My son, who is 14, told me today that in his health class his teacher told them oral tobac is worse then smoking for you. So my son being the good/smartass kid he is informed his class that his father uses a Swedish oral tobac called snus that has the lowest carcinagins (sp?) out of all tobac products. He also informed them Sweden has the highest use of oral tobac in the worl and has the lowest tobac related health issues. :lol: His teacher did send home a note explaining even though he was polite and had good info he should have approched her after class to disc. the topic. :shock: Somedays that boy makes me so proud
This is not the first time he had an issue in school because of the knowlage he learns at home. We also got a note sent home when he had a conversation in his art class about the history and proper use of a hookah he saw in a painting in his text book. :lol:
