Enjoying my last bit of snus...

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  • Soliex
    • Jul 2008
    • 58

    Enjoying my last bit of snus...

    Well. I'm sitting here enjoying my last crumbs of lös, don't know if I will order more or not.

    I really enjoyed using snus at first but it just does not give me that rush that I enjoyed and really used snus for. I might order some more down the road, but for now I'm going to let my mouth heal up and let my tolerance for nicotine die down.

    Only used it for about 4 months on a regular basis.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    It's probably better you don't get more. If you're not stuck on nicotine now, I'd just back away while you still can. Good luck whatever your decision :^)


    • snusfather
      • Jun 2008
      • 227

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      It's probably better you don't get more. If you're not stuck on nicotine now, I'd just back away while you still can. Good luck whatever your decision :^)
      Good advice.


      • Pus
        • Nov 2008
        • 61

        Well, of course the "rush" dies down after a while.

        But if you aren't in "BIG NEED OF" snus or nicotin, I say stop.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Good luck, Soliex!

          After 4 months of snusing you shoudn't have any problems. And yeah, for everyone who's looking for a rush, there are better (legal) drugs with less of a "habituation-effect" and less addictiveness. Which makes me think that it's time to make a coffee.



          • Ainkor
            • Sep 2008
            • 1144

            Re: Enjoying my last bit of snus...

            Originally posted by Soliex
            I'm going to let my mouth heal up

            Only used it for about 4 months on a regular basis.
            Just curious what you meant by that? I have been snusing for over 2 months and haven't had any issues, just curious



            • Soliex
              • Jul 2008
              • 58

              I have a small little squarish "hole" in my upper gums where I placed my snus. It's dimensions are like 2mmx2mmx0.5mm about the size of one of those clicker pen tops, the part where you click to write. Heh, cant explain that any better.

              And on the other side of my mouth where I would rotate to, right by my k9 tooth where the tooth meets the gum is very sore and looks like the gum line is receding there.

              I would post photos but I can never get a good shoot of inside my mouth.

              I might order a tin or two of skruf lös and only use it when im at home. I dont use lös outside of my house and I just love using snus while playing my video games :P


              • ponysoprano
                • Jul 2008
                • 562

                I've been using snus daily since June '08. I'm still smoke free, haven't even craved one of the lil' bastards. I notice too now, that my snus consumption reached a high plateau around August '08 [about 1 portion can daily] and has since died down to about 10 portions. I initially thought this might be due to my daily use of about 1 gram of nasal snuff, but there are days where I don't use snuff here and there. I no longer put a portion in to fall asleep, and no longer need one first thing in the AM.


                • kendonagaskinny
                  New Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 7

                  Only "problem" i have had so far, after a few months of snusing, has been a sort of dryness where i usually keep my snus in the top lip.

                  It obviously isn't dry as such as well its in my mouth! It feels a bit wrinkly, most likely due to the salt......only thing is when i don't have a portion or pris in i struggle to keep my tongue away from the area! It is as though i'm revisiting childhood and loosing a tooth again :lol:


                  • Grim
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 850

                    My only problems when i first started snusing were similar as to when i first started dipping.

                    They were very very sore, red, inflamed, irritated, almost to the point where I was worried.

                    But as with dip it healed and i switch locations each time i snus.

                    I havent had any problems since the first 2-3 weeks of snusing,.


                    • crx
                      New Member
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 3

                      Good luck, and good choice to stop before you get really hooked, I tried to stop after 15 years.....and that did not work.....so now I've past 25 years of using, and no, I have no plans of trying to stop again .....


                      • sarahjs
                        New Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 2

                        i seem to be doing ok, the normal portions hurt and make my face look weird so i use the minis and rotate each time.


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