Have any regular drinkers found that if they don't drink for quite a while eg. a week or so their nicotine tolerance drops? I generally put Skruf Sterk away like a Hamster but not having had a drink in a week I'm struggling coping with strong snus!
it might just be a drinking thing...i know when i used to smoke...when i drank i would smoke like Hell was rolled up...but when i wasnt id just smoke normally...maybe you carve it more when you drink and not as much when you dont
i havent had a drink since my crown ran out(a couple weeks) and i only use a normal sized pris or one portion...but when i drink i use 2 or 3 at a time
I find my tolerance is built up by Sunday. I usually do not snus much on Sundays b/c I'm hung over like a bitch. Then on Monday my tolerance is low. It slowly increases throughout the week and on Friday and Saturday I usually go through between 2-2 1/2 cans (a few are given away).
)ive heard hangovers suck...never had one...no i take that back...i woke up the next day after drinking some smirnoff(hate that stuff btw) and had a migraine...felt like my head was empty and midgets were playing dodgeball in there..only felt that for a few minuts because i went back to sleep and woke up about 5 hours later and it was gone...(does that count... :?)
I haven't had a drink in two days. I'm trying to cut down on my drinking significantly to get in better physical shape. On the contrary, I have been using more snus since I quit drinking. This happens because dopamine receptors in the brain, in very basic terms, crave alcohol. In order to stimulate dopamine receptors, nicotine can substitute alcohol and somewhat alleviate alcohol cravings. Have you ever been to an AA meeting? Everyone there smokes like a fiend!
The interaction of nicotine and alcohol produces an exaggerated dopamine response. I'm guessing you build a tolerance to this response, so when alcohol is removed the effect of nicotine is more pronounced.
Back in the day I would put down a pack of smokes and 6-10 vodka drinks and could barely crawl out of bed the next day.
The hangovers were really bad and I would still smoke even if it made me feel sicker.
My snus use while drinking now is about the same as any other day but the
hangovers and next day use are minimal.
I might also add only when I drink do I get really bad cravings for menthol snuff.
Alcohol went through a similar phase at some point in it's career as pact. They decided to tax alcohol and make sure every penny of it was collected....