switching from cigarettes-newbie question

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  • 2000dream
    New Member
    • Nov 2006
    • 1

    switching from cigarettes-newbie question

    Hi Y'all- I am in the US and I am strongly considering switching from marlboro lights to snus (I am a scientist as well and believe in the large health gains from doing this). So-my question. Is it legal to mail order snus into the US? Or, can I purchase it here? I am from NY...thanks!!!! I cannot seem to find information online.
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    It's absolutely legal in the US - no problem. Swedish Match says that "A total of 635 stores in Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Virginia and Washington, D.C., have begun selling snus". If you went to a few proper tobacconists and asked around you may have some luck in NY. Barring that, ordering online is quick, easy, and very well priced.


    • StarWing
      • Aug 2006
      • 124

      Re: switching from cigarettes-newbie question

      Originally posted by 2000dream
      Hi Y'all- I am in the US and I am strongly considering switching from marlboro lights to snus (I am a scientist as well and believe in the large health gains from doing this). So-my question. Is it legal to mail order snus into the US? Or, can I purchase it here? I am from NY...thanks!!!! I cannot seem to find information online.
      Yes, many of us here are in the U.S. (I'm in Virginia) and get Snus by Postal and/or UPS. The 2 sites that are most mentioned in the Forums is:


      Swedish Match has a variety of 8 cans sold in a TRY-OUT package:

      BuySnus.com has a place to order a mix of various Snus to try out:

      The trick is to try out the various types of TRY-OUT Snus brands and formats over the first few days, then you can know which one, or ones you like to order more of. Many people like more than one brand and/or format.

      As for formats, since you are a smoker, I suggest to first try out the Mini White Pouches Cans, then the Large White Pouches, then later, the Original (Dark) Pouches. The Original (Dark) Pouches are more drippy than the White Pouches, which in the first couple of weeks of first using Snus, you would/will feel the need to expectorate the drips.

      NOTE: "Pouches" are also referred to as "Portions".

      Snus can aid in decreasing your smoking, weeding it out totally, whether in the beginning of using Snus or later. Snus has much greater success rates as a smoking cessation than other products.

      As for N.Y. Stores that has a limited selection of Snus, there are some Stores in New York, N.Y.

      Store, Address, City, Zipcode
      7th Avenue Smoke Scene, 841 7th Avenue, New York 10011
      Shisha International,, 171 W. 4th Street, New York 10011
      Cigarillos, 191 Spring Street, New York 10011

      One last thing for your future record... if one or more of the Snus Brands you might wind up really liking/loving is by Swedish Match, and since you are in the U.S. you can order from the Swedish Match's retail web site, which only sales the Snus in ROLLS of 10, but has great prices and will ship it to you via UPS (it takes about 2 to 4 days after ordering to arrive). The URL is:


      Snus use is 98% less hazardous than smoking.

      Best wishes,


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        You really ought to do this professionally, mate :lol:


        • littlesilverboxfromwales
          • Mar 2007
          • 118

          Hi, thought I'd offer some encouragement, I haven't smoked since my snus arrived, and it was NO EFFORT. I was a heavy smoker (whatever that means) and I only use the maxi portions when out drinking, loose at home and normal portions when out and about.
          It is easy with Snus, and if what I have read is correct, I may live long enough now, to see my grandchildren. :lol:
          good luck, you wont need it though.


          • carotevi
            • Mar 2007
            • 64

            Re: switching from cigarettes-newbie question

            Originally posted by 2000dream
            Hi Y'all- I am in the US and I am strongly considering switching from marlboro lights to snus.
            don't waste any more time. order you some snus. if you have never used tobbaco before order a couple cans of mini portions and couple cans of regular (large) portions and maybe one can of loose snus. if you can handle the minis move up to the regular portions. you may or may not like loose but portions are an almost sure thing. if you want to quit smoking then snus will do the trick.


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