Wise Snus Info

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  • mwood72

    Wise Snus Info

    Has anyone came across any detailed info on Wise snus?

    I'm assuming it still contains tobacco with it carrying the snuff/snus health warning?

    Is it just specifically TSNAs they've managed to get ultra-low through purfifcation?

    It looks like their website http://www.njette.se/ is down. Not that I can speak Swedish anyway
  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030

    My wife uses Wise, and it's not like traditional snus at all. I don't know anything about how they process it, but it is very dry, almost like they put nasal snuff in a pouch. In fact they say you don't even have to refrigerate it.

    I think it tastes ok, but not like snus. The Vin and Kock snus has no flavor at all. I especially like the Northerner Energy snus. It has a nice mellow honey flavor.


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      It seems like they use bigger "pellets" than other snus. I really like the Northerner Energy also.


      • Jason
        • Jan 2008
        • 1370

        I'd like to know, also.....Wise is one of the few snus people don't seem to know much about. Never tried it myself, since they are mostly (if not all) sterks.


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          That Wise is different.

          And why the hell does it have Maltitol in it..

          I think it's a a NRT that trys to skirt around pharmaceutical laws.

          lxskllr put it better in some other thread I believe, but I've been unable to enjoy anything but the Northerner energy snus they make.


          • mwood72

            Originally posted by bakerbarber
            That Wise is different.

            And why the hell does it have Maltitol in it..

            I think it's a a NRT that trys to skirt around pharmaceutical laws.

            lxskllr put it better in some other thread I believe, but I've been unable to enjoy anything but the Northerner energy snus they make.
            That's odd. Northerner say it's Xylitol. Is Malitol bad? Looking on Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maltitol it sounds similar to Xylitol or Sorbitol which as far as I knew the only downside on was the laxative effect in large quantites? I might be wrong though?

            Northerner say that the Wise Wine & Chef snus doesn't stain your teeth and although it doesn't have a flavour it also doesn't have the nasty bitterness that NRT gum/lozenges have so I ordered some to give it a go as I seem to be unlucky in that regular snus (even white minis) seems to stain my teeth quite badly. Would be good if it didn't stain my teeth as I could wear no flavour as long as I still got a decent nic hit I'll see I guess. I guess the flavoured Wise would stain your teeth if it had flavourings added?

            Take your point on it being related to NRT too. Read something on the web that Wise is so low in TSNAs (even lower than NRT) that they have taken out patents to protect their production processes from the big pharmas.


            • bakerbarber
              • Jun 2008
              • 1947

              yeah Xylitol. I'm pretty sure I just mis-spoke.

              Xylitol is what makes it feel "cool" when it hits your mouth, and is a sweetener. I've seen it advertised in bold print on packs of gum, like "WITH XYLITOL."

              Maltitol is also a sugar alcohol, but has more substance. It's thicker and stickier as a liquid.

              I must have had maltitol on the brain. I was getting quotes on it before New Year's.


              • Snusophile
                • May 2008
                • 531

                It also has aspartame in it!

                The minute I found out, my one and only can of Wise Citrus/Menthol was on a one way flight into the waste basket. Case closed!


                • darkwing
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 415

                  A long time ago I ordered both the citrus menthol and the regular licorice Wise strong, and ended up chucking them out. No tobacco character and an overwhelming fake aspartame flavour, like nicotine-laced Kool Aid powder in a pouch. The only snus I have not enjoyed or used up.


                  • TropicalBob
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 316

                    It sure is different tastes for different folks. I like the Wise Citrus/Menthol snus. And the wine and chef has this tremendous delayed kick to it. I use it first thing in the morning now. Right through coffee.

                    Oddly, the Energy one is the only one I don't like.

                    I'd rummage your trash for Wise cans!


                    • toekuttr
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 197

                      Agreed, I like em but also for different reasons than what I snus for. For me Wise, particularly the Energy, is solely for nicotine satisfaction and a little boost.

                      I don't kick back and enjoy the subtle tobacco notes or appreciate the complexity of the blend, it's just a straight craving killer. Two or three a pop, or one with another snus in the a.m. to wake up.

                      Not quite a snus, imo, but good for what it is and they tend to freshen my breath a bit to boot.

                      edit; oh yeah, like you all said, that little buzz you get from the Energy at first goes away once accustomed, then it's just like a regular cup o joe. Dunno what they put in there for that odd feeling boost....


                      • turbozed
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 15

                        Originally posted by Snusophile
                        It also has aspartame in it!

                        The minute I found out, my one and only can of Wise Citrus/Menthol was on a one way flight into the waste basket. Case closed!
                        Don't like the taste of aspartame?

                        Or are you one of those people who mistakenly believes that aspartame is bad for you?


                        • sychodelix
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 280

                          I think if you did some research, you'd see there's plenty of proof that aspartame is bad for you. There's been thousands of horror stories with the same types of reactions, and usually, as soon as you stop using it, the effects go away.

                          No, it doesn't affect everybody, or everyone in the same way, but for some it can give some pretty nasty side effects.


                          • turbozed
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 15

                            Originally posted by sychodelix
                            I think if you did some research, you'd see there's plenty of proof that aspartame is bad for you. There's been thousands of horror stories with the same types of reactions, and usually, as soon as you stop using it, the effects go away.

                            No, it doesn't affect everybody, or everyone in the same way, but for some it can give some pretty nasty side effects.
                            If you did some research, I think you'll find that aside from anecdotal evidence, there's no research that indicates that normal amounts of aspartame has any effect on the body at all.

                            (copied from another post)
                            "According to the August 2005 issue of Discover Magazine (mind-you, Discover makes no money from either the continued use or halted use of aspartame, thus they have no vested interest or motive to falsify information), research has confirmed that when Aspartame is digested, the methyl-ester bond does indeed break down into methanol (or wood alcohol), which then further degrades into formaldehyde. Both of these substances can be toxic in high doses."

                            If you read the WHOLE article it tells you that you'd have to drink 600...let me spell that out for you. S-I-X H-U-N-D-R-E-D cans of diet soda to get as much of either substance as is contained in a single ORANGE

                            Bottom-line is Aspartame is the single-most studied and clinically tested sweetener available. And not one study has linked it to any harmful effects. Sugar, now that's another story."

                            I understand there's a campaign against aspartame by some in the health community. I think part of the reason for this is that a lot of people automatically associate 'artificial' substances with 'harmful' substances. Nutritional hazards like transfats and olestra were exposed and people seem to want to find simple solutions to their health problems instead of facing the obvious (healthier eating, more exercise). I bet when these people you cite stop drinking diet sodas nonstop and start looking more into their nutrition, it's the latter development that's mostly responsible for them feeling healthier. "It was the asparatame!" they'll say, but science (the only thing that matters in these debates) disagrees.


                            • mwood72

                              Well my impression of Wise Wine & Chef Snus is it just tastes salty. Made me feel a bit sick and there wasn't enough nic (miles better than NRT gum or lozenge though IMHO) but for someone that has been chain snusing Skruf Stark and Claq Qui I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

                              The thing that struck me is if this snus doesn't stain the teeth why was the inside of the lid of my can stained grey from the snus?

                              I soon went back to Skruf Stark Got to admit that's my favourite snus for nic and flavour. I might try a can of Skruf Stark whites with my next order to see if maybe that doesn't stain as much as being white I would imagine it runs even less than the hybrid Skruf standard stark portions.

                              Funny thing was with how discolored my teeth were when I went to the dentist for my last checkup full of dread he said my teeth and gums were "not bad at all", didn't accuse me of using tobacco and got them pearly white with a descale and polish. Guess your teeth couldn't take the kind of abrasion they use regularly to achieve that. Short of a Miswak guess I'll just have to live with some staining as the world 'aint such a great place without my snus Did see someone selling a Colgate toothpaste for the islamic market on Ebay that contained Miswak. Wonder whether that would work. Guess I'll have to try some just out of curiosity sometime.

                              Also saw on the ingredients of the Wine & Chef snus it did mention Mailtol rather than Aspartame/Sorbitol barkerbarber and so I stand corrected on that!


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