snuses for a flavor junkie

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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    snuses for a flavor junkie

    I want to switch from heavy american spit-tobacco use to snus use, but I love flavors.

    my friend came back from south africa with this legendary "snus" product. he brought back some traditional stuff that was "salty" flavored, which I hated, and lucky strike brand(stangely not available in the US) which just tasted like tobacco, and was good. shortly after, camel snus became available to me, and I liked the "spice" flavor, but the stuff is expensive for 15 pouches per tin.

    I like apple, peach, vanilla, and classic skoal. I know that many of you think my tastes childish- but I don't see a reason why I shouldn't have something that tastes good(I'm still a candy addict) and get a pleasant buzz too.

    Where should I start? I prefer pouches, but could use loose too. I don't like the salty quality, I like sweetness. I'm afraid of ordering high quantities of something I won't like- so what do you suggest for me?
  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    oh and also nicotine content is a concern for pouches- I like to have big lips, or skoal size pouches(not bandits) which are rather large.


    • toekuttr
      • Jul 2008
      • 197

      I'd recommend trying V2's products like Offroad and Phantom. Not only is it real Swedish snus as opposed to Camel, but they offer some of the flavors you mentioned and then some. V2's are also the lowest priced snussei and come in both Lös and portion styles.


      • inge-liv
        New Member
        • Nov 2008
        • 5

        I just hate Phantom and Offroad, but i guess you should try them yourself before you make up your mind


        • RobsanX
          • Aug 2008
          • 2030

          I'm not sure about Offroad and Phantom, but all Swedish snus I've used had salt in it. All I can say is that it's something you get used to...


          • burningcow422
            • Nov 2008
            • 183

            I was in your same position. My favorite dip was skoal mint, grizzly wintergreen, cope LC, and grizz straight. I bought some offroad wintergreen longcut and it smells like american dip but the taste is a little blander. But I really like it and when I want to be reminded of dip I'll just pack a lip of offroad long cut the way I used to do it and spit. I kind of like it more than dip. But the american tobacco has more artificial flavoring I guess so the flavor won't be as pronounced in snus. I found that there was a transition period when I switched over. But you get used to it and I'm really enjoying snus a lot more than I did with dip.

            In terms of mint pouches I'm really liking the elyxr peppermint. If you like mint tea you'll love it. Subtle natural minty flavor. Again nothing like skoal mint though.

            my 2 cents. hope this helps.


            • deebocools
              • Nov 2008
              • 661

              I appreciate the help- I ordered some offroad stuff to imitate my current usage a bit, and some more traditional stuff that I might come to like.

              regardless of my tastes, I would like to get away from all the sugars in american dip, for the sake of my gums (holding sweet flavored skoal in your lip is like having a packet of sugar there). There really is no reason they can't take down the sweetness, or use artificial sweetener. Though the cancer risk might be overstated, it's still an obvious no-no for general dental health(which for me isn't so good to begin with)

              again thanks for the pointers


              • justintempler
                • Nov 2008
                • 3090

                I'm new to snus. I think the saltiness gets less noticable over time, it's an aquired taste. I'm really liking General White Portion Wintergreen.


                • ponysoprano
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 562

                  you rike fravor? you try Jakobsson's Icefruit? Beddy much fravor, rast rong time!


                  • holnrew
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 613

                    If you lke the flavour of ass.


                    • TropicalBob
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 316

                      I'll second the motion to try General Wintergreen. Also CatchDry Peppermint. Both are sold in the States in numerous tobacco stores, so they're easy to get.

                      Offroad Coffee/Vanilla is tolerable -- most of the time. None of the other Offroad offerings qualify as "tasty" to me. Mocca Pomegranate is good, but I wouldn't call it sweet.

                      But after too many sweet offerings, I return to Lucky Strike or Pall Mall.


                      • ponysoprano
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 562

                        Originally posted by holnrew
                        If you lke the flavour of ass.
                        whoa now holnrew!

                        I enjoy Icefruit very much ["beddy beddy" much]. I can't testify to the flavor of ass though. I actually dig J's Icefruit more now than when I first tried it. I wasn't a big fan, but I found a can left over from a mid-summer order in the freezer and I'm really liking it.


                        • airwoodstock
                          Banned Users
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 340

                          Originally posted by ponysoprano
                          Originally posted by holnrew
                          If you lke the flavour of ass.
                          whoa now holnrew!

                          I enjoy Icefruit very much ["beddy beddy" much]. I can't testify to the flavor of ass though. I actually dig J's Icefruit more now than when I first tried it. I wasn't a big fan, but I found a can left over from a mid-summer order in the freezer and I'm really liking it.
                          Offroad's Icemint lös is awesome as well! I kinda think this is how Jaobsson's Icefruit would taste if they would make it in lös version!

                          .........hint......hint Jimmy! :wink:


                          • deebocools
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 661

                            roda lacket loose and the black grov portions arrived(the others are on back order)

                            after feeling I've had enough time to evaluate this:

                            the grov black portions are okay. It's true that you get used to the saltiness- and even start to crave it when your mouth waters from conditioning like pavlovs dogs. I won't order these again- but they get the job done. I found that the nic hit is more impressive if I push on the pouch to loosen it up before I put it in.

                            I really hate the taste of Roda Lacket- it's like sucking on salted flowers. I got loose to "pack a lip" like I'm used to with dip, but no matter how hard I try to hand bake it and press it into either top or bottom lip, it turns into total snus-mud eventually and really disgusts me. This is unlike american dip, which even when fine-ground holds its form and can be pulled out in one clump later.

                            feeling the portion in my lip is much more gratifying- which sucks because I wanted to get better value with loose. but I'll find my favorite portion, I'm sure.

                            Next order will be lucky strike regular and stong because I remember liking it. They did a good job having it taste like fermented tobacco without being so.

                            I'm still using a lip of american dip for every 3 snuses I use. I switched to a brand I don't like, kodiak mint(tastes like detergent), but I'm still on the stuff. I'm in an interesting position as I've only smoked one while cigatette in my life, so I thought I'd share what its like for an exclusive smokeless user to quit dip.


                            • holnrew
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 613

                              Originally posted by AirWoodstock
                              Originally posted by ponysoprano
                              Originally posted by holnrew
                              If you lke the flavour of ass.
                              whoa now holnrew!

                              I enjoy Icefruit very much ["beddy beddy" much]. I can't testify to the flavor of ass though. I actually dig J's Icefruit more now than when I first tried it. I wasn't a big fan, but I found a can left over from a mid-summer order in the freezer and I'm really liking it.
                              Offroad's Icemint lös is awesome as well! I kinda think this is how Jaobsson's Icefruit would taste if they would make it in lös version!

                              .........hint......hint Jimmy! :wink:
                              I think he said there were legal issues as to why they can't make Jakobsons in loose.

                              As for the ice fruit flavour, I loved it at first, but then it just got too bitter for me. And lets not discuss how I know the flavour of ass ops:


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