crinkled lips = dry mouth?

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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    crinkled lips = dry mouth?

    the main difference I've found with american dipping tobacco and snus is sugar vs. salt being added(with exceptions).

    I was a little upset, after my first weekend of exclusive snus use, my upper and lower lips(I rotate, like a clock) were pretty quickly "wrinkled" and slightly inflamed. this never happened to me with dip.

    I've heard of this before, and assumed it was the salt in snus drying out my lips. This obviously happens to some and not others- just physiological differences I suppose. anyhow, It occured to me that my mother used to use medicated "dry mouth" toothpaste, so I went and picked some up.

    After using it in the morning, and now after my first meal, the wrinkling in my lower lip is completely gone and it feels fresh enough to pop one in, the upper lip feels better too(but isn't so quickly repairing)

    So for anyone who has this trouble, try dry mouth toothpaste. Let us know if it works for you, because we don't want people smoking or dipping because snus hurts their lips!
  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    Your mouth will eventually adapt to the salt content of snus. When I first started, the area where I placed portions would become wrinkled and be uncomfortable. To fix this problem, apply chap stick or petroleum jelly (Vasoline). In time, you will not even notice any drying of the mouth.


    • holnrew
      • Jul 2008
      • 613

      The skin on my lips are peeling like crazy at the moment, I'm guessing it's the cold weather with the snus. I might start wearing lip gloss.


      • jackolantern
        • Dec 2008
        • 198

        Originally posted by snusjus
        Your mouth will eventually adapt to the salt content of snus. When I first started, the area where I placed portions would become wrinkled and be uncomfortable. To fix this problem, apply chap stick or petroleum jelly (Vasoline). In time, you will not even notice any drying of the mouth.
        Do you mean apply it to the mucus membrane inside of your mouth? Doesn't it just wash away?


        • sychodelix
          • Dec 2008
          • 280

          Chap stick washes away after a while but no, petroleum jelly is oil based and it'll stay until you brush your teeth to get rid of it. I've found carmex works great for sore gums (don't have them much anymore) if you rub in on your gums. Any kind of medicated lip balm should help a lot.


          • bearcat87
            • Nov 2008
            • 400

            Ewww. Carmex tastes like shit. I would rather bleed from the gums and stick snus up my nose. :P


            • weelp
              • Dec 2008
              • 21

              I had the same problem.

              you might wanna try "pain relief neosporin," it works great for me. helped my lips recover quickly and also stopped the irritating feeling of chapped lips.


              • Talneharus
                • Dec 2008
                • 49

                There are remedys for that? Lol i thought you were just supposed to tough it out :lol: .


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