snus and teeth?

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  • Andy1992
    • Oct 2008
    • 76

    snus and teeth?

    How Does snus effect my teeth?
    in the longer term? and will they be discolored forever?
    the only - it have to use snus for me, is my girlfriend always says to me i gonna get ugly teeth..? is that true? i have used snus for about 4 mounth and i brush my teeth at the morning and when i go to sleep.
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    Tell your girlfriend frequent lovemaking prevents any tooth discoloring or decay.

    Take care of your teeth. Snus won't do much but recede your gums a hair where you use it as long as you have good dental hygiene.

    That's my opinion...


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      ^^^Agreed. Regular dental hygiene should be enough; maybe step it up a notch if you use los more frequently.


      • sychodelix
        • Dec 2008
        • 280

        Honestly, I had messed up teeth before from smoking and grinding my teeth when I was on drugs many years ago. The fact is, snus hasn't made things any worse, and as long as you brush anytime you use loose and at least a few times a day otherwise and you shouldn't have any real problems.


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