hello everyone new to the forums, please be easy lol, and just had a few questions, hopefully someone can help. I smoked for 10+ years, dipped occasionally and quit six months ago. Long story short its been six months and i never slipped once but still think about nicotine. smoking to me is nasty now and stinks. My girlfriend still smokes and i cant stand the smell anymore, i never want to smoke again. ever since quitting smoking though i get irritated alot and kinda anxious. thinkg about starting to use snus again. i live in ohio and triumph is around here which i used to occasionally do and liked alot. never had real sweedish snus. i dont ever want to smoke again and work out and run alot now. dont want to dip either. if i start snusing is it going to make me want to smoke again? im just more calm and less irratated when using nicotine. thanks for any replies.
new member, few questions???
Welcome to the forum and congrats on dropping the cigs! Many people (me included) have used snus to quit smoking and keep from going back. I smoked on and off since I was 14 (doing the math makes it 40+ years). With the Swedish products, I was done with smokes within a week and have not gone back. Sorry, I have not had the chance to try Triumph so can not tell you the difference. I did start with Camel and can tell you that they are in no way the same. Hands down, the Swedish Snus is (for me) a much better product. With Camel I still wanted to smoke and did. Not enough nic for me. Ordered some snus from Northerner and haven't looked back.
Good luck.
I was a 20 year 1-1/2 pack a day smoker, and I quit using snus. It took me about a month to be 99% smoke free (sometimes I have one at the bar), and I have absolutely no craving to smoke (unless I'm at the bar :wink: ).
From what I've heard, Triumph is a Swedish snus flavored to suit the tastes of Americans. I've never tried Triumph, but people say it's very different from traditional Swedish snus.
Since you're off tobacco completely for 6 months, if you're really going to go back to it, I'd start with an American snus before investing yourself in the Swedish experience.
Being in Ohio, I'd suggest Triumph(either flavor)over Camel or Tourney.
I don't know if Skoal snus is available here yet, but I haven't heard anything flattering about that either. Camel is what I got started on, and it's ok for what it is, but awful pricey for what you get. Tourney is pretty awful stuff.
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