More disinformation

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  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    More disinformation

    You swallow the juice and it causes stomach cancer :shock:

    You Use Snus, You Lose
    Charleston W. Virginia

    It's tobacco that users don't have to smoke or spit, but Bruce Adkins, the Director of Tobacco Prevention with the WV Bureau of Public Health, says this may make snus just as or possibly more deadly than traditional products.
    "It's (the snus) going to cause you to salivate. If you're not spitting, you're swallowing. Obviously, we know from the products we tested here, we're swallowing cancer causing agents if we're using it," says Adkins.

    Snus is becoming a popular alternative for many tobacco users who can no longer smoke in public places due to smoking bans like the ones established in Kanawha County. The product is discreet and can be slipped behind the lip. However, there's no spitting involved in the product's usage.

    "It's a product they can use to continue their nicotine fix," Adkins explains. "But, they also need to know, of course the industry is not going to disclose this type of thing, that these products cause twice the risk of oral cancers, gastric cancers, cancer of the pancreas, thins like that."

    Some products of this spitless tobacco also have to be refrigerated. The tobacco industry says it's for the sake of freshness, but Adkins counters that it may be for another reason.

    "We also know that these cancer causing nitrosamines and carcinogens in these get stronger. They actually increase in the product if they are not refrigerated."

    According to Adkins, snus contains the same amount of cancer causing carcinogens as regular smokeless tobacco. He also says that West Virginia was targeted by some companies as a test market for snus.
  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    this professional should be fired. completely overly simplistic thinking.

    Is it possible that a "cancer-causing agent" in the mouth could be totally dissapated by stomach acid?

    We're not made of clay or magic. different cancers and their causes are not fully understood by childish sense


    • FatLip
      • Oct 2006
      • 31

      Its his job to be such an ass - look he's the 'Director of Tobacco Prevention with the WV Bureau of Public Health'...

      Tobacco PREVENTION!!!

      :roll: :roll: :roll:


      • airwoodstock
        Banned Users
        • Aug 2008
        • 340

        Ya know, the Anti Tobacco Nazi's need something to bitch about since they had thier way with the smoking bans!! :x


        • ponysoprano
          • Jul 2008
          • 562

          at Thanksgiving dinner I put a can of Gotlands Jule and a can of General Onyx in my sister's fridge and periodically removed them to use over the course of the afternoon, between appetizers and a few too many rum and Cokes. My oldest sister [anti-everything] seems to have been the only one who noticed me doing this, aside from my dad, who I've snussed excessively around. My sister said "what is that, anyway?" i told her it was Swedish spitless moist snuff in pouches. "You know that stuff causes mouth cancer right?"
          I said something like "Oh, you know all about Swedish snus? Where did you hear about it now?" she just stared at me, in over her head.
          I quickly informed her about tobacco specific nitrosamines and rattled off some remembered facts about Sweden's oral cancer rate etc. I let loose with a number of online resources where she could find information.
          My brother in law smiled at me and patted her hand condescendingly. It was awesome. 8)


          • nicotinedream
            • Oct 2006
            • 66

            West Viginia Hillbilly......

            WVA is the 4th largest user of tobacco in the USA. This guy is just blowing it in a different way, for his own personal gain.


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              Intestinal or stomach cancer is not correlated with snus usage. These tobacco charlatans need to research their claims if they are going to publish articles like this.


              • deebocools
                • Nov 2008
                • 661

                by this magical thinking, any tobacco farmer who may touch the leaves could develop skin cancer, anyone who gets tobacco smoke in their eyes could develop optical nerve damage, when the stockboy sweeps up an accidental spillage of loose tobacco--- half the bristles on the broom die, etc.


                • jackolantern
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 198

                  This is just another person with an agenda. I just wish the media would stop listening to the "facts" of a "professional" who works for an organization with a publicly printed agenda just so they can be edgy and grab people's attention. I particularly feel for some of the older population who grew up in a time when the news was really there to just report the facts as they knew it, and are not familiar with today's media who are only after ratings for higher-priced ad space. My parents and grandmother all take the word of the news as the gospel. I think they even warned me the other day that the news said criminals were calling your cell phones and hitting buttons when you pick up to steal your credit card numbers. This was all straight from the local news.

                  I have seen several sources online and other places who lump snus in with American snuff, and simply quote the old health-related figures for fermented chewing tobacco-related disease and cancer. They completely ignore the history and trends in Sweden with their blatant lack of tobacco-related health problems compared to their rampant use of snus. After reading the wikipedia entry on snus, there is a MA university (if I remember right) study that showed that cigs have about 125mg nitrosamines each, while a portion snus has about 1mg - 3mg. After looking around some more, I found that is about equal to a fried chicken dinner at KFC. It's laughable, really.


                  • burningcow422
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 183

                    LOL I knew KFC was bad for you. Damn cancer causing deliciousness.


                    • DaFlash
                      New Member
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 3

                      I think it all goes back to the "quit or die" approach approved by the American Medical Association. They don't WANT a drastically less harmful tobacco product to succeed in the US. They want to force tobacco from existence. Politically correct fascism.


                      • justintempler
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 3090


                        The Relative Risks of a Low-Nitrosamine Smokeless Tobacco Product Compared with Smoking Cigarettes: Estimates of a Panel of Experts

                        A nine-membered panel of experts was asked to determine expert opinions of mortality risks associated with use of low-nitrosamine smokeless tobacco (LN-SLT) marketed for oral use. A modified Delphi approach was employed. For total mortality, the estimated median relative risks for individual users of LN-SLT were 9% and 5% of the risk associated with smoking for those ages 35 to 49 and 50 years, respectively. Median mortality risks relative to smoking were estimated to be 2% to 3% for lung cancer, 10% for heart disease, and 15% to 30% for oral cancer. Although individual estimates often varied between 0% and 50%, most panel members were confident or very confident of their estimates by the last round of consultation. In comparison with smoking, experts perceive at least a 90% reduction in the relative risk of LN-SLT use. The risks of using LN-SLT products therefore should not be portrayed as comparable with those of smoking cigarettes as has been the practice of some governmental and public health authorities in the past. Importantly, the overall public health impact of LN-SLT will reflect use patterns, its marketing, and governmental regulation of tobacco products.


                        • Talneharus
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 49

                          Its like the to word tobacco comes up and these "experts" start chuckling like old hens. And the only words in their arssenal is cancer bad, tobacco have cancer, me no like cancer so you no have product. these expert cavemen need to go back under a rock. :twisted:


                          • jackolantern
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 198

                            I'm sorry, it was "part per million" not milligrams. But it still holds true that taking an average portion of snus has about as much carcinogens as a fast-food fried dinner. While that may sound bad, remember that it's the fat and cholesterol that is killing you there. Not really the nitrosamines.


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