughts of suicide are REAL!!! Before I started it, I was a happy guy! 2 weeks in, depression. 4 weeks in, the thoughts came. Stopped immediately and, went back to myself in a few days.

            My wife used Chantix to stop with no problem.

            Just my $20.02 (My 2¢ + $20.00 after bailout bill passes) :shock:


            • TripEMT
              • Oct 2008
              • 100

              Y'know....It's hard to take these Pharma companies seriously....

              Chantix... in theory... is actually a fairly good idea... Smoking Cessation without the use of Nicotine...

              Chantix... in reality... is a horrid idea...

              I tried to go the Chantix route on one of my quit smoking attempts... and as everyone else said, after about 1.5 weeks, i started to get depressed, and then by about 3.5 weeks, the suicide-ish thoughts.

              and i think the only reason i happend to smoke less during that time period was because i spent so much time vommiting because of the damn pill, lol

              Using chantix to help get off of Snus would be like using a 9mm bullet to pop a zit... the bad far outweighs the good, lol


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                Originally posted by TripEMT
                Using chantix to help get off of Snus would be like using a 9mm bullet to pop a zit... the bad far outweighs the good, lol
                Greatest quote I have read all week!

                Thanks for the belly-roll :lol:


                • Mongrul
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 151

                  Don't for get about the BIG-cork-in-the-ass affect!! A female friend of mine told me she didn't shit for two weeks! Her doc husband finally got her some stuff from the hospital that cleans out the pipes. She promply went back to smoking. Her twin had the same problem, but was able to quit. I only lasted about 4 days when it happened to me. Chantix is evil!! :twisted:


                  • bakerbarber
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 1947

                    I took Chantix for three months.

                    My insurance wouldn't pay for it.

                    It cost me $180.00 a month.

                    I stopped smoking without really thinking about it.

                    I swung the other way mentally than most people describe.

                    For the last 9-10 weeks I took Chantix I ran around like Rachael Ray all ****ing giddy and annoying. I was so manic that I was going into work early and staying late inexplicably. I thought everything was amusing and hunky-dory. People would give me strange looks like, "dude - what the **** are you giggling about."

                    My wife thought it was great since suddenly I wasn't a dick like usual and I was helping out around the house.

                    I also ate anything that wasn't nailed down. I gained about thirty pounds in three months.

                    I stopped the pill and was smoking again in another three months. My brain hurt for 6 months and the migraine I used to get once or twice a year visited me once or twice a month.

                    It took me almost a year to feel like my normal prick of a self.


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