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  • paulwall9
    • Nov 2008
    • 743


    As some of you know ive been snusing los for about 2 weeks now. Also staying off cigs. Well in my upper gums where i keep my snus in the same place on both sides ihave little round sores that r painful is this a normal normal reactionlike people when theyfirststart dippin and if so when will it pass.
  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    I'd mix it up with portions a little bit, they tend to be a bit easier on your gums.


    • mwood72

      Yeah, I find portions less harsh on my gums too (originals more gentle than whites) but some find the opposite and los is better for them. I guess it's what works for you.

      I alternate between top left, middle and right to try and help my gums. Interestingly I've always found the nic hit more intense top middle.


      • RobME
        • Jul 2008
        • 387

        Some soreness might be normal, but sores I don't think are a normal reaction. You might be better off putting your snus on hold until you heal up. Also, that's probably good advice on using portions. Strictly my non-expert opinion.

        Seems like a good time to switch into snuff taking.


        • StarWing
          • Aug 2006
          • 124

          Originally posted by mwood72
          Yeah, I find portions less harsh on my gums too (originals more gentle than whites) but some find the opposite and los is better for them. I guess it's what works for you.

          I alternate between top left, middle and right to try and help my gums. Interestingly I've always found the nic hit more intense top middle.
          Fascinating... I alternate also, but do recall ever having tried the top middle - if it is more intense, then perhaps I can save the 8 MG portions for the top middle. :idea:


          • mwood72

            Starwing - Do let me know what you think about top middle, would be interested.


            • holnrew
              • Jul 2008
              • 613

              With los it's easy to use a lot, and if you haven't stretched your lip with porton use beforehand it will hurt abit more.

              I don'tfind los any harder on my gums though.


              • bakerbarber
                • Jun 2008
                • 1947

                paul are you using one brand in particular? It may be that you are having a reaction to the flavoring or characteristics of one certain snus.

                change it up. Try a few other brands.

                I've never had an open sore from snus. Do you snus non-stop? Try using skruf stark to get a nic jolt and then give yourself a break.

                The salt is certainly drying out the tissue that it touches a bit. Stay hydrated dude.

                I recommend letting your lip heal up, buying different brands, and having a sterk snus in for less time.


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  Hydrogen peroxide is very effective for treating gum irritation. You can get a bottle for less than ninety cents at most drug or grocery stores. I would put a a few small drops in a cup of water and swoosh the fluids around the irritated area. You will notice relief very quickly. Good luck!


                  • nicotinedream
                    • Oct 2006
                    • 66

                    Sore Gums

                    You got to pay to play.


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