Uncle salty

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  • littlesilverboxfromwales
    • Mar 2007
    • 118

    Uncle salty

    With all the media attention about the large amount of salt us fatties in the western world are consuming, should snussers be mindfull of the amounts of salt found in our snus?
  • Craig de Tering
    • Nov 2006
    • 525

    I don't know how much salt a can of snus contains but I don't think it's a meaningful amount. It's mostly tobacco and water. Some mineral water and sports drinks may have more. Besides, smoking's still much worse for your health.


    • littlesilverboxfromwales
      • Mar 2007
      • 118

      I just worked it out, it's less than 1g per can of portions. I think "they" advise 7 g per day. Thats ok, we are all fine 8) Just checking :lol:
      Damn they should put this stuff on prescription. 8) 8)


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Hey, I'm living 3 km away from a street, that has an old pre-german name, which means "saltway". It once was maybe the most important street in whole Europe. 2000 or maybe even 3000 years ago, salt was balanced with gold! Today it is a small road with many potholes

        Apart of that, I've never heard anything about salt being a rare good, nowadays. So many salt-deposits have been found underground, in the meantime, all over the world.

        Could this media-attention be some kind of hype, or so to say, only brought up by british reporters, due to a lack of "real news"? I'm not sure. BTW, german reporters do so, very often!

        As to the snus, I too guess, the salt content is quite high, but certainly doesn't count in this regard.



        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          Aye, I think a german pretzel has about a thousand times the amount of salt as snus does...you could practically mine the stuff from those things :lol:


          • littlesilverboxfromwales
            • Mar 2007
            • 118

            Mmmmmmmmm food....give me :shock:


            • Blashi
              New Member
              • Apr 2008
              • 3

              Salt is 3 % of each portion (bag) of snus.


              • Dead Rabbit
                • Mar 2008
                • 315

                Lack of salt once almost killed me. I was working concrete in a 100 degree summer day. I went into a store for something to drink, my legs went out and i fell into a candy display like Chris Farley (thank God, not while I was driving). My face and legs were paralyzed for about eight hours. The ambulance ride and the IV that they gave me was euphoric though. It felt like I was living a Pink Floyd song. I was a floating head with no spatial awareness of my body. I asked the ambulance guys what kind of drug they gave me and they laughed and said this is what it feels like when you lose your salts, over heat and then get replenished again.


                • skruf_mcgruff
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 267

                  I know a bit about nutrition but I do not know how much is in a portion of snus, but just from the size / taste I really can't imagine there being as much salt as even a portion of a cracker or something.


                  • STORM6490MT
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 138

                    i screwed up and made a new topic instead of a reply to this. its SALT CAN BE GOOD


                    • STORM6490MT
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 138

                      Well, if you don't have salt you will die. True, Americans consume way too much sodium. We are eating the wrong types of salt. Most of the salt consumed is chemical sodium chloride found in processed foods and drinks.

                      If you could cut out the processed foods in your diet you would be way better off. Sodium levels are only one part of the poison.

                      One 12oz can of Pepsi has around 30 grams of sodium. An average 45gram tin of snus has about 3% salt or 1.35 grams of sodium.

                      So, you will need to consume a little more than 22 tins of snus in order to attain the same level of sodium as in one Pepsi.

                      Pretty freaking sketchy. You are what you eat. Eat shit and you know.....

                      Now to the Pro side of the FIFTH ELEMENT.. Real salt can help your health considerably. Your system needs sodium to function properly. I use Himalayan salt that is millions of years old and has about 100 different minerals in it. It's expensive for salt but you don't need that much salt. For cooking I use sea salt. The white salt you buy at the store is garbage and does more harm than good. Think of it as white refined sugar. It may be named sugar but you know it's not good for you.

                      Anyway, I'd worry more about the poisons in our food than the salt used in snus..



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