Anti-tobacco Retards-PANAT

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  • mjfst
    • Apr 2008
    • 15

    Anti-tobacco Retards-PANAT

    This is probably not worth the bandwidth but it is so asinine that I thought I'd share it. Its quite big so I just posted the link.

    Here are some gems:
    Nicotine is used as a deadly insecticide and the amount of nicotine in four cigarettes taken in one dose would kill an adult

    But yes, maybe nicotine should be available to anyone who benefits from it--just as caffeine is. Or maybe both nicotine and caffeine use should be more closely scrutinized. Many alcohol, heroin, and cocaine addicts say that nicotine was their first 'high'. The feeling from nicotine encouraged them to experiment with drugs that cause more powerful levels of euphoria. Tobacco may indeed be the ‘gateway’ drug.

    We see the overpowering force of addiction in other settings as well. Drug addicts will forfeit custody of their children in order to continue their habit. Often opiate addicts will not eat in order to avoid spending money for food instead of heroin.

    Addicts have lost their freedom, they are enslaved. Certainly some do break their chains and get better but the six million tobacco-related deaths each year are a stark testimony to those who could not free themselves from nicotine.

    Addiction Stronger Than Love

    “Doc, I like (romance), but I love nicotine”.—A.M.

    Many smokers say that nicotine gives them an extremely powerful pleasure sensation. Some say that this feeling is even stronger than the most reinforcing biological sensations!!
    Many addicts will tell you that tobacco was their first drug! Tobacco gave them their first ride on the dopamine rollercoaster!

    There is an enormous volume of scientific research incriminating tobacco as a health hazard and a cause of death. This data is an obvious indictment of those involved in tobacco production, distribution and sale. This causes one to wonder why the use of tobacco is still so prevalent and even increasing in certain parts of the world. Why do governments and international organizations, well aware of its' consequences, allow continued production and access to tobacco? Where are the voices of political, educational and religious leaders on this matter?
    Here we go again lumping smoking with all other kinds of tobacco use. To them all tobacco=evil.

    Let us stomp out the "torches of freedom" and bring something else to light: The eradication of tobacco.
    These people are nutters.
  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    even the "drugs are bad" theory has been thuroughly erroded by this point... any problem caused by maintenance drug-use is a problem of lifestyle and not the drug itself.


    • MN_Snuser
      • May 2008
      • 354

      Re: Anti-tobacco Retards-PANAT

      Nicotine is used as a deadly insecticide and the amount of nicotine in four cigarettes taken in one dose would kill an adult
      The dose makes the poison. Drink enough water and it could kill you.

      To that, if Nicotine is so deadly why can you go to any drug store and see 10 different flavors of nicotine gum? I saw a TV commercial last night for mocha flavored nicotine lozenges(sp).

      My friends, I am of the opinion, that we are watching a war of sorts taking place before out eyes. The fight is between Big Tobacco, and Big Pharma. The war will decide who will control nicotine, and reap the money from the sale of it.

      Smokeless tobacco is Big Tobacco's main weapon in the fight. As shown by the big cigarette manufactures buying smokeless tobacco makers. Altria has purchased UST.(copenhagen,skoal). Phillip Morris has purchased Conwood (grizzly, kodiak). They know that as far as the United States is concerned the cigarette business is a dying business. Smokeless tobacco at this time is the future.

      Smokeless tobacco fell out of favor many many years ago because it was believed that the expectorant (spitting) of smokeless users was a carrier for/of Tuberculosis.


      • mjfst
        • Apr 2008
        • 15

        I never really thought of it that way MN_Snuser. You make really good points-one can only hope the fallout doesn't affect tobacco imports.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          So many of those quotes sound like they came straight off the pages of a D.A.R.E. handbook spliced with info from the NA Black Book.

          U LIEK DRUUUUGS!!! U R DIE!


          • mjfst
            • Apr 2008
            • 15

            So many of those quotes sound like they came straight off the pages of a D.A.R.E. handbook spliced with info from the NA Black Book.

            U LIEK DRUUUUGS!!! U R DIE!
            lmao :lol:



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