My experience with giving up snus

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  • phish
    • Jan 2007
    • 265

    My experience with giving up snus

    Hi guys,

    I smoked for about 4 years then snused for another 2. Around a month ago I decided to give up snus. Surprisingly it was not that difficult! I felt a little rough the first couple of days but had no urges like with cigarettes. It was more of a low rumbling background sensation. The fact that I couldn't get my hands on any snus probably helped as well.

    Stupidly, I recently smoked whilst drunk at a party and that kicked me back on the nicotine train. I've been smoking for a couple of days and it is horrible. I can't understand why people do it (me included). Just placed another order of snus and can't wait for it to come One thing I really noticed was the effect smoking has on taste. I have a major malt whiskey 'hobby' and smoking has ruined my enjoyment of it.

    For anyone thinking of giving up snus, I can tell you it is nowhere near as hard as kicking cigarettes. Unfortunately, at least for now, nicotine's allure proved too strong; but I'm happy I can continue my habit in the most heavenly form -- snus!

    catch you all later
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Welcome back, phish!

    Sorry to hear that the snus-addiction has trapped you again (no, just kidding).



    • bondzai
      • Apr 2008
      • 362

      thats funny because around here they have whiskey and cigar clubs together... also leaf and ale.....Cigars evidently don't mess up whiskey.... I remember the advertisement that used to be on TV... "I don't know if the Winston makes the coffee taste better or the coffee makes the Winston taste better"....


      • bondzai
        • Apr 2008
        • 362

        I take it you like phish phish. I am a dead head from way back...


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          I have also noticed that snus withdrawal is not as intense as cigarette withdrawal. When I quit smoking without snus, I would feel very intense urges to smoke throughout the day. However, when I go more than a day without snus, there is a craving, but it lasts longer and is more subtle than cigarette cravings. I'm sure this has to do with how nicotine is absorbed through snus use (through the mucus membrane at a very slow pace, compared to cigarettes and the lungs, which is very fast and intense).


          • ponysoprano
            • Jul 2008
            • 562

            Why would anyone want to quit snus? :shock:


            • spirit72
              • Apr 2008
              • 1013

              Originally posted by snusjus
              I have also noticed that snus withdrawal is not as intense as cigarette withdrawal. When I quit smoking without snus, I would feel very intense urges to smoke throughout the day. However, when I go more than a day without snus, there is a craving, but it lasts longer and is more subtle than cigarette cravings. I'm sure this has to do with how nicotine is absorbed through snus use (through the mucus membrane at a very slow pace, compared to cigarettes and the lungs, which is very fast and intense).
              My experience has been pretty much the same. Withdrawal is nowhere near the same with snus as with cigs. I still want it, it kinda sucks, but it's NOWHERE NEAR jonesing for a smoke. If I forget to bring snus to work or when I go out elsewhere, I can go without it until I get home without any major problems. But if I ever went more then 3-4 hours without a cigarette, I was completely useless.


              • RobsanX
                • Aug 2008
                • 2030

                Before I quit smoking, the only time I spent more than a couple hours without a cig was if I was sleeping, flying, or in jail... :P


                • RobME
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 387

                  Originally posted by RobsanX
                  Before I quit smoking, the only time I spent more than a couple hours without a cig was if I was sleeping, flying, or in jail... :P
                  don't mean to pry but since you brought it up.. How often were you in jail? 8) but on second thought... don't answer. Sorry I asked. :wink:


                  • RobsanX
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 2030

                    Originally posted by RobME
                    Originally posted by RobsanX
                    Before I quit smoking, the only time I spent more than a couple hours without a cig was if I was sleeping, flying, or in jail... :P
                    don't mean to pry but since you brought it up.. How often were you in jail? 8) but on second thought... don't answer. Sorry I asked. :wink:
                    Just once, and it was nothing serious... :wink: Let me tell you, community service is an experience I'll take with me for a lifetime!


                    • phish
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 265

                      Originally posted by bondzai
                      thats funny because around here they have whiskey and cigar clubs together... also leaf and ale.....Cigars evidently don't mess up whiskey.... I remember the advertisement that used to be on TV... "I don't know if the Winston makes the coffee taste better or the coffee makes the Winston taste better"....
                      Coffee and smokes definitely go together! Nicotine and Caffeine share some chemical heritage and they actually form a new compound within the body when taken together.

                      My experience is only empirical evidence, but for me, smoking really dulled my taste buds and after a couple of days of quitting it all came back. I think one reason for the smoke/drink association is that alcohol deplete your nicotine reserves, hence why you smoke more when drunk.


                      • phish
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 265

                        Originally posted by bondzai
                        I take it you like phish phish. I am a dead head from way back...
                        I'm not actually a big phish fan, I don't go fishing and I don't steal peoples credit card numbers on the I'm not sure where this name came from :?


                        • holnrew
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 613

                          I started snusing as a stop gap between smoking and being nicotine free, but now I realise that it's not gona happen!

                          At least you have snus and aren't doing much harm like smoking does. Speaking of which, I need to quit again...


                          • ponysoprano
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 562

                            hey holnrew! I'm still smoke free and even reducing my snus intake, I no longer pop in a portion before bed, and I've been using a hell of a lot of nasal snuff.


                            • holnrew
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 613

                              I'm thinking about stopping snusing again... now I'm happier I don't really need nicotine so much, and I want as few obstacles as possible to getting a bird.

                              But we shall see.


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