what was your tobacco before snus?

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  • lofat
    • Sep 2006
    • 154

    what was your tobacco before snus?

    I smoked for many years, went to dip kind of as a transitory get off cigarettes kind of thing with the intention of going to an oregon mint snuff product. well, needless to say I found snus, and love the fact that it is safer, with more character imo than cigz or US dip. Kind of like a fine cigar in a way, but with a better nic fix.

    Anyway I was curious how other folks came to find snus and if they had other tobacco indulgences prior to snus.

    Cheers -
  • deuratte
    New Member
    • Sep 2006
    • 4

    I smoked Marlboro cigarettes for 30 years and never thought I could quit until I discovered snus. Now don't smoke at all and just use snus.
    No smoke, no lighters, no ashtray, and very little spit make snus a great choice for me. Plus, I don't have to constantly get up and go outside at work to smoke.


    • fatehbajwa
      • Aug 2006
      • 18

      i smoked india kings(an indian brand) for around 10 yrs(about 20-25 cigs/day).Then shifted to marlboro lights for around 5 yrs in order to shift to a brand with less nicotine.

      Then gave up smoking alltogether for 7 months and no longer had the urge for tobacco(except mebbe some short pangs around once in a month).

      The a cousin from sweden came over to india for vacations and I tried snus just like that.......................and got hooked.

      No regrets.at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Love the stuff.


      • phetish
        • Aug 2006
        • 15

        actually snus is my first tobacco product used on a semi-regular basis. Heck, a tin can last me a week at least.

        i've smoked the occasional cigar - maybe once a year, or so - but i've never been a tobacco user...

        caffeine is my drug of choice



        • mwood72

          I was just a 3-4 Marlboro Lights/B&H Silver a day person but found about Snus through the BAT website harm reduction section and now I'm an 8 General Original Portion a day person I find it much more convenient and pleasurable than the cigs but I must admit I crave a hell of a lot more Nicotine than I used to


          • anweis
            • Aug 2006
            • 70

            handrolled cigarettes made with Yenidje tobacco. still miss it.


            • StarWing
              • Aug 2006
              • 124

              Re: what was your tobacco before snus?

              Originally posted by lofat
              I smoked for many years, went to dip kind of as a transitory get off cigarettes kind of thing with the intention of going to an oregon mint snuff product. well, needless to say I found snus, and love the fact that it is safer, with more character imo than cigz or US dip. Kind of like a fine cigar in a way, but with a better nic fix.

              Anyway I was curious how other folks came to find snus and if they had other tobacco indulgences prior to snus.

              Cheers -
              I smoked for over 30 years - I smoked about 2 packs from June 5 to July 8 (Maybe 3), but it's been a little over 3 months now since I smoked at all - still love the smell of it when someone else is smoking near me. I was doing research on alternatives and avenues to help me get rid of the cigs, and discovered the Snus issues, then studied about it for a couple of weeks, and decided on giving it a try.

              I've been Snusing about 3 months now and love it.

              I still miss the cigs with my morning Coffee, and that fast nicotine kick first thing in the morning, and if I were to pick up smoking again, I don't think I would quit Snusing, but just smoke in the morning and late at night just before bed, and perhaps a time or two in mid day. But hopefully, I will remain smoke-free from here on. I still got 3 packs of Winston Ultra in the refrigerator which are from my last carton bought back on May 30th - as long as I know they are there, it helps. :P


              • lofat
                • Sep 2006
                • 154

                StarWing I hear you there, I always felt better about quitting when I had some around. I stil miss it too at times, but my body is thanking me in new ways every day.

                Hope you keep smoke free man!

                anweis, rollies were always the best smoke imo.


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  Smoked rollups, maybe 3-5 a day. Haven't really wanted a cig since finding snus, though. A couple on very rare occasions when out drinking, but it's certainly not something I crave.


                  • TheCanuck
                    • May 2006
                    • 38

                    I never smoked cigarettes.
                    I started out in the early 90s smoking cigars. When the cigar boom came along and prices and availability became crazy, I switched to smoking a pipe. Later I tried nasal snuff. Now I smoke a pipe maybe twice a week, (same with nasal snuff), a cigar maybe twice a month, and the rest of the time it's snus for me!


                    • blizzardbeast
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 26

                      I used Copenhagen for a lot of years before switching to snus. Seen things about it on SMPOST forums, and figured I would try it. Haven't bought Cope since.


                      • Craig de Tering
                        • Nov 2006
                        • 525

                        I for one did NOT try snus to try to quit smoking.

                        I just turned 30 in late october.
                        I smoked since late 1993 to 1995, quit a year (involuntarily, just didn't feel like smoking) then began again in 1996 till late 2000, then quit for 5 years (again involuntarily) and started again until a friend from Norway introduced me to it. He snuses about a can of General lös every two days. I got into it because of two things: I'm curious by nature and I liked the taste very much. (plus I think everything nordic is freaking awesome and lovely and peachy and stuff)

                        I still smoke though. It was never my intention to quit. Never in the last 13 years.
                        But I only smoke now on fridays or saturdays when I go out and have some (or a lot of) drinks. But I gotta tell ya, it sure tastes bad if you're not yet properly sedated by drink.
                        Plus I've ALWAYS hated the fact that I can breathe less freely when I smoke. I've ALWAYS been conscious of it and have always felt it immediately after lighting up. I work out 5 days a week and you notice it like night and day.

                        As of today I still don't feel any need to declare my quitting cigs but snus rocks the crap out of smokes a million times over and it's a nice way to pick out nordic folks out of a crowd. Either they see my General cap or my fat lip or I ask 'em for some if they're passing the can around.


                        • nicotinedream
                          • Oct 2006
                          • 66

                          Tobacco before Snus?

                          Until these new DRY products were introduced, I NEVER used Tobacco.

                          Now, I've chewed plenty of whole cloves in my day. Get them from a Greek Deli right off the boat, and they are very potent.

                          IF you've never chewed whole cloves...try em. They're an energy boost, for sure, and I think smell wonderful.


                          • Craig de Tering
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 525

                            I love cloves in food and enjoy indonesian kretek cigarettes (which contain cloves) if I can find them, although biting on cloves numbs my tongue :-P


                            • Zero
                              • May 2006
                              • 1522

                              ^ ahh, Djarums... used to like those 8)


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