Snus and its health related effects

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  • Racerei
    New Member
    • Feb 2009
    • 10

    Snus and its health related effects

    Most of the arguments Ive found for the negative effects on health related to Snus come from increases of oral cancer and pancreatic cancer. Most sources claim that Snus "increases your chances of pancreatic cancer by 2-3 times." Now this may seem like a drastic figure, but when you look at the cases of pancreatic cancer, it seems like 90% of the cancer patients are over 45, which doesn't apply to me. Even that being said, double doesn't mean much if the chance is only .000001% , so I decided to do the math:

    Roughly 300,000,000 people living in the untied states
    Figures estimate anywhere from 40,000 to 60,000 cases of pancreatic cancer
    Doing the math that means the chances of getting pancreatic cancer lie somewhere in the .00016% range
    Of that being a Tobacco user grants me a rough .0003-5% chance

    Now I realize this leaves out many factors, but either way, how can that be a valid argument against Snus? I could easily show how eating fast food is more unhealthy than using Snus on a daily basis.

    Also i was wondering what your thoughts were on obesity and Snus use, I read a small study stating a link to obesity in sweden to Snus. What are your thoughts on how "Healthy" snus is for human consumption?
  • MrAbstracto
    • Dec 2008
    • 389

    If snus causes weight gain, then its another reason why its better for me. I'm 6'1" and weigh 140 lbs lol.


    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      i agree it would help me to lol im 5'9
      and weigh i 145ish


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        I've gained about 25 pounds since I started using snus 2 years ago. But I know it is unrelated. Ever since my ex and I split, my eating habits are all out of whack.


        • harpdog
          • Jan 2009
          • 114

          I started a thread on a tech support forum that have an off topic section.

          I posted a thread titled 'any smokers in here?'

          I then went on to describe snus in terms of harm reduction eg. snus vs cigs

          I mentioned all the benefits of the low toxins, nitrosmines, price, no second hand smoke etc etc.

          A few smokers replied saying they would give it a go.

          Then a die hard anti tobacco evangelist came in saying NO Snus is bad for you it is cancerous etc and copy pasted quotes from lacent reports.

          The most recent being the one whereby they attributed snus to doubling the chances of pancreatic cancer of a never smoker.

          I subsequently found out that of that report 7 of the 12 snus users who got mouth cancer were actually smokers as well. So the other 5 may have gotten cancer anyway just by going on the normal statistics.

          the evangelist would not back down even though I stressed the topic of the thread was harm reduction snus vs cigs. not snus vs never smoking.

          I have no faith in the recent lacent report I think it is inconclusive. In fact there are other scientist who write articles for lucent that have clearly stated that the life expectancy of a smoker quitting is the same as a smoker switching to snus.

          Either way I dont care, I have already been given a second chance after 13yrs of daily drinking and drugging, 11 yrs sober now, I have to have one vice and that is nicotine oh and women when i am lucky.


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