Hiccups from snus

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  • realcoolguy
    New Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 2

    Hiccups from snus

    Not every time, but every now and then the snus gives me hiccups. As soon as I put the snus in and swallow, i get minor heartburn then hiccups.

    I'm a new snuser and have only been snusing 1 month. I was out of snus for two weeks and I jsut got my order today. I popped in my maxi-granite and got those damn hiccups again.

    This is my first maxi, my first order was general regular size pouch. But anyway I was wondering if when everyone else here was new to snus, if they got the hiccups too and if they went away with time.

    This is really annoying. I love snus (when it doesnt make me hiccup) and have quit smoking now for 2 months. In my personal opinion it is safer than cigs. But I'm worried that these hiccups won't go away and ruin my snus experience.

    The fact that I got the hiccups after putting in my first snus in after 2 weeks (a maxi too) makes me think this might be because I'm new to the snus and over time I will no longer have the hiccups. Am I the first to report this side effect or have there been others?

    It's nice to be on the forum please welcome me.
  • bearcat87
    • Nov 2008
    • 400

    My brother also gets hiccups. He is not a regular tobacco user but gets them everytime he snuses. I've only given him 10 or less portions but they mess him up and give him hiccups, its quite funny.

    Hope they go away for you!


    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      • Dec 2008
      • 2781

      Welcome to the forum realcoolguy. I used the search feature and came up with this:
      Probably too much nic too fast and maybe on an empty stomach. Never happened to me before.


      • luckysealy
        • Dec 2008
        • 281

        it is from the nic if you ever read the warnings on nic gum it says that one of the side effects is hicups. i get them from snus also, not always but from time to time. spicy food does it to me also. so a trip to the mexican joint and some snus usually do me in.


        • MrAbstracto
          • Dec 2008
          • 389

          I got the hiccups from snus when I first started too, but only the first day or two. I figured it had something to do with my body getting used to the constant dose of nicotine over time as opposed to the big, short duration dose from cigarettes that my body was used to.

          I read somewhere that hiccups were a symptom of a minor nicotine overdose.


          • RobsanX
            • Aug 2008
            • 2030

            I get them sometimes. I used to get them when I smoked, but only right after I ate, and smoked outside in the cold air. So I don't think it has much to do with stomach contents...


            • holnrew
              • Jul 2008
              • 613

              I get them quite a lot, I guess it's something to do with the alkalinity of the baking soda in snus reacting with the stomach acid.

              I'd advise you to drink a lot of water when it happens.


              • luckysealy
                • Dec 2008
                • 281

                i'll be damned if i haven't had the hiccups almost all day today. i blame this thread. :twisted:


                • Jason
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 1370

                  A lot of people seem to have that problem....all I get is the heartburn if I overdo it, but then I have acid reflux problems anyway.

                  I agree that you should drink water; it will also flush the nicotine out of your system quicker.


                  • kweki
                    New Member
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 8

                    Never had a hiccup since I started snusing December 13, 2008.

                    On my first week of snusing, I felt so orgasmic for using 2 portions at the same time that I tucked in another one, thinking it will just elevate the pleasure to a newer level. That night turned out to be the worst night of my life. My hands and feet turned numb, I was sweating cold, and I wanted to puke. I did not hiccuped. Three hours of sickness were all I got. I swear never to do that again (unless my nicotine tolerance increases).

                    I have yet to hear or read anyone doing this, but I frequently steep a portion of snus in my drinks (think: tea). Try soaking and squeezing a non-white General portion in a glass of ice-cold soda (I like Coke best) for a start. Yummy. A snus-laced concoction rarely fails on giving me a good buzz. No hiccups from doing this, too.


                    • sychodelix
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 280


                      Wow. I've never heard of anyone steeping their drink with snus portions.


                      • deebocools
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 661

                        wow, I agree that that is creative and would probably give an excellent effect.

                        someone could even "tea" snus as their only intake.

                        Never got the nic-ups with snus. "nic-ups" is in my list of inherently funny phrases.


                        • kweki
                          New Member
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 8

                          Wait till you try juicing out a portion in a bottle of Red Bull.

                          Strikingly exotic in a good way, but the first time I tried it, it made my legs quiver like two giant vibrators switched to turbo (never used one, btw). I somehow liked the effect, though. A nice thing to do when I have time to kill.

                          (Warning: taking unwarranted levels of nicotine and caffeine is most likely suicide to people who needs to keep their blood pressure and/or heart rate at a low.)

                          I find getting nicotine by this 'un-snus' way gives me a faster (as fast as 5 minutes or less), longer (makes me buzz as long as an hour), and higher (very similar to the buzz I get from alcohol) hit than doing it the traditional way. But, more than its enhanced effects, it is the resulting taste of the drink / food (see below) that settles me to have some every now and then. I will consider sucking a portion like a candy when the desperation for a more speedy nic fix comes (even if it makes my throat and ears feel like a lighted fuse).

                          Well, all these rants have gotten us a bit OT, so to make things straight, I've written the list below.

                          Some foods and beverages I liked / will try with snus 'extract' in it:
                          • - Mad Cow Choco ice-cream (tastes like choco with chili; no hiccup/s)
                            - a shot of Jagermeister (makes a tingly finish; no hiccup/s)
                            - warm / cold, sweetened / flavored / plain, Australian Breakfast / green tea (a squeeze of lemon complements the herbal taste of tea and snus... all good, though; no hiccup/s)
                            - Zero / Diet Coke (a favorite, but Pepsi will do; no hiccup/s)
                            - Sprite, Dr. Pepper, sarsaparilla, etc. (will try these soon; will possibly have no hiccup/s from these)
                            - pasta + Vegemite + butter + herbs + cheese (if it turns out good, it'll make me think how the Aussies adopted ABBA... will only do this for the love of this dish and snus; I better not get a hiccup from this...)
                            - beer (will try on anything but wheat ones... tobacco in a cold, creamy, frothy wheat beer sounds like a grave abomination to a much loved drink; 10 bottles will likely give me hiccups)

                          Now, call me a jerk!!!


                          • holnrew
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 613


                            Snus coke or Red Bull does sound pretty nice.


                            • Paul Jolley

                              nicotine hiccups

                              I read somewhere that hiccups were a symptom of a minor nicotine overdose.
                              I think this is correct, I have found that I get hiccups when I use too many portions in a short space of time. My advice would be to cut back a bit, you know if you have the hiccups from snus that you are getting easily enough nictoine.


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