snus is helping me quit smoking!

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  • SouthTexas
    • Jan 2007
    • 28

    snus is helping me quit smoking!

    I made a deal with myself that when my snus came I would quit smoking and dipping and only snus if I liked snus. I really like it!

    So far I've got a day and a half without any smokes or dip, and it's been pretty easy with the nicotine getting delivered by snus. The only time it's rough is right after eating. I really want to light up then. What is it about wanting to smoke after eating? I get a big portion of Skruf Stark loose and wait a few minutes and the craving for smoke goes away. Not as immediate as smoking, but if I allow myself to smoke after meals I'll be smoking and dipping and snussing.

    The only two brands I've tried is the loose Skruf and the Goteborgs Rape' #2 white portions. I like them both at different times. The nicotine effect is faster with the Skruf. The #2 is good but not as strong. I thought it would be sweeter, but I can only distinguish a very slight sweetness. Skoal apple is like eating apple flavored taffy it's so sweet. Copenhagen seems stronger than the Skruf, but seems to have a different nicotine effect. I like the snus slow and steady effect and it really feels almost euphoric around my chest area if this makes sense.

    I've had no problem with making a portion, especially after refrigerating the snus. I love the cold feeling on my lip when you first put it in. My upper lip burned quite a bit. More than I thought it would. If I put it in my lower lip it wouldn't but I know this will stop and in a wierd way I kinda enjoy the burning. Makes me know the snus is working.

    Only problem I am having is the snus getting stuck between my front teeth after 20 or 30 minutes. I'm gona have to carry a toothbrush around for a while so I can brush the snus away after spitting the snus out.

    It seems like I am snusing almost constantly right now. A lot of it is because I'm such a nicotine fiend. I'm OK with this. I snus the loose then spit it out and snus a bag then go back to the loose. loking forward to Northerner's shipment to get here with more variety and the pris master. I will be making another order and throwing in the icetool before long!

    That's about it for now. Ciao!
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Good work, man, keep it up. Seriously, for the reasonably nicotine fix you get from snus it's just not worth your health to keep killing yourself with smokes and dip. Happy snusing, dude. 8)


    • marspatukka
      • Dec 2006
      • 38

      Re: snus is helping me quit smoking!

      Originally posted by SouthTexas
      especially after refrigerating the snus.
      Thanks for the reminder, haven't freezed my ice tool for a while. I recommend all ice tool-owners to try it, feels pretty damn good!


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        A nice pris of snus taken directly from the freezer is also very nice - it doesn't freeze solid, but is just a very thick, cold version of snus. It makes great prillas and the feeling as it warms and the flavour comes out is great. 8)


        • Cap'n SnusBeard
          • Jan 2007
          • 59

          Re: snus is helping me quit smoking!

          Originally posted by SouthTexas
          Only problem I am having is the snus getting stuck between my front teeth after 20 or 30 minutes. I'm gona have to carry a toothbrush around for a while so I can brush the snus away after spitting the snus out.
          Haha, I knows it. I think that since I've been using the loose stuff I must be getting through mouthwash just as fast as I'm getting through snus!

          As for keeping your snus cool, I have a little secret: One of these! It's a USB powered drinks cooler that I bought a while back to aid my other addiction (cola!) and, lucky me, it's just the right size for a can of snus! Keeps my Ettan nice and chilled during those long sessions at the computer.


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            I find if I'm using portion snus I tend to put the snus on one side or the other of my upper lip - in the pouch to the side, if you know what I mean. But with loose snus, I get a nice, solid pris rolled and then dry my upper lip by wiping it on the back of my hand - then put the pris just under the center of my upper lip and give it a bit of a push with the tip of my tongue to put it in place. The bit of skin under the lip sort of chops it in half, but if you just leave it, it tends to stay in place and not dissolve - not poking it with your tongue is the key. I find that putting loose snus on one side or another also tends to start dissolving the pris further back in the mouth where there's more saliva and I get goopy loose snus running down the back of my throat, whereas with it up front in the middle it tends to stay put.


            • Dave***t
              • Aug 2006
              • 104

              Snus is the most effective aid for quitting smoking I've come across personally or heard of from others. Which makes the EU ban all the more laughable. Good on you for getting off the cigarettes. I found that Skruf Stark was just about strong enough to keep me off the cigarettes to begin with, but after a while is was no longer necessary. Now I'm content with whatever snus I feel like even when drinking, and just use Skruf if I fancy it. If you need something strong, I gather that Nick & Johnny is stronger still.

              Stick with it and you'll be painlessly off the smokes within no time. Snus - it works!


              • SouthTexas
                • Jan 2007
                • 28

                Well it's been 4 days now since switching from smoking to only snusing. I realized today my sense of smell along with taste is returning already. I can now smell ciggarette breath on other smokers and can tell if they smoke in their car or not. I can also smell the rain once again. All this in only 4 days! Wow!

                No smokes, not even one, and I have not had any nicotine withdrawal symptoms I am aware of. No snapping at people or difficulty sleeping. I do feel a little more energetic. The interesting thing is I have noticed snus is a very potent appetite depressant. So much that i have to spit out my snus before lunch or diner time or else I will forget to eat until I'm absolutely starved and realized I've skipped a meal. That's pretty odd.

                I'm pretty happy with the whole snus thing so far. Am feling a little apprehensive because my shipment from Northerner has yet to arrive, although my smaller shipment from Buysnus got here Saturday. I'd hate to run out now!


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  :lol: the first snus-panic... I know the feeling. When I went to sweden last march I brought back my first two tins of Grov Snus and by the time I realised how fantastic it was I was running out and scrambled to order some in a big hurry. When I finally did run out I bought what was to be my last pouch of cutters choice just to get my nic fix and was revolted - I didn't even want to smoke anymore, I just desperately wanted my snus to arrive! Been smooth sailing since. Had one or two rollups since then when I've been plastered drunk, but never had any urge to keep smoking, even after having one months later. Snus all the way :twisted:

                  They say smoking a pack a day gives you the same cardiovascular load as carrying around a loaded golf bag or big sack of potatoes with you. You'll definitely notice your breating and endurance improve - that's why the swedes are such good hockey players, they're snusing on ice :lol: Keep it up, man 8) 8) 8)


                  • Cap'n SnusBeard
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 59

                    Originally posted by SouthTexas
                    The interesting thing is I have noticed snus is a very potent appetite depressant. So much that i have to spit out my snus before lunch or diner time or else I will forget to eat until I'm absolutely starved and realized I've skipped a meal.
                    Hah, I've noticed that exact same thing! Over the last month I've had a few occasions where I've only eaten half my dinner and have had to go back to it later, whereas yesterday, in my rush to get out of the door, I forgot to take a tin of snus with me (THE HORROR!) to uni and ended up eating more than should be humanly possible throughout the course of the day. Odd stuff.


                    • punkka
                      New Member
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 11

                      I also can say that in this last week , sicne I started with snus, I have much lower apetite and it also shows on my thinner waist and smaller ass. Yuppiiiii


                      • think
                        • Aug 2007
                        • 21


                        Nicotine is an appetite suppressant (this I know, what follows is speculation). I think that the craving is so strong after eating because your body gets used to you telling it that it's full with that cigarette (which often tastes better than most as well). Snus gives you a very high does of nicotine for an extended period of time; hence the lowered appetite overall. I am not an expert, but this makes sense to me.

                        I am currently waiting on my first order from Northerner right now, and plan to quit smoking when they arrive. Congrats on quitting, I know it's tough.


                        • SkYYDoGG
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 23

                          I am very excited about this thread.
                          So much in fact that I replied, and wrote a whole 23 chapter book.
                          I will save the book and publish it some other time, but for now I will just say that this thread will be like a forum within the forum for me. I hope no one minds if I post here a lot. Kinda like group therapy for smokers to me, just reading the posts.

                          I have smoked and dipped for over 20 years.
                          Skoal has not hit my bottom lip since the first snus hit my top about a month ago.
                          Still smoking, but am down to about 1/3 normal, and I am not even trying (yet).

                          Didn't realize it so much till I read this thread, but out of the 4 or 5 snack items that I put in my lunch every day, 3 or 4 of them come back home every night now. Hey with the money I save on grocery's I can now get myself an Icetool without the wife complaining.
                          :!: :shock: If I could only get my wife snusing now

                          LOVE the USB snus-cooler-keeper. I bought 5000 of them and had the name USB Snus-Cooler-Keeper printed on the side, you can get one at my new website

                          All my support to the snusers putting out the cigarettes!!

                          Jon - enjoying a nice cup of coffee, and a portion of N&J

                          For the record, I have a dry sense of humor, didn't actually write a book, my beautiful wife is not overweight, and am not selling the snus-cooler-keeper.


                          • chainsnuser
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 1388

                            Originally posted by SkYYDoGG
                            For the record, I have a dry sense of humor, didn't actually write a book, my beautiful wife is not overweight, and am not selling the snus-cooler-keeper.
                            Well, nice business ideas, anyway.

                            You would be surprised, that exspecially in Germany, despite of the smoking bans, virtually nothing happens, to make smokeless products more popular.
                            Of course, dip and snus are banned here, due to an idiotic E.U.-law, but chew and nasal snuff are allowed to sell. Yet, you will hardly find a single shop, that, at least, carries a small assortment of smokeless products. You will find nasal snuff (which I don't like) in some shops, but chewing tobacco (which I use occasionally) is almost unavailable. Yeah, I even get my german chewing tobacco from a webshop and even these webshops are only a few. The tobacco industry and the vendors just seem to be sleeping.



                            • The Cook
                              • Aug 2007
                              • 166

                              Snus helped me quit smoking

                              Well, it's true, snus has helped me quit cigarettes. I used to smoke 25 to 30 strong Canadian cigs a day. Then I discovered snus, and I've quit entirely. I'm on day 45 now and nary a craving for the weed. I find snus is much more pleasurable than cigs. All the different flavours and strengths of snus is wonderful. So many brands to try, so many favourites to savour, what can I say that has not already been said?


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