However, It´s good to know that this "shit" ain´t healthy :wink:
There's a lot of things which aren't healthy. I'm actually tired of people who's really against tobacco-use when they say "imagine having that thing up there, what it does to your teeth or gums".
- Have they ever though of what ex. a piece of chocolate would do to it if you did the same with it up there?
I don't see it as "unhealthy", but then again that's my view. Compared to smoking, well we don't even have to discuss that.
Have to join the "I screwed up early" crowd. Took my first puff at the ripe age of 6, and was doing a pack a day at 10. Even with snus, I'm still smoking. If snus keeps you off smoking....go for it!! Quitting snus is much less a problem than quitting smoking...which really sucks!!
Here's some chemical facts about nicotine.
This article is from, and is a very neutral source that not only talk about the negative...
These are synopses of research studies from on the use of snus and the health-related issues The full listing of research links on...