Snus on a rather good side.

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  • Pus
    • Nov 2008
    • 61

    Snus on a rather good side.

    As a 16 year old, using tobacco may sound idiotic which I to some degree agree with, but I still do it and I've been using it since I was 14 and up. But that's not what I want to share with you fellow snusers and others who just lurk the forums.

    My life with snus is somewhat like this. I live with my mum, parents are divorced, I use Snus. My mum isn't a 100% aware of it still I've been using it for close to two years. She's found like two boxes of the regular Skruf but I've just told her "I buy it for the kids here" and she's like "Okies". (Few of you might see me as a kid but its another story as well).

    My dad on the other hand... he knows. The whole thing started with my dad who had been smoking for like 30 years probably, he's now 52. I was getting irritated by his smoking-cough, and him always saying "We're planning on cutting down on it". So I said "Why don't you try that thing called Snus?" acting like I had never heard of it.

    After a few months / weeks I went to my dad, into the kitchen and I saw two boxes of Skruf and he told me he was going to try to cut down on his smoking. It wasn't before we were going for 5 weeks to Thailand when he actually asked me before the plane from Vigra-Oslo if I wanted to try one and I just showed him my box and told him I had been doing it for quite a while. Surprisingly he reacted positive, and for my advantage we went into the Tax-free and bought like tons.

    As I know to now he hasn't been smoking, and if he has it's not regularly. He has not been coughing as much either, which surprised me how fast it changed. And I love it when he tries to say "Skruf".

    I'm sure a few of you have been in the situation (if Im not the only one under-aged here) being discovered by your parents using tobacco. Some may over-react, some may take it rather nice, but they all think "this is bad". After what I've read till now it's a big differense from smoking, which I think people and parents really should know about.
    - but of course all parents wants their kids to be perfect / not doing "that kind of stuff".

    You may think I'm just some kid who thinks it's cool using tobacco, I won't judge you for it either, I just felt like telling you this story about how Snus is good in a lot of ways.
  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030

    Welcome to the forums! Trust me, I started smoking younger than you. Better snus than cigs...


    • snusfather
      • Jun 2008
      • 227

      I still wince when I remember my dad catching me behind the church after sunday school smoking a Camel non-filter when I was 11 years old. ops:

      I'll agree with RobsanX "better snus than cigs..."


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        Welcome Pus. Living dangerously huh bud?

        I think Pus needs to find the thread about "Snus and Erectile Dysfunction" and reconsider his usage of snus at such a young age. 8)
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          I started smoking when I was fourteen as well. I'm now eighteen and have been off cigarettes completely for several months. My mother sees my boxes of snus come in from the mail, and I tell her I'm substituting it for my cigarette addiction. She is more tolerable of snus than she was of my cigarettes. Even though I believe no tobacco use is "risk-free", I would rather catch my kid (even though I don't have one) with a portion in his mouth than smoking a cigarette.


          • TheJR
            • Jul 2008
            • 57

            Welcome to these boards, kid!

            I began when I was 16, so no hard feelings.

            Snus On!


            • Pus
              • Nov 2008
              • 61

              Thanks for the great response guys.

              I completely agree with you, Snusjus and RobsanX.

              Premium Parrots, you made me tingle. /giggle
              I don't believe that, or maybe I don't want to believe it :P, at least the girls haven't complained yet, amiright?


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9759

                Go to this link,

                scroll near the bottom of the page and click on


                read it for yourself
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  I wish I had snus when I started smoking at 10 years old. Took about 19 years to give up the sticks.

                  Welcome to the forums bud.


                  • Pus
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 61

                    I could never imagine a 10 year old smoking. I can't really picture me a 10 year old being able to decide to start with either smoking or snus because the picture most younglings at that age has is the "new and weird" smell and taste, but that's my opinion.

                    How did you get into it at your age, anyways?


                    • sentry103
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 271

                      Welcome Pus,

                      I won't judge you for being a young smoker / snuser. I cant because a lot of us were "underage" when we started, myself included. I do agree snus is better than cigs. I hope your dad gets off the cancer sticks too. Did you introduce pops to The more the merrier :!:


                      BTW, I'm pretty sure Viagra will be around when you need it :lol:


                      • RobME
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 387

                        Good story ...and I thought I was the only one who at an early age, had tobacco screw-up, umm... I mean... ahh compromise... I mean en enhance my life. Now I get only pleasure from it. and without lighting-up. Who coulda thunk it.

                        So... welcome to the forum young man... set a spell... take your shoes off... Pus huh? An interesting choice of names but... you're young... you'll heal. :wink: This is SnusOn, the place for it.

                        ...and you're off to a great start! You made Parrots day. He probably hasn't made anyone tingle in a long time.



                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          I smoked the occasional cigarette since I was about 8, and smoked(also used dip) regularly since I was 13. The smoking age in Maryland at that time was 14. I'm not sure how the store clerk was expected to enforce that though :^D


                          • Jason
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 1370

                            Originally posted by lxskllr
                            I smoked the occasional cigarette since I was about 8, and smoked(also used dip) regularly since I was 13. The smoking age in Maryland at that time was 14. I'm not sure how the store clerk was expected to enforce that though :^D
                            That's a strange age limit. :? I agree about the enforcement, also; not a whole lot of 14 year-olds running around with I.D.s.


                            • Pus
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 61

                              Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                              Go to this link,

                              scroll near the bottom of the page and click on

                              SNUS AND ABSOLUTE ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION

                              read it for yourself
                              Is that SnusOn's version of the famous Rick Roll? :P You still make me tingle though.

                              I'm surprised by the ages of some when they started using tobacco, like I started around when I was 14 at this "LAN", it's basically where a lot of kids come together and play videogames. And I must say having a pris in front of the computer is almost, I say almost, better than having sex.

                              Might make me sound like a massive nerd but if you're a gamer you'd understand 8)

                              Anyways, thanks for all the great responses, glad to see people don't judge by the age.


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