Snus & Throat/Ear Infections

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  • mwood72

    Snus & Throat/Ear Infections

    Has anybody found they are more prone to throat/ear infections since they started using Snus? I'm going to have to quit at this rate as I seem to keep getting them because of my Snus use

    I've been using about a tin of General Original Portion every 3 days. Maybe I've been using too much?

    I buy my Snus from, it's always fresh and I always keep it in the refrigerator until I want to use it.

    Any advice would be much appreciated.
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Sounds like coincidence to me, mate. Could be any of a million reasons why you're getting colds - they seem to come in waves when they do. Even in top shape you'll never be immune to colds, if you get one you're just more likely to weather it better and recover more quickly.


    • lofat
      • Sep 2006
      • 154

      Well as you know, your ears, nose, and throat are all connected. I don't know what your old habits were before snus, whether you smoked, dipped, or chewed, but if you are suddenly are not swallowing enough saliva that could cause throat issues, which can cause sinus or ear issues. You might be sniffling more to compensate somehow, and in turn tweaking your throat and ears.

      If you used to mostly breath through your mouth and now you are breathing through your nose that is a change too. I would take a look at any recent lifestyle changes that happened around the same time.

      There are a million possible reasons. Tobacco can lower your immunity, so be sure to hydrate often and make sure you are getting your vitamin C.


      • phetish
        • Aug 2006
        • 15

        have you tried portion snus?

        i suspect that the small bits of loose snus could be getting in places they shouldn't.

        just my thoughts...



        • mwood72

          Originally posted by lofat
          Well as you know, your ears, nose, and throat are all connected. I don't know what your old habits were before snus, whether you smoked, dipped, or chewed, but if you are suddenly are not swallowing enough saliva that could cause throat issues, which can cause sinus or ear issues. You might be sniffling more to compensate somehow, and in turn tweaking your throat and ears.

          If you used to mostly breath through your mouth and now you are breathing through your nose that is a change too. I would take a look at any recent lifestyle changes that happened around the same time.

          There are a million possible reasons. Tobacco can lower your immunity, so be sure to hydrate often and make sure you are getting your vitamin C.
          Lofat - I used to be an occasional smoker of "light" cigarettes before I went on to the Snus. Worried about the health risks I tried to knock them on the head altogether with NRT but found that it either didn't satisfy me or made me feel sick.

          I'm interested in what you said about swallowing habits. Were you thinking you swallow more or less when using Snus? I guess I must breath through my nose almost exclsively when using Snus?

          I read Vitamin C's a good think to stock up on if you use Tobacco so I've been taking supplements of that in the hope that that would help.

          That's interesting about ensuring you drink a lot of fluids. I must admit I've never drank that much (apart from Lager

          It's a tough one. Life's very miserable without my Snus I must admit my Nicotine dependence has sored since I starting using Snus. I was never this bad when I was just an occasional smoker. I guess that never gave me the enjoyment that Snus does.


          • mwood72

            Originally posted by phetish
            have you tried portion snus?

            i suspect that the small bits of loose snus could be getting in places they shouldn't.

            just my thoughts...

            Derek - Yes, I use General Original Portion Snus. It sounds like Loose would make things even worse for me


            • mwood72

              Originally posted by Zero
              Sounds like coincidence to me, mate. Could be any of a million reasons why you're getting colds - they seem to come in waves when they do. Even in top shape you'll never be immune to colds, if you get one you're just more likely to weather it better and recover more quickly.
              Zero - Whenever I go to the doctors with these sore throats and ear aches he always says I have a throat and ear infection and gives me antibiotics.

              He suggested trying an antiseptic mouth wash to try to kill the bugs in my throat that keep seem to be bothering me. I wonder whether that is helping or just making things worse?

              Trouble is Snus is not something I could discuss with my doctor as we have a "give up or die" attitude to tobacco over here and noone really knows anything about Snus and just assumes that it is the highly toxic american style chewing tobacco that's ultra high in TSNAs.


              • Zero
                • May 2006
                • 1522

                Well, I don't doubt that you are geting infectious colds - I just mean that attributing them to your snus use may not be correct. It may be possible that the nicotine might very slightly lower your natural immune response, but in all likelihood it's more like a combination of it just being cold season, a vitamin deficient diet, not enough fluids or exercise, quaffing pints, etc. Eat a spicy curry a day for a fortnight and I guarantee you'll be sorted 8)


                • mwood72

                  Originally posted by Zero
                  Well, I don't doubt that you are geting infectious colds - I just mean that attributing them to your snus use may not be correct. It may be possible that the nicotine might very slightly lower your natural immune response, but in all likelihood it's more like a combination of it just being cold season, a vitamin deficient diet, not enough fluids or exercise, quaffing pints, etc. Eat a spicy curry a day for a fortnight and I guarantee you'll be sorted 8)
                  Zero - I never knew Nicotine could lower your immune response that might be a factor. And a few too many pints - well I'm certainly guilty of that. I'm very partial to your idea of lots of spicy curries - I do like a nice hot Vindaloo


                  • anweis
                    • Aug 2006
                    • 70

                    actually, snus will protect you from many infections because it raises the pH in your mouth, and many of the bacteria causing those infections will be killed (they like lower pH).
                    In fact, snus has helped my health sofar. In spring and fall, when seasons changed and fronts rolled in, or whenver i was stressed and nervous, i would get stomach pain and acid reflux, no matter what i ate. I used to drink/swallow lots of antiacid pills. Ever since i started using snus, the stomach problems quit. I suffered for many years, especially in the fall when he rains came in. I feel so good now.

                    Snus should also slow down formation of cavities-it raises the pH in your mouth.


                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      Originally posted by mwood72
                      Zero - I never knew Nicotine could lower your immune response that might be a factor.
                      Well, I'm not entirely sure myself, but in general I think that most stimulants tend to suppress your immune response to some extent - at least to the amount that they stimulate your adrenaline production (fight-or-flight, etc) and maybe for other reasons as well. In such a state your body shuts down, to some degree, some natural responses to infection - nobody wants watery eyes or a dripping nose when they're having to run from a tiger, I suppose. Sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and fat also can suppress your immune response, for example.


                      • lofat
                        • Sep 2006
                        • 154

                        Originally posted by mwood72

                        I'm interested in what you said about swallowing habits. Were you thinking you swallow more or less when using Snus? I guess I must breath through my nose almost exclsively when using Snus?

                        I read Vitamin C's a good think to stock up on if you use Tobacco so I've been taking supplements of that in the hope that that would help.

                        That's interesting about ensuring you drink a lot of fluids. I must admit I've never drank that much (apart from Lager
                        Re: Swallowing, i think either extreme could cause a thoat issue... not swallowing at all makes your throat unuaually dry which it shouldn't be and that can cause a whole host of issues. If you are swallowing 'Snus Juice' on the regular that could cause some issues, but I would think that a dry throat would be the bigger concern...

                        Snus, for me, doesn't make saliva well up in my mouth like US Dip did, so I can swallow normally most of the time. Plus upperdecking allows me to consume more fluids more easily than lowerdecking allowed.

                        Vitamin C is key, as is good beer. You gotta nourish your soul as well as your body!

                        Cheers -


                        • nicotinedream
                          • Oct 2006
                          • 66

                          Don't forget to scrape your tongue. Yes. Scrape your tongue. I buy a stainless steel tongue scraper from India. You wouldn't beleive the scum that is removed, bacteria, that can cause all kinds of problems.



                          • gopherbob
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 125



                            • nicotinedream
                              • Oct 2006
                              • 66

                              Originally posted by gopherbob
                              gopherbob- Sounds like you have scraped your tongue before. hehehehe.


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