Snus & Spots & Sores That Won't Heal

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  • mwood72

    Snus & Spots & Sores That Won't Heal

    Has anyone experienced spots or sores that won't heal from using Snus? I think I read smoking can cause this along with accelerated skin ageing but I was just wondering whether it was the toxins in tobacco smoke, the tobacco itself or nicotine that can cause this?
  • Ainkor
    • Sep 2008
    • 1144

    Re: Snus & Spots & Sores That Won't Heal

    Originally posted by mwood72
    Has anyone experienced spots or sores that won't heal from using Snus? I think I read smoking can cause this along with accelerated skin ageing but I was just wondering whether it was the toxins in tobacco smoke, the tobacco itself or nicotine that can cause this?
    Although I have not been snusing long, I have never had a sore in that general area.

    Like with any health related things, I would suggest seeing a doc. Long term health advice from a forum, especially one with folks like us is a bad thing :P (even though I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!)



    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      I've had rough spots and tender patches in the "high traffic areas", but I haven't had the sores that a lot of people describe. I HAVE had them once or twice in other areas of my mouth, but not in the parts where I ever have a pris.....I don't know why that is other than possibly from biting the inside of my mouth accidently (which I tend to do a lot). :? They hurt for a little bit, but they always go away eventually.

      If you put anything in the same spot repeatedly for long lengths of time, I would say you are more prone to problems like that. With cigarettes, it's definitely the smoke from combustion rather than the actual tobacco and nicotine; I've heard that the skin aging thing is due to the years of smoke robbing your lungs of proper oxygen, which obviously isn't good for the rest of your organs, either...


      • sychodelix
        • Dec 2008
        • 280

        I had a small irritating bump on my gums to one side of the divider once. Honestly, if you just use some warm water with some peroxide and a spoonful of salt in it, it heals up gum problems pretty quickly. My little bump went away in just a day or two.


        • mwood72

          Sorry, I meant spots and sores on the face rather than in the mouth. My mouth tends to be fine as long as I brush, floss and rinse every day. I've had a couple of spots that have come up on my forhead that just didn't go away. I got my doctor to take a look at them as I was worried about them but he said they were just infected spots and gave me some antibiotic lotion used for acne to treat them. This made the bumps go down but darkened skin remains where the spots were. Possibly they are scar tissue? I'm just worried every time I get another one on my forehead it's going to go this way and I'm going to end up with another unsightly mark and wonder whether my snus consumption if responsible for this.


          • jackolantern
            • Dec 2008
            • 198

            I doubt it has anything to do with snus. The only way it could is if some irritant is being absorbed through the veins in your mouth, and it is being carried through the bloodstream to another area. However, if this was the case, it would be 20x worse at the location where the irritants were being absorbed (ie your mouth) because that area would be getting a much larger dose than the small amounts that can be carried through your bloodstream.

            Of course, I am not a doctor, and it is a good idea to notify your doctor of everything you are consuming (medicines, food, tobacco products, etc.) when they are trying to make a diagnosis. However, it just doesn't sound logical that the snus has anything to do with sores on your forehead. Possibly it is pores becoming infected. This can be caused by many things.


            • bearcat87
              • Nov 2008
              • 400

              You might want to try some type of antibacterial cream on your face. Could be bacteria causing something. We have trillions of bacteria on our skin. I know they make perscription cream for the face. Neosporin(sp) might make you break out but it could be worth a shot. Good luck.


              • holnrew
                • Jul 2008
                • 613

                Been under any stress recently?


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by holnrew
                  Been under any stress recently?
                  Of course!! He's been worried about the spots on his face :^P


                  • PennySD
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 47

                    usually goes away in a day or two.

                    what i find funny are smokers that say they can't stand the salt-burn-getting-used-to period when they toughed out the getting-used-to-having-smoke-in-the-lungs period just fine.

                    that said, smoking does look a lot cooler than snusing, though i'd never pick it up.


                    • FatLip
                      • Oct 2006
                      • 31

                      I noticed after I finally quit cigs altogether with snus (after about a year of using both) that suddenly - in the absence of cigs - my skin started to act up as if I was 16 again, acne-like spots would appear and the overall oiliness increased. I attributed this to the healing process that the skin was undergoing to repair years of cigarette damage. I must say that it took a while to settle down, but is much better now. I must also say that my impression is that my face looks a little bit younger since I quit the cigs.
                      Yaay snus!


                      • joe broker
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 54

                        Congratulations! That is a great achievement! I have to tell you, as a non-smoker, one of the most dramatic things I noticed when friends quit was how much better their skin looked and healthier their overall appearance was. Don't be surprised if people start commenting that you're looking better, even if they don't know you quit.


                        • snusjus
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 2674

                          I have noticed my gums will become dry and wrinkly after heavy snus usage. However, the dryness goes away after a short period of time. It's important to maintain proper dental hygiene to prevent gum recession and lesions. If the problem becomes worse, wash your mouth out with water and hydrogen peroxide in the morning and before you go to bed.


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