boys,...anyone know about tongue cancer symptoms,...?!

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  • cb650
    • Jul 2008
    • 74

    boys,...anyone know about tongue cancer symptoms,...?!

    I have irritation and inflammation on the line running down the center of my tongue. midway down the length, a section about 1 inch (2.5 cm).
    Seems the only way to reduce irritation is to reduce snus intake. :x
    THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! I'm very frustrated. I never get this even when eating plenty of extremely spicy food. symptoms present for three weeks steady. I don't trust the medical proffession and would appreciate any feedback
  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030

    Is it on the top of your tongue, or underneath?

    It could just be a canker sore... I used to get them when I was a kid. They are painful, but they eventually go away...


    • cb650
      • Jul 2008
      • 74

      top of tongue, real visible anomaly


      • airwoodstock
        Banned Users
        • Aug 2008
        • 340

        cb650, If it's the same thing I get every once in a while, it feels like a line of inflamed tastebuds when you run your tongue over your top teeth, if that makes any sence. Hurts like he** for a few weeks but, goes away. I noticed it when I began using Lös. I'd have the pris up high and, from running the tip of my tongue across the bottom of the pris to get more taste, I'd irritate the center of my tongue with my teeth. I never noticed I was doing it until I began thinking about what was causing it and realized I did it with portions as well. When I stopped playing with the snus, it stopped happening. This may be the cause but, if this is not your case, I'd have it checked out. Hope this helps and, sorry for the long post! [/list]


        • toekuttr
          • Jul 2008
          • 197

          That sounds like something I get occasionally too. In my case I'm pretty sure it's from excessive salt, as it usually happens on vacations or around the holidays. Nothing to take chances with, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it either.


          • rr0
            • Jun 2008
            • 41

            Originally posted by AirWoodstock
            cb650, If it's the same thing I get every once in a while, it feels like a line of inflamed tastebuds when you run your tongue over your top teeth
            When I first started snusing I had the same thing. Mine only lasted a day or two, though. Hasn't happened in a while.


            • jamesstew
              • May 2008
              • 1440

              Go to the doctor.


              • TripEMT
                • Oct 2008
                • 100

                How long have you been snusing? if you've only been snusing for a short while, it could be that it's still irritation. I would definitely try to stay away from the "C" word... My guess is that it is irritation from the high levels of salt. If it goes on for much longer, I'd get it checked out.

                and don't distrust the medical profession... distrust the insurance companies...


                • darkwing
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 415

                  I would say it is probably about the salt and soda irritating the membranes, but really, only a doctor can say with any certainty. As for cancer, that would take ages to develop, and would be in the form of a lump or thickening without redness and inflammation, from what I have heard (had an uncle who suffered from it).


                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    Originally posted by jamesstew
                    Go to the doctor.
                    I second that. Don't tell the doctor that you're snusing and you won't get any nonsense-diagnosis. I doubt that it could be cancer, I also doubt that it has something to do with snus, but such a long-lasting irritation of the tongue is certainly not normal.



                    • cb650
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 74


                      thanks for the feedback, fellows!

                      I've been going easier on the snus, but supplimenting with nicorette gum,....UUuughhhh,...fowl crap!!!
                      I think the fact that i've snussed like a fiend since switching off smokes has been a factor. comparatively I don't think I go through much more than other mid to heavy users, but I often roll the portions around and bite for hits of juice and intensified taste. that's probably the reason for inflamed tastebuds and discomfort radiating to other parts of my tongue.

                      I'll take it easy a few more days with the UUuugh "gum" and milder rape' for a while before going back to n+j and Ettan with perhaps more subdued gusto. again thanks for the feedback boys and I'll go to the doc with the "snus free" complaint idea if no permanent relief is reached.


                      • snusjus
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 2674

                        I get white spots on my tongue occasionally from my teeth rubbing against it; the last time I noticed the spots, I was scared it was tongue cancer, then I remembered I've been getting friction-induced spots on my tongue for most of my life. Just to be safe, I would go see a dentist!


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          Firebreak is much nicer gum than nicorette, imo. Anyway, I seriously doubt it's cancer. I think Woodstock is probably right - it's something I did at first as well. Playing with the pris continually rubs your tongue on your teeth all day long and you wear it a bit raw - the salt, etc, then stings a bit and burns.


                          • Pus
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 61

                            I don't think you should worry about "tongue cancer", I'm positive it's not something even close, mate.

                            It's most likely what they said about the salt and soda reacting on you, I've thought of it myself a few times, rarely happens to me though.

                            But if you are still paranoid about it, sure go to the doctor and ask around. As one fellow up over me said don't tell you use Snus, try avoiding that because you will get the answer "You should NOT be going those sort of things or Stop it".

                            Good luck dude.


                            • ponysoprano
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 562

                              Originally posted by TripEMT
                              How long have you been snusing? if you've only been snusing for a short while, it could be that it's still irritation. I would definitely try to stay away from the "C" word... My guess is that it is irritation from the high levels of salt. If it goes on for much longer, I'd get it checked out.

                              and don't distrust the medical profession... distrust the insurance companies...
                              the "C" word...oh, *that* "C" word, I thought you meant a different "c" word Trip! LOL ops:


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