UK e-Petition - to press for Snus legalisation within EU

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  • sydb
    • Feb 2007
    • 27

    Seven signatures


    Thanks you guys who signed!

    I hoped we'd have more signatures by now though :-(

    If you know any other UK Snus users, or other forums where UK Snus users hang out, tell them or mention them here. I plan to see if Swedish Match can do anything publicity-wise.

    Also if you have any ideas how to publicise this more, let's hear them. There must be many Snus users who don't know about this forum! I used Snus for six months before finding it myself.

    Zero. thanks for making this sticky. The only reason I put this in the "Snus and online shops" forum was because it is also about "Custom, tax & law issues". However I bow to your wisdom.




    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      True, it does fit with sales and commerce, I suppose...we need a Snus & The Law forum, perhaps :lol:

      I might look into starting a Snus awareness organisation or something at my university when work calms down in a few weeks. See if we can't get the power of a few academics behind this. Imperial College also does medical research...perhaps I can interest some keen new graduate students in an interesting topic for their research 8)


      • littlesilverboxfromwales
        • Mar 2007
        • 118

        I honestly think there are only a TINY number of people in the UK who even know what it is.


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          I have to admit, the most typical response I get is something like "oh, god, that's mingin!" :lol:


          • phish
            • Jan 2007
            • 265

            Originally posted by Zero
            I have to admit, the most typical response I get is something like "oh, god, that's mingin!" :lol:
            Over a millennia of language and culture, and this is what it results in 'that's well mingin init' :P


            • labmonkey
              New Member
              • Jul 2007
              • 6

              I was the 28th signatory - not doing very well so far.

              Personally I don't think this will work, what is more likely to work is spreading the word, pushing the habit and all that. Snus needs more visibility amongst the people and people need to understand it. If there is no great demand, then the the EU wigs are not going to reconsider the ban. But now is the best time to make this product be seen by the people - the smoking ban in England has given the perfect opportunity to raise awareness.

              Gloat and be merry!


              • Craig de Tering
                • Nov 2006
                • 525

                Now the Germans have their own petition.
                Maybe Chainsnuser would care to translate some portions. I understand most of it but not enough to translate.

                Nice banner too..


                • chainsnuser
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 1388

                  Thanks, Craig!

                  I was already planning to mention this petition here on the forum. The problem is, that the petition is not yet accepted by the German Parliament's Petitions Committee. Don't know why. Hopefully they not gonna refuse the petition, just because E.U.-laws are affected.

                  The good thing about german parliamentary petitions is, that every natural person (human being), regardless of age and nationality, can vote :!:

                  I will provide a full translation of the petition's text as soon as it is available. The information-site ( ) mainly says, that after all the new scientific studies about oral tobacco, it is time to lift the E.U.-snus-ban, which was made (politely spoken) while there was a lack of knowledge about the real health effects of snus.

                  BTW, I'm posting in some german snus-forums as 'kettensnuser', which is just the german word for my nick-name here. The webmaster of the snusfreak-forum ( ) even asked once, where you have gone. Your own postings there are very much appreciated.

                  I'm going on a vacation now for a week (without web-access), but will keep you informed in time.



                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    Update: the german snus-petition has been accepted as a simple petition, but was unfortunately REJECTED as an online-petition, which means, that it will be handled but no one can vote.

                    The reasons for the rejection are not yet clarified. The fellow, who originated the petition, thinks, the only legal reason for the rejection could be, that the Petitions Committee does not expect the petition to be successful.

                    Not all german online-petitions are 'politically correct', so I don't have any 'conspiracy-theories' either. It's maybe just, that the idiotic snus-ban sets the actual state of affairs in E.U.rope.

                    I'm sorry.


                    • STORM6490MT
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 138

                      NEI EU!


                      • Craig de Tering
                        • Nov 2006
                        • 525

                        Originally posted by STORM6490MT
                        NEI EU!
                        True dat!
                        The EU is being rammed down or throats. I'm leaving as soon as I can.
                        I don't want a one-size-fits-all global €urocrat government to rule me from afar.
                        There is NOTHING democratic about this abomination.


                        • itchystiches
                          • Oct 2007
                          • 194

                          You know, I'm rather happy that it isn't legitimate in the UK..

                          We all know with regards to cigarettes, alcohol etc... all products which are pleasurable (and therefore taxable) end up with vastly inflated tax rates compared to the rest of Europe....

                          Sweden seems to have a sensible regime going here, plus a sensible rate of tax... I can almost guarantee that if snus was legitimized in the UK, you could kiss ordering from buysnus out the door... HMCE would soon put a stop to that.

                          It'd be like trying to order cigarettes from another EU country online now... practically impossible!



                          • chainsnuser
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 1388

                            BTW, the german petition has finally been discarded due to the fact, that the EU already has some kind of decision making going on in connection with the SCENIHR-study, which has been discussed in some threads here.

                            Itchystitches, aren't smokeless tobacco-products tax-free in the UK? As long as snus, nasal snuff and chewing tobacco stay niche-products, there is a chance, that they will not be taxed. When snus still was sold in Germany, which was until 2002, it was indeed free of tobacco-tax, while cigarettes already were very expensive.

                            Besides of that, a free sale of snus with tax-exemption seems to be just wishful thinking at the moment, in our beloved EU-democratorship.



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